لا يبالي المشاعر
العوبته انا صدي
حب التسالي
يتصل حسب مزاجه
إذ يزيد من غروره
كيفما شاء اسرعي
الآن تعالي
امتلك عشق الفؤاد
لم يعد لنا تمالك
قد خطفني بخفه
اصابني وهن من
ثورتي ضده تداري
الهوي له رصاصه
الغرام إذ بدايه
حينما يأمر يكن
الغضب نار كفاني
صمت حالي
الغزل دوما يقل
انت حلالي
اشتكي صبري خداعا
من خيالي
طالما لاينقطع له
لايرد إلا خبر عن
ا نفصالي
انتفض حان نبأ
انتصاري للكرامه
لايبالي المشاعر
لا يبالي
العوبته انا صدي
حب التسالي
يتصل حسب مزاجه
بقلم الشاعر،، سمير شراويد
He doesn't care, he doesn't care about feelings, he doesn't care about shame, I'm the echo of the love of entertainment, he communicates according to his exalted mood, as he increases his arrogance, condescension as he pleases, hurry now, come, possess the love of the heart, my occupation, we can no longer control my tolerance, he snatched me lightly, he picked me up, he struck me with weakness from my illness, my revolt against him, I manage my passion, his passion, his bullet, my assassination of love. When my confusion begins when he orders, my compliance is like anger is the fire that suffices me My current silence, flirting always says, You are my permissibility. My patience complains. A deception from my imagination. As long as my contact with him does not stop, he only receives news of my separation. I rose up. It is news of my retirement. My victory for dignity. My departure. He does not care about feelings. He does not care about his faults. I am my friend. The love of entertainment communicates according to his mood. Excellency. Written by the poet,, Samir Shrawid.
شريط مع نص متحرك
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<b><font face="Kunstler Script" size="4" color="#FFFF00"><br><marquee bgcolor="#0000FF" لايبالي.. للشاعر.. سمير نجيب محمد شراويد. style="color: #FFFFFF"> </marquee></font></b>
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