{{ فِرِندُ الشِّعر }} ...بقلمي صلاح حيدر / سورية
☆ مَا أنَا عَنِ الجَهلِ وَلَا عَن أَهلِهِ رَاضِيا
فَلَولَا العِلمُ والأَدَبُ لَصِرتُ عَلى دَربِهِم مَاضِيا
☆ كَم سَعَى الجُهَّالُ لِإِغوَائِي خِلسَةً
فَأبَيتُ أَن أَبقَى عَنِ العِلمِ سَاهِيا
☆ لَعَمرِي لَقَد رَأَيتُ الشِّعرَ تِريَاقاً شَافِيا
لِكُلِّ شَاكٍ مِنَ الطَّيشِ مُعَانِيا
☆ فَغَدا بَلسَماً لِكُلِّ قَرحٍ حِينَاً
وتَارَةً يروِي الظَّمآى كَعَذبِ مَاءٍ صَافِيا
☆ وَما كَانَ أَوَّلُ الفَضلِ إِلَّا لِرَبِّي
فَلَهُ حَمدٌ وَلِفَيضِهِ بَقَيتُ رَاجِيا
☆ مَالِي أَكتُمُ شِعرِي عَنِ الوَرَى
فَلِلَّهِ دَرُّكَ وَإِن قَلَّ مَن أَراهُ مُجَازِيا
☆ فَصِرتُ أَنسِجُ الحُرُوفَ مُسَطِّراً
عَلَى القِرطَاسِ مُصَوِّغاً أَسمَى المَعانِيا
☆ وَتَجذِبُني فِيهِ المَعانِي بِسِحرِها
والأَدَبُ والحِكمَةُ وَنَظمُ القَوافِيا
☆ وَبِهِ عَزَمتُ نِزالَ كُلِّ ذِي جَهلٍ
حَتَّىَ أَرَاهُ فِي كُلِّ مُعتَركٍ خَافِيا
☆ فَمَن قَصَدَ اليَراعَ وَبَحرَ العُلومِ
نَأَى عَن مُستَنقَعِ الجَهلِ والسَّواقِيا
☆ وَمَن عَبَرَ البَيداءَ عَلَى سَرجِ سَابِحٍ
مَا هَمَّهُ عَجاجٌ وَلَا رِياحٌ عَاتِيا
☆ العِلمُ نُورٌ والشَّعرُ فَصاحَةٌ
وَفَيصَلٌ لِمَن اِبتَغى المَجدَ والأَعَالِيا
☆ والجَهلُ ظَلامٌ وَضَلالٌ وَهاويَة
فَيَا أَسَفِي عَلَى مَن فِي قَاعِهِ بَاقِيا
☆ خَلِيلَيَّ عُذراً وَإِن بَالَغتُ فِي وَصفِي
/7/6/2021/ فَالجَهلُ أَقتَلُ مِن سُمِّ الأَفَاعِيا
{{Frend of Poetry}} ...written by Salah Haider / Syria ☆ I am not satisfied with ignorance nor with its people. If it were not for knowledge and literature, I would have followed their path. ☆ How often the ignorant people sought to seduce me secretly, but I refuse I would like to stay away from knowledge, forgetful ☆ For all my life, I have seen poetry as a cure for everything Suffering from recklessness ☆ It became a balm for every sore at times and at times quenching the thirsty like fresh, clear water ☆ And the first credit was none other than to my Lord, to Him is praise, and for His abundance I remain I come ☆ I don't hide my poetry from behind, for God has mercy, even if there are few who see it metaphorically ☆ So I began to weave the letters, lining the parchment, creating a sublime form Meanings ☆ And meanings attract me with their magic, literature, wisdom, and rhymes ☆ And with it I am determined to fight every ignorant person until I see him hidden in every battle ☆ So who is aiming at me? He is a shepherd and the sea of knowledge is far from the swamp of ignorance and the swamps. ☆ And whoever crosses the desert on a saddle, swimming, his concern is neither turbid nor strong winds. ☆ Knowledge is light. Poetry is eloquence and an opportunity for those who seek glory and heights. Ignorance is darkness, misguidance, and an abyss. My sorrow for those at its bottom will remain. My friend, pardon me even if I exaggerate in my description. /7 /6/2021/ Ignorance is more deadly than snake venom.
مُبارَك لكَ على نَيلِكَ الوسام الشِّعري ...وأتمنَّى لكَ التوفيق والتألق والنجاح الدائم .
ردحذفدُمْتَ ودامَ قلمُكَ✍ذُخرًا للوطن والمجتمع والبشرية أجمع.