♥️احذروا دمعه المظلوم♥️
🌹فهى سهم موجه للظالم🌹
🌹تحمل فى خفاياها دعوة🌹
تهز عرش الجبار🌺
♥️حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل فيرد عليها♥️
🌹الله عز وجل وعزتى وجلالى🌹
♥️لانصرنك ولو بعد حين♥️
🌹ياكل شاعر وكل شاعرة
🌹كونوا مع عزف المشاعر🌹
🥍 دمعه ظلم🥍
❤️نعزف ارقى عزف واجمل لحن♥️
🌹معاكم🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍 منى محمد🌹
Beware of the tear of the oppressed, for it is an arrow directed at the oppressor. It carries in its secrets an invitation that shakes the throne of the mighty. God suffices me, and He is the best disposer of affairs, and God Almighty and Majestic responds to it. I will not help you, even after a while. A poet and every poet eats. Be with the playing of feelings. A tear of injustice. We play the finest music and the most beautiful melody with you. Mona Muhammad.
🙏🙏🙏《اهيم بمكة》 🙏🙏🙏
في مولد الرسول ص
اهيم.... بعشق الكعبة حتى.... الروح ترفرف كالطير والبدر في...... التمام
والثم.... الحجر سنة الرسول... صلى عليه وسلم... خير الورى........ والانام
اراها في حلمي كما رايتها....... ولون الفجر يزهو في الخيال الى اردن شام
فما اغتربت..... الا عندما........ وجدت حولي من جاء إليها بغير........ سلام
اهيم..... بها وقد ولد النور. المصطفى المنجد .....من اصنام تعبد..... كالزؤام
أضاء ..الكون برسالة ورحل..... الظلم بالعدل.... والنهى تعلق بعفو.. الإسلام
اهيم.... بالكعبة وأي هيام؟؟!!....ليتني نسرا....احلق على سمائها او..... حمام
ماذا اقول عن طفل نبي؟؟؟؟! والقلب شجو.الا تعلمون مولده شوق وهيام ؟
ماذا اقول؟؟ والحبر لا يكفي ان يكتب سيرة معطرة من الله عن خير الأنام
كان شابا رجلا امينا صادقا ...شجاعا ابن..الاكرمين ابا واما والنسب الهمام
ماذا اكتب عن وجهه الوضاء.. كالبدر نوره.والشمس وضوحه.في التمام ؟؟
نور.محمد اتى فنيران كسرى انطفأت وقصورهم باتت في غيهب....الظلام
وجوف... الكعبة حطمت اصنامه ولم يعد لهم ان يعبدوا..حجارة الاصنام
يا رسول الهدى بذكرك البطحاء زانت بك السماء والأرض للمتقين...... امام
يارسول الله ماذا اكتب وحروفي كلت وانا استنجد بامتي وغزة........ تضام
ما ذا اكتب والشهور تمر على اطفال في الحر والبرد يسكنون...... الخيام
ماذا اكتب عن عروبة سحقها.. الذل والعار... وصدأ في غمده.....الحسام
يا رسول الله.... رغم القهر والاذى لم يثنهم الم و مدفع فغزة للعرب حسام
لم يثنهم... عن عزمهم فغزة هي على الصدر شرفا يعانق السماء... ووسام
بقلم الشاعرة د.عطاف الخوالدة
《I wander in Mecca》 On the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace.... I wander with love for the Kaaba until.... the soul flutters like a bird and the full moon at...... full and then.... the stone is the Sunnah of the Messenger... may peace and blessings be upon him... good Al-Wari... and the dreams I see in my dream as I saw them... and the color of dawn blooms in my imagination to the Jordan of the Levant. I was not estranged... until... when... I found around me... He came to her without........ peace be upon him..... with her and light was born. The upholstered Chosen One... is one of the idols that you worship... like a twilight. He illuminated... the universe with a message and left... injustice with justice... and prohibition is attached to forgiveness... Islam is more important... to the Kaaba and what kind of care??! !....I wish I were an eagle....flying in the sky or.....a dove. What can I say about a child of a prophet????! And the heart is longing. Do you not know that its birth is longing and longing? What should I say?? Ink is not enough to write a biography perfumed by God about the best of people. He was a young man, an honest and truthful man, a brave son, a generous father and a mother, and an aspirational lineage. What should I write about his radiant face? Like the full moon, its light. And the sun, its clarity. Perfectly?? Light. Muhammad came, and the fires of Khosrau were extinguished and their palaces lay in obscurity...darkness and its hollow...the Kaaba destroyed his idols and they were no longer allowed to worship...the stones of the idols, O Messenger of guidance, with your remembrance of Batha, the heavens and the earth became beautified with you for the righteous......before, O Messenger of guidance. God, what should I write, and my letters are exhausted, and I am begging for help from my nation and Gaza........ It is collapsing. What should I write, and months pass by for children in the heat and cold, living in...... tents. What should I write about an Arabism that has been crushed... humiliation and shame... and rust in His sheath... Al-Hossam, O Messenger of God... Despite oppression and harm, pain and artillery did not dissuade them. Gaza is for the Arabs. Hossam did not dissuade them... from their determination, for Gaza is on the chest an honor that embraces the sky... and a medal written by the poet Dr. Etaf Al-Khawaldeh
لو عرف اللى ظلمنى أنه خدمنى
وفتح لى باب دعوه مستجابه
كان فكر قبل مايعملها ويظلمنى
أن الله سبحانه شديد فى عقابه
وكان فعلا عملها وابتعد كتير عنى
وعرف أن الله لا يظلم فى حسابه
الله خلق الظلم وحرمه على نفسه
ولكنه بين الخلايق قدره وسابه
اختبار للناس وكل خلقه اجمعين
انس وجن وطيروحيوانات بغابه
وأقسم بعزه ذاته ينصر المظلوم
ويشدد على الظالم فى عقابه
سليم الحويطى شاعر الباديه
If the one who wronged me knew that he served me and opened the door for me to have an answered supplication, he would have thought before he did it and wronged me that God Almighty is severe in His punishment, and he would have actually done it and moved far away from me and known that God is not unjust in His judgment............... ......God created injustice and forbade it to Himself, but He has destined it among His creatures and made it a test for people and all of His creation, humans, jinn, birds, and animals in His forest. He swore by His own glory to support the oppressed and harshly punish the oppressor.............. ........... Salim Al-Huwaiti, poet of the desert
###الله يا فارج الهم ###
في يوم ميلاد الرسول اقول...
الله..يا فارج الهم بالصبر بفجر الضحى الجديد
حين نذكركم فانتم للصبر اهلا وعنوان من حديد
و حروف المجد في كأس الشرف
ما يشربها الا الصيد
كتبت بحبر لايمحي مداده من الوريد
من وجع السنين ناداني الحرف لا تبعد فانت حرفك كالدم في الشريان دوم.يضخ بالوفا من جديد
الله يا وطن العروبة ابكيك ام أبكي زمن الفوارس قد ضاع وصار الجرح صديد
الله بعالي سماه يلطف بامة عيبها التهديد
وتمضي الأيام والصدق غاب وكثر على الحر الوعيد..
بقلم الشاعرة د.عطاف الخوالدة
###God, O rescuer of concern ### On the day of the Messenger’s birth, I say... God..O rescuer, inspire patience with the dawn of the new forenoon. When we remind you, you are welcome to patience and a title made of iron, and the letters of glory are in the cup of honor that only the hunted drink. They are written in ink that does not erase its ink. From the vein, from the pain of the years, the letter called to me: Don’t go away, for your letter is like the blood in the artery. Always. Pumping with loyalty again. God, the homeland of Arabism. Should I make you cry or should I cry? The time of wars has been lost and the wound has become pus. May God bless his name. He will soften a nation whose shame is threatened. The days will pass and honesty will be absent and abundant in the threatening heat. Written by the poet Dr. Etaf Al Khawaldeh
دمعة تدمع من عين باكية
تشتكي لربها ظلم المعتدي
ترفع فوق الغمام مكرمة
ويناديها رافع السموات بلا عمدا
وعزتي وجلالي وعظمة سلطاني
لانصرنك ولو بعد حين
فيا ليت الظالم يدرك ويعي
انه بين يدي الله تعالى موقوف
ويسال عن كل صغيرة وكبيرة
في يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون
وسبحان ربك رب العزة عما يصفون
وسلام على المرسلين والحمد لله رب العالمين
بقلم.. فتحي بهجت
A tear flows from a weeping eye that complains to its Lord of the injustice of the aggressor. It is raised above the clouds in honor and is called by the Lifter of the heavens without any intention. By My glory, My majesty, and the greatness of My authority, I will not help you even after a while. I wish the oppressor would realize and realize that in the hands of God Almighty he is detained and asked about every little and great thing on a day when neither money nor children will benefit. Glory be to Him. Your Lord is the Lord of glory above what they describe, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds
غريب يا طبع البشر الغدر فيك موصوف
الكذب فيك إنتشر واللعب ع المكشوف
الكل باع واشترى الظلم للأحباب
سألت إيه السبب قالوا مافيش معروف
بقلم.. رزق محمد
It is strange, human nature. The treachery in you is described. The lying in you has spread and the open play. Everyone has bought and sold injustice to loved ones. I asked what is the reason and they said there is nothing known.
أيها الجاني ....
جئتك هاربة من نفسي ومن قسوة أيامي.مهاجرة إليك بقلبي من أحزاني...
وجدت روحي تبحث عنك وعقلي يقودني إليك وكأن فيك سكني وعنواني...
و كأنني طائر في ليل حزين يبكي وحدته و قلبه من البرد أصبح يعاني...
وأن هذا الحب لم يخلق إلا لك وحدك لتنقذني من صراع قلبي و أشجاني. ..
وأنا أتخبط من جراح كادت تقتلني و تسري بدمي بل في وريدي و شرياني....
جئتني مسرعاً وفتحت ذراعيك لتحتويني بأمان حرمت منه بعمري وزماني...
فارتوى قلبي بفيض من الحنان والأمان و سكن لك واطمئن معك وجداني....
وفجأة تركتني دون إنذار وايقظتني على مرارة البعد بعدما كنت ترعاني....
فبت أتساءل هل أنا من جعلتك تتمرد على قلبي أم من فيض حبي وحناني..
هل خابت بك الظنون!! أنا لا أصدق فيك الغدر فهل تدعي ظلمي و نسياني. !!
لقدتحطم فيك أملي وقلبي اكتفى وأنت تعلم أنه من احزانه ما زال يعاني....
لا تكن مع غربة الأيام علي ..أتقتلني بيديك!! أيعقل أن تكون أنت الجاني ...
أحببت فيك أسري بقيود الحب و جعلت بيديك مفتاح سجني لتكن سجاني...
عشقت أن تسكن الروح وحنايا القلب رغم إرادتي ملكت نبضه وكل كياني...
ابعد كل هذا الحب الذي أعطيته لك تترك قلبي من بعدك يئن ويكن وحداني.
د.عبير عيد
O perpetrator... I came to you, fleeing from myself and from the cruelty of my days. Migrating to you with my heart from my sorrows... I found my soul searching for you and my mind leading me to you, as if you had my home and my address... as if I were a bird in a sad night crying over its loneliness and its heart was suffering from the cold. ...And this love was created only for you, to save me from the conflict of my heart and my sorrows. .. And I was floundering from wounds that almost killed me and were flowing through my blood and even through my veins and arteries.... You came to me quickly and opened your arms to contain me in a safety that I had been deprived of in my life and time... So my heart was filled with an abundance of tenderness and security, and it settled for you, and my sentiments were reassured with you.... And suddenly You left me without warning and woke me up with the bitterness of distance after you were taking care of me.... So I started wondering whether it was I who made you rebel against my heart or from the overflow of my love and compassion.. Have you been disappointed!! I do not believe in treachery in you, so do you claim to have wronged me and forgotten me? !! My hope in you has been shattered, and my heart has had enough, and you know that he is still suffering from his grief.... Don’t be a stranger to me.. Will you kill me with your own hands!! Is it possible that you are the culprit... I loved to be captivated by the chains of love, and I made your hands the key to my prison so that you could be my jailer... I loved to make the soul and the folds of the heart still, despite my will. You controlled its pulse and my entire being... Take away all this love that I gave you, you leave my heart groaning after you. And I am alone. Dr. Abeer Eid
قد يبنون جدرانًا عالية حولي يمنعونني أن أرقب سعف النخيل وهو يتموّج في الهواء
ويُظللون النوافذَ بالأسود فيمنعون الشمس عنّي .. ويُحكمون إقفال زنزانتي ..
قد يسرقون دمعتي المحشرجة بالحنين ..
قد يأخذون حياتي ، يحطّمونها، فأحيا بلا مستقبل ..
لكن ، هم لا يدركون أني سليلة النخيل وأن الشمس تشرق في داخلي .. يقيدون جسدا فانيا ، يزرعون فيه كل العلل لكنهم لا يستطيعون تقييد القلب ومنعه من ان يأمل ، ان يحلم ان يتمنی... يحاولون ،
يقولون إنّني خُلقت من نسل شيطان فلا فعل لي...! إلا الخطيئة لا أمل في تطهّري فلا مكان لي غير الجحيم،
ينسون ويتناسون انهم من زرع الألم والكراهيّة والاحباط .. ومع كل ذلك لا احد يفهمني عندما أقول ضاحكة : هذا جميل !! لا يفهمون انهم حرموني ما أسموه هم حريتي .. ومنحوني حريات اخرى لا يدركونها ..
ربما انسی انني أنثی ..
و لا يتيحون لي ان اتعمد وأتوضأ لأتطهّر من ذنوبي فأحيا معها ..
من سيفهمني عندما أقول إنّني أدركت حرّيّاتٍ أُخر؟
صحيح انني مقيدة .. ولا قبل لي بفعل خارق كأن اطير او أن أجعل السماواتِ تُفتح أو الأرضَ ترتجف،
لكنني امرأة أستطيع أن أحيا مع نفسي، بحبٍ وجمالٍ مدهش
انا المأخوذةُ بإخفاقاتي، أنا من تُدهشني مخاوفي،أنا عنادي وصبيانيّتي
من سيَفهمني عندما أقول إنّ هذا جميل؟
من سيفهمني عندما أقول انهم مَنِ شكل هويتي الشيطانية وانا من يعيد تشكيلها كما تنبت الحياة بشكلها المتناقض من حولي ! .
سما سامي بغدادي .
Imprisoned... They may build high walls around me, preventing me from watching the palm fronds waving in the air. They shade the windows with black, blocking the sun from me. They may lock my cell tightly. They may steal my tears of nostalgia. They may take my life, destroy it. So I live without a future.. However, they do not realize that I am a descendant of palm trees and that the sun shines within me. They restrict a mortal body, planting in it all ills, but they cannot restrict the heart and prevent it from hoping, from dreaming, from wishing... They try, they say that I am I was created from the offspring of Satan, so I have nothing to do with it...! Except for sin, there is no hope of purifying me. There is no place for me except hell. They forget and forget that they were the ones who sowed the pain, hatred, and frustration.. And despite all that, no one understands me when I say, laughing: This is beautiful!! They do not understand that they deprived me of what they called my freedom... and gave me other freedoms that they do not realize... Maybe I forget that I am a female... and they do not allow me to be baptized and perform ablution to be cleansed of my sins so I can live with them... Who will understand me when I say that I have realized other freedoms? It is true that I am bound... and I cannot do anything supernatural, such as flying or making the heavens open or the earth tremble, but I am a woman who can live with myself, with amazing love and beauty. I am captivated by my failures, I am amazed by my fears, I am stubborn and childish. Who will understand me when I say that this Beautiful? Who will understand me when I say that they shaped my satanic identity and I am the one who reshapes it just as life grows in its contradictory form around me! . Sama Sami Baghdadi.
♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕افترش الأرض باكياوأخذ يتمتم
طفل أنا ومما وعيت قالوا متشرد
وصمونى ووصفونى بالتشرد
حياتى كلها حزن وألم لم أفرح او اغرد
وكيف أحكى وماذا أقول ولمن اسرد؟!
ذل وهوان وزمهرير وصقيع وبرد
افترش الأرض بلا غطاء او زرد
ومن زقاق لحارة سباب وطرد
مأساتى مجتمع السبب فيه ام فرد؟!!
والبعض ياخذنى سخرية وهزأ وكأننى قرد
وكأننى لست بشر بل مسخ وقرد
قذارة وسب وتعب وجوع وتشرد
وكأننى فى لعبة الحياة مجرد نرد
ف يالقساوة البشر والمجتمع والأهل
كل ذنبى اننى لم اجد من يرعانى فاصبت بلعنة اسمها متشرد
هويدا محمدالحسن عثمان الكاملابى
He lay on the ground crying and started muttering like a child. From what I realized, they said I was a vagabond. They labeled me a vagabond and described me as a vagabond. My whole life was sadness and pain. I did not rejoice or sing. How do I narrate, what do I say, and to whom do I narrate?! Humiliation, humiliation, sweltering, frost and cold spread out on the ground without a cover or blanket, and from alley to alley, cursing and expulsion of my tragedies, is the cause of a community or an individual?!! Some people treat me with ridicule and ridicule as if I were a monkey, as if I were not human but a monster and a monkey of filth, cursing, fatigue, hunger, and homelessness, as if in the game of life I was just dice. How cruel humans, society, and family are. All my fault is that I did not find anyone to take care of me, so I was afflicted with a curse called vagrant. Written by... Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamil Abi
وتبكي دايما ع ال راح
وتفيض بألمك ع الجراح
لا قلت يوم
عدى انتهى
وبكره ليك مليان براح
براحه على نفسك وعيش
اشبع هنا وقول ماتساويش
فيه لسه شمس ولك جناح
حلوه الحياه
من غير دموع
مش كل آه جوه الضلوع
تقدر تقصقص فيك صباح
حلوه الحياه
بس انت شوف
كسرها نضارة الظروف
وغني طير وسط الرياح
حلوه الحياه...حلوه الحياه
بقلم.. سمية بحيري بحيري
And you always cry for what is gone and pour your pain into the wounds. No, I said, “One day is over, and tomorrow is full of joy.” Comfort yourself and live to be satisfied here, and say, “Don’t be worth it.” There is still sun, but you have beautiful wings. Life without tears is not all that’s inside of you. The ribs can crack you. Good morning. Life, but you see. Broken by the freshness of the circumstances and the song of a bird in the wind, sweet life... sweet life
لا تظلمن إن كنت مقتدرا
.....إن الظلم عواقبه القهر والسقم
عيناك تنام في سهوٍ وغفلة
.......وعين المظلوم مدرجة بالألم
تشكو إلى الله ما حل بها
.....وعند الله.يسجل ويكتب القلم
فبادر واصلح ما ظلمت به
لعل الله يغفر معصية وينفع الندم
من المروؤة الإقلاع عن المعاصي
ومن الشهامة الابتعاد عن كل ظلم
يا راجيا هذه الدنيا وزينتها
....ما دامت لغيرك أبدا ولك لن تدم
باب الرحمة التوبة والغفران
أكرم الله من.تاب وبالهداية إعتصم
الأديب الشاعر.أمين
......ابو عياش
............Injustice: Do not be unjust if you are able...Injustice has its consequences, oppression and sickness. Your eyes sleep in carelessness and heedlessness...And the eyes of the oppressed are filled with pain, complaining to God about what has befallen them. .....And with God, the pen records and writes, so hasten and correct what you have wronged. Perhaps God will forgive a sin and benefit remorse. It is part of chivalry to abstain from sins, and it is part of chivalry to stay away from all injustice. O you who hope for this world and its adornment...as long as it lasts for others forever, and yours will never remain open. Mercy, repentance and forgiveness are legislated. God honors those who repent, and with guidance, hold fast......In my pen, the writer and poet. Amin......Abu Ayyash
......(ظلم الرعاه)
أ هذه نهاية مشوار التعليم؟
ضاعت الأمانة والفكر أليم
لا يراعي العيب مع الحريم
أسقطم المثل بالفكر العقيم
و على الدنيا خذها يا رحيم
أين النخوة وحقنا الهضيم ؟
ضاع الأدب بدنيا المظاليم
والفساد غطى كل الأقاليم
أين الراعي؟ فالظلم وخيم
أين نذهب؟يا زمان الزعيم
وأين الرحمة؟والرد الكريم
فاهانة المعلم الجرم العظيم
وتاهت الحكمة بقول عديم
بقلم الشاعرالأديب جمال احمدطلبه محمد
المنصوره الدقهليه جمهورية مصر
......(Injustice of shepherds) Is this the end of the education journey? Honesty is lost and thought is painful and does not take into account faults. With the harem, I fall short of the proverb with sterile thought and take the world, O Merciful One. Where is the chivalry and our right to digestion? Literature has been lost in the world of injustices and corruption has covered all regions. Where is the shepherd? The injustice is severe, where do we go? Oh, the time of the leader, and where is the mercy? And the generous response. Insulting the teacher is a great crime, and wisdom is lost with useless words, written by the poet and writer Gamal Ahmed Talba, Muhammad Al-Mansoura, Al-Dakahlia, Arab Republic of Egypt.
ظلم لا يحتمل
رغم الجحود من الكل
وموت الورد والفل
غزة تأبى أن تذل
وتأبي فقدان الأمل
فكل من بغزة بطل
وأمر الوطن أمر جلل
كل الشعوب كل الدول
ترقص رقص الفيل والجمل
وترجو الذئب رفقا بالحمل
فهذا ظلم لا يحتمل
لا يحتمل
بقلم /محمد صادق ندا
An unbearable injustice... Despite the ingratitude of everyone and the death of roses and peppers, Gaza refuses to be humiliated and refuses to lose hope. Everyone in Gaza is a hero, and the matter of the homeland is a matter of great concern to all peoples. Countries dance the dance of the elephant and the camel and hope that the wolf will be kind to the lamb. This is an unbearable and unbearable injustice... Written by: Muhammad Sadiq Nada
#حديث الروح
بقلمي سعودى صديق
واندثرت كل اللغات وهامت الروح
تنساب في لغة الغرام حين تلقاك
ما مر علي من عمري بالزمان
عمرا عددته منه إلا عند رؤياك
قد مدحتك حبيبي والغرام قاتلي
وتطول المحاسن والشعر يهواك
رحماك ما لقي الفؤاد وما لقى
فأنت قرين الروح فكيف أنساك
فليتك قلبي وموطني وعيوني
والروضة قبر ولكن القلب سكناك
وما كان في قلبي للعشق يوماباب
فأ صابني سهم الهوى جل من سواك
حلة من نور الغيب كالبدر مكتمل
يطيب الزمان لي بنظرة رضا عيناك
سعودي صديق بكري
#Speaking of the soul, written by a Saudi friend, and all languages have vanished, and the soul has longed to flow in the language of love when it meets you. What has passed in my life in time is a lifetime that I counted only when I saw you. I have praised you, my love, and love is my killer, and virtues are long, and poetry loves you. It has mercy on you, as long as the heart meets and what it encounters, you are the companion of the soul, so how can I forget you? Let me go. My heart, my home, my eyes, and the kindergarten are a grave, but the heart is your home, and there was no love in my heart day after day, so the arrow of passion struck me. There is no one but you. A garment of light of the unseen is like a full moon. Time is good for me with the look of satisfaction in your eyes. Saudi, Bakri’s friend.
هجره غير شرعيه
بقلمي ✍️ السيد عطاالله
يا باحث عن أمل و طاقة نور
في دايرة فقرك عمال ب تدور
مين قال أن الأمل خلف بحور
تدفع ليه ملايين لسمسار غادر
تموت قتيل تجري ورا أمل كذاب
تبقى ميته دمار معها كمان خراب
بلاش في وش الأمل تغلق أبواب
تدفع لسماسرة الموت لجل تغادر
خلي لواء الامل والتفاؤل معقود
بس الأمل لا بد يكون له حدود
أضعف الإيمان عن حياتك تزود
خليك مع ربنا على سعدك قادر
حياتك غاليه و بلاش تجازف
ربنا ضامن رزقك بلا مخاوف
كلامي انتهى لكنه كان هادف
اسمع لعقلك و خليه حاضر
كلمات السيد عطاالله.
Illegal immigration ************** Written by Mr. Atallah Oh seeker of hope and energy Light in the circle of your poverty Workers turn around Who said that hope is behind seas for which you pay millions to a treacherous broker You die murdered You run after false hope There remains a death of destruction with it as well. Destruction. There is no hope in the face. Doors are closed that pay the brokers of death so that you can leave. Leave the banner of hope and optimism tied, but hope must have limits. Weak faith in your life. Provide. Stay with God. You are able to make you happy. Your life is precious and do not take risks. Our Lord guarantees your livelihood without fears. My speech is over, but it was purposeful. Listen to your mind and keep it present with the words of Mr. Atallah.
سيف الظالم
سر في كنف الرحمان دون سجن
للظلمة حيزا تحده إشراقة حق
والقهر وسوطه بالنار يزول ويذوب
كجبل ثلج بشروق سبيل له المجاري
لابد لدموع نقشت رسما العذاب نحتا
أن تجف بقوة القهار وإن طالت
الطائف عثت قهرا لرسول الرحمة
جرى دمه على الثرى فأنبت زرعا
قم للعهد وأرفع لواء الحق فإنه لا يذل
قدوة خير الورى وبه تعقد الهمم
تزيل الهموم وتسقى من النصر أنهرا
وتروي الظمآن وبه إشتد الياس
للظالم وإن طال عمره أنت السيف
وله الويل من شرب الخطوب دهرا
بقلمي : البشير سلطاني
The sword of the oppressor is hidden in the shelter of the Most Merciful, without imprisonment for the darkness, a space bordered by the radiance of truth, and oppression and its whip with fire will fade away and melt like a mountain of snow with the sunrise of its path to the sewers. Tears that have been carved with a sculptural outline of torment must dry up with the power of the Almighty, and if they reach the horizon, they spread oppression for the Messenger of Mercy. His blood flows on the soil and produces a seed. Arise for the covenant and raise up. The banner of truth, for it does not disgrace the role model of the best of people, and with it you complicate worries, you remove worries, you water rivers of victory, and you quench the thirst, and with it, despair intensifies for the oppressor, even if his life is long, you are the sword, and for him is woe from drinking engagements for a long time, with my pen: Al-Bashir Sultani
أعلنت عصياني
كنت صبورة معك
تحملت غضبك
أخطائك .....
تمردك علي كل
صغيرة وكبيرة
تغافلت عن خصالك
السيئة ....
عزلت ذاتي وأعتزلتك
لكي أحمي ذاتي منك
لكن نفذ صبري وحلمي
كفي ظلم وإستبداد
لقد أعلنت العصيان
لن أخضع لإيذائك
سوف اتمردعلي
وأكسر شوكتك
إن كنت صمت
فهذا لم يعني
إني قبلت....
لن أرضخ لك بعد
تماديت في طغيانك
أنا إمرأة حرة أبية
لم أكن بجارية
لكن نفذ رصيدك
عندي .....
لا تتوقع مني
تحملك وهذيانك
بقلمي كريمة عبدالوهاب
I declared my disobedience. I was patient with you. I tolerated your anger. Your mistakes... your rebellion against every big and small thing. I overlooked your bad qualities. I will submit to your abuse. I will rebel against your qualities... and break your strength. If you remain silent, this does not mean that I accepted... I will not submit to you after you persisted in your tyranny. I am a free and proud woman. I was not a slave, but you have run out of credit with me... Do not expect from me. Your tolerance and delirium written by Karima Abdel Wahab
امرأة من زمن آخر
أريد أن،،،،،، اكون امرأة ،،،،،بلا إحساس
في عالم فيه،،،،،،، المشاعر لاتقاس
أريد أن،،،،،،،، أخلع ثوب الطيبة
والصوت الهادر،،،،،،
أريد أن أرتاح ،،،،،،،، وأن أغادر
فقد ماتت،،،،،،، كل المشاعر
وكل ماهو موجود ،،،،،،، بقلبي بداخله الحزن غائر
لماذا؟؟...... لا أجد ريح يوسف
ع الثوب لأبصر.......... ماحولي من الذخائر
ياصاحبي انا ........لامكان لي....... ف هذا العالم
كنت أظن .........أن الفرح دائم
لم يكفهم أني موجوع .......ونزيف الجرح....... مازال قائم
ياااااه ......كم أنا مسكينة .......حين فهمت.......... أن الصديق لا يناظر
هل مكتوب......... ع قلبي أن أحزن
سؤال يقلقني؟؟
ولا إجابة عندي....... لهذا السائل
ضاع العمر......... بين الحصاد .......وجمع السنابل
لم أزرع الشوك ........يوما ف الطريق
لكن زرعي لم يأت...... نتاجه ......وكنت أنا الخاسر
لم أزرع الشوك ،،،بل
زرعت الحب......... على كل المنابر
واقمت صلواتي........ ف محراب العشق
ولم أكابر
أنا امرأة......... من زمن آخر
من زمن الحب الآتي........ من خجل العذارى
من حنين الروح........ من وجع الضمائر
من صدق أصبح........ نادرا في....... زمن الكبائر
بقلمي : أم البراء✍️💕
A woman from another time. I want to be a woman without feelings in a world where feelings are immeasurable. I want to take off the garment of kindness and the roaring voice. ,,,, I want to rest,,,,,,,, and to leave, for she has died,,,,,,, all feelings of love,,,, longing,,,,, adoration,,,, jealousy,,,,, And everything that exists,,,,,,, in my heart there is deep sadness inside. Why??...... I cannot find the smell of Joseph on the garment to see.......... the ammunition around me, my friend, I..... ...There is no place for me....... in this world. I used to think... that joy is permanent. It is not enough for them that I am in pain... and the wound is still bleeding... Standing, oh......How poor I am.......when I understood..........that a friend does not debate. Is it written...on my heart to be saddened by a question? It worries me?? I have no answer.......to this questioner, life was wasted.........between harvesting.......and gathering ears of corn........I did not sow thorns........a day on the road, but my sowing It did not come...its result...and I was the loser. I did not sow thorns...but rather I sowed love...on all platforms and performed my prayers...so... The sanctuary of love, and I did not grow old. I am a woman.........from another time, from the coming time of love........from the shyness of virgins, from the longing of the soul........from the pain of consciences, from the truth that has become ........ Rarely in....... the time of major sins With my pen: Umm Al-Baraa
الله لا ينسى دمعة الفقير او دمعة المحروم او دمعة المظلوم اياك ان تكون انت سبب تلك الدمعة لان قسما برب العالمين لن تنجح لا في الدنيا ولا في الاخرة ولك غد عظيم تعجب له السمواتHar والارض
اياك ودمعة المظلوم
بقلم. Naima Harfouch
God does not forget the tear of the poor, the tear of the deprived, or the tear of the oppressed. Beware of being the cause of that tear, because I swear by the Lord of the Worlds that you will not succeed, neither in this world nor in the hereafter. And you have a great tomorrow for which the heavens and the earth will marvel. Beware of the tear of the oppressed.
الله بصير بالعباد
دعاء بقلم محمود عبد الحميد عيسى
لاتسكرنى بخمرة النصر ولا تخدرنى بمخدر اليأس فاذا أعمانى الغرور فبصرنى واذا ركبنى التواضع فحذرنى واذا أضطرنى الزمن أن أحنى رأسى للقوة فذكرنى بان القوة لاتدوم ولكن كلمة الحق هى التى تدوم
يارب اذا أنا وقعت فعلمنى كيف أقف لاكيف أركع واذا وقفت فعلمنى وذكرنى بالواقعين على الأرض حتى أنحنى وأساعدهم على الوقوف
يارب اذا نصرتنى على خصومى فلا تتركنى أشمت فيهم فالشماتة صفة الجبناء لاالأقوياء واذاهزمنى خصومى فأغلق أذنى حتى لاأسمع شماتة الناس
يارب لاتتركنى أخلط بين القناعة والخمول ولا بين الكبرياء والغرور ولا بين التواضع واحناء الرأس ولا بين المجاملة ومسخ الحقائق
يارب أعطنى القوة على أن أنتصر للحق سواء كان هذا الحق فى أيدى الأقوياء أو الضعفاء وسواء أغضبت الحقيقة الناس أو ضاق الحكام بها
يارب أعطنى ايمانا وأعطى خصومى عمرا
وهذا دعائى فى الصبح الجديد
محمود عبد الحميد عيسى
شاعر وكاتب صحفى
God sees the servants. A supplication written by Mahmoud Abdel Hamid Issa. O Lord, do not intoxicate me with the wine of victory, and do not drug me with the drug of despair. If vanity blinds me, see me. If humility rides me, warn me. If time forces me to bow my head to strength, remind me that strength does not last, but the word of truth is what lasts. O Lord, if I fall, teach me how to stand up. I kneel down, and when I stand, teach me and remind me of those lying on the ground so that I bow down and help them stand. O Lord, if you grant me victory over my opponents, do not leave me gloating over them, for gloating is a characteristic of cowards, not the strong. And if my opponents defeat me, then I close my ears so that I do not hear people gloating. O Lord, do not leave me confused between contentment and lethargy, nor between pride and vanity, nor between humility and bowing of the head. Between courtesy and the distortion of facts, O Lord, give me the strength to triumph for the truth, whether this right is in the hands of the strong or the weak, and whether the truth angers people or the rulers are fed up with it, O Lord, give me faith and give my opponents life, and this is my supplication in the new morning Mahmoud Abdel Hamid Issa, poet and journalist writer 9/16/ 2024
ليل الغربه
حزين يا قلبي حزين
وف حالك حايسأل مين
انا تايه في ليل الغربه
وعايش كأنى سجين
مسكين وراضي بحالى
وياريتهم سابونى ف حالى
خدوامنى شبابي الغالي
وسابونى ف عزاب وأنين
وميتى حاعيش مرتاح
ودموعى تصير أفراح
وانا دايب وكللى جراح
واجيلك يابخت منين
حزين يا قلبي حزين
بقلم الشاعر عزت صميده
The night of estrangement is sad, my heart is sad, and in your condition it will ask who am I? Lost in the night of estrangement, and I live as if I were a poor prisoner and satisfied with my condition, and I wish they would leave me alone in my condition, serve me, serve me, my dear youth, and leave me alone and moan, and when I die I will live comfortably, and my tears will become joys, and I will mourn and be full of wounds, and I will come to you, oh, where is my sad brother, my heart is sad, written by Poet Izzat Samida
Beware of the supplication of the oppressed, for it will not be rejected. God is sufficient for me as a witness, accountant, and disposer of affairs for you. And the supplication of the oppressed, if it reaches the Most Merciful, it shakes the throne of the Almighty, if it is from human beings or jinn, and it wipes out every oppressor, enemy, and spiteful person, wherever he is, Dr. Salim Ali Al-Tashi. ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕
ايها الظالمون
ااخبرونى بالله كيف تنامون..........وكيف تفرحون وتأكلون وانتم للحق كارهون
الستم كاسائرالبشر ام من جبابرةفرعون...........ايهاالظالمون ياويلكم ان لم تتوب الأن
فدمعة المظلوم رأها المولى جل فى علاه.......
من فوق سبع سموات وسمع دعوةالقلب الحزين
وهويقول حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل ........فاقسم الله فى الحال لانصرنك ولوبعدحين
ولاننى ممن ظلموا كثيرافذهبت وقدمت شكواى............كى ياتوالى بحقى فى بلد العدالة والقانون
وهم يعلمون جيدا اننى على حق
ومعاق..........وقاموا بتصويرى فى مجلس الوزراء ورأونى باعين رجال الامن
الاانهم ظلمونى هم الاخرون بعدمرور........
سبعة اشهر من شكواياضدوزارةالتضامن
وهم لديهم دليل انى على حق كمالدى..........ولكنهم فى النهايةلم يعطونى حقى فشكوتهم الى الرحمن
وحمدت الله وفوضت امرى كله له.........فهوالقادر وحده على نصر كل المظلومين
ويهب لقلوبهم الرضا والسعادة والامان
وراحة البال............اماالظالمون فعقابهم عند الله مضمون..
ودمعةرضا بقضاءالله نزلت على خدى..........بعد ظلم بين ولكنى قلت الحمدلله
رب العالمين..
پقلم/فرج عامر
O oppressors, tell me by God, how do you sleep...and how do you rejoice and eat, while you hate the truth? Are you not like the rest of mankind or like the giants of Pharaoh?...O oppressors, woe to you if you do not repent now, for the tear of the oppressed was seen by the Almighty God. Why....... from above seven heavens and he heard the call of the sad heart as he said, “God is sufficient for me, and He is the best disposer of affairs........ So God swore immediately that I would not help you, even after a while, and because I am among those who have been greatly wronged, so I went and filed my complaint........ ..so that my rights can be fulfilled in the country of justice and law, while they know very well that I am right and disabled...they photographed me in the Council of Ministers and saw me through the eyes of the security men, but they also wronged me after........seven months had passed. Of my complaints against the Ministry of Solidarity, and they have proof that I am as right as I am...but in the end, they did not give me my rights, so I complained to the Most Merciful, and I thanked God and delegated all my affairs to Him...for He alone is capable of helping all the oppressed and granting their hearts Satisfaction, happiness, security, and peace of mind.. As for the wrongdoers, their punishment with God is guaranteed.. And a tear of contentment with God’s judgment fell down my cheek......... after clear injustice, but I said, Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.. Pen / Faraj Amer
دمعة ظلم
دمعة القلب تتفاعل
بدمعة العين المدرارة
كيف الافكار تتقاتل
كي تبقى ابدا جبارة
لكنها قد تتخاذل
مستسلمة الاقدار
المظلوم يتنازل
بحياته القهارة
عله يبقى بمتناول
نعمة بها الطهارة
بقلمي ✏️ ملفينا ابومراد
لبنان 🇱🇧
A tear of injustice ** A tear of the heart interacts with the flowing tear of an eye. How thoughts fight to remain eternally mighty, but they may fail, surrendering to fate. The oppressed one gives up his oppressive life so that he may remain within reach of the blessing of purity. Written by Melvina Abumrad Lebanon 9/16/2024
دمعة ظلم
منك يا الم ياللي جرحت
وجعلتني اتعذب ولاأستطيع
أة منك ياللي كنت زمان برئ
شفت صورتك على الحقيقة
قلبي بالخداع وبعت المودة
وواشتريت غيري بالرخيص
لية تعمل فيا كدة واحنا كنا
أتنين عايشين في سلام
أنقلبت حياتنا جحيم يا
العشرة والعيش والملح
مكان ماتروح مكان مااقبلت
علشان لعبت بينا خلاص
وخلصت حكايتنا اتحمل
واعرف انك بعت الغالي
كانت غلطة الا تجريح
سلوى البرشومى
من مصر الاسكندريه
A tear of injustice, from you, oh pain, who hurt my soul and made me suffer and I cannot sleep, oh from you, who once was innocent, and today I saw your picture in reality. You wronged my heart with deception and sold affection and love and bought others cheaply. Why would you do this to me when we were two living in peace in the past? Today our lives have turned into hell, oh The loss of ten, livelihood, and salt. The soul of a place. Do not go somewhere. You agreed to sell because you played with us. That's it. We are finished and our story is over. I bear your mistakes and know that you sold the precious ones. Don't say it was a mistake not to hurt hearts. Written by Salwa Al-Barshoumi from Alexandria Egypt.