أعلان الهيدر.. دار نشر تحيا مصر 🇪🇬للإبداع. المجله

أحدث المواضيع

السبت، 16 نوفمبر 2024

ديوان شعر اليكتروني. الجزء الثاني. عاشقه الحروف.. للشاعرة..هويدامحمدحسن عثمان كاملابى هويدا

An electronic collection of poetry, part two. The poet's lover of letters. Howaida Muhammad Hassan Othman Kamlabi 

بريق عيناه


دون ان ندرى بريق مقلتينا يخبو

حلو أمانينا مضت وصغرت ك طفل يحبو

ماذا حدث لنجد حبنا غريق يطفو؟!!

كان حبا برئيا يكاد للسماء يسم

كان فوق الظروف والقدر يعلو

أخبرنى بربك لما الآن يخبو؟!!

كنت ضلى فى شمس حارقة يضوى

كنت نورى والآن أصبحت نارى

كنت دفئ والآن اصبحت قشعريرة بردى

كنت ضوئى والآن انبعث منك ظلامى

ف لما جعلتنى أهوى؟!!!

لما جعلتنى أذوى؟!!

لما جعلت حبنا يمضى؟!!

من منا السبب؟!!!

أم هو القدر السبب؟!

اتمنى ان تضوى مقلتينا مرة أخرى

وان يرجع نبض قلوبنا أقوى

سأعيش على حلو ذكريات مضت

وإن لم تعد فأنتظر رثائى وموتى


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

To / Tahya Misr Publishing House for Creativity, for my collection called (The Lover of Letters), Part Two, under publication.. Attached is the cover photo. You have my thanks, appreciation, and respect. The sparkle in his eyes ***** Without us knowing the sparkle of our eyeballs fades, the sweetness of our hopes passed and I became small like a baby crawling. What happened to find? Our love is drowning and floating?!! It was an innocent love that almost reached the sky. It was above circumstances and destiny was above it. Tell me, Lord, why is it disappearing now?!! I was lost in a burning, shining sun. You were my light, and now you have become my fire. You were warmth, and now you have become cold. You were my light, and now my darkness emanates from you. Why did you make me fall in love?!!! Why did you make me hurt?!! Why did you make our love go away?!! Who among us is the reason?!!! Or is fate the reason?! I hope that our eyeballs will light up again and that our heartbeat will return stronger. I will live on the sweet memories of the past, and if they do not return, I will wait for my elegies and my death with my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 




انشاالله سنة جديدة كلها فرح وطرب

ونتلم كلنا ونحقق وحدة العرب

وننهل من نهر النيل ونشرب

ونمد يدا للأخوة والترب

وينتهى من العالم كلمة حرب

ونمضى فى طريق السلام

وننثر ورود فى الدرب

لا ذل ولا اهانة ولا خراب ولا ضرب

وتكون الكلمة لنا لا للغرب

والعالم يصبح قرية صغيرة 

ونتقارب بود وحب عن قرب

لاأحزان ولا دموع ولا كرب

ونقول لا للغربة والهجرة ولا للهرب

ونسمع أصوات بلابل لا صوت قنابل تضطرب

لا غارة ولا صوت رصاص يطلق عن عمد

لا جوع ولا تشرد ولا خيام ولا قتلى

اللهم آمين ياواحد ياأحد

اللهم آمين يافرد يا صمد

اقبل دعائنا ولك منا التسبيح والتهليل

ولك الشكر والحمد


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

O Lord ***** God willing, a new year will be full of joy and joy, and we will all learn and achieve Arab unity, and we will drink from the Nile River and extend a hand to brotherhood and unity, and the word of war will end from the world, and we will move on the path of peace and scatter roses on the path, no humiliation, no insult, no destruction, no beating, and the word will be ours. No to the West, and the world becomes a small village, and we come close with affection and love, no sorrows, no tears, no anguish, and we say no to alienation, immigration, and no escape, and we hear the sounds of nightfall, no sound of bombs being disturbed, no raid, and no sound of bullets fired intentionally, no hunger, no displacement, no tents, and no deaths. Oh God, Amen, O One, O One, O God. Amen, O Farid, O Samad, accept our prayers. You have our praise and praise, and you have our thanks and praise. With my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 



دلاله يكاد يعصف بى

وقربه بهجة وفرح لى

وابتعاده وهجره كارثة لى

وبمرور الأيام أصبح يتلاعب بى

يقترب ويدنو

ف تزدان ايامى وتحلو

وبين قربه وبعده أتسائل

ترى ماله؟!!

ولماذا يتغير حاله؟!!!

أهو دلال وتقل ناله؟!!

أم شئ منى فى باله؟!

وأصبحت تلك لعبته

التى اصبحت لى لعنة سافرة

وعقلى تتذبذب افكاره بأصوات هادرة

يا أنت اقترب وأدنو كما يحلو لك

ف لم تعد لك فى حياتى أهمية

فقد أصبحت فى حياتى كابوس

أود التخلص منه وعلى حبى وقلبى سوف أدوس

سئمت لعبتك وتفاهة أفكارك واصبحت لى عبرة ودروس


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Dalal **** his pampering almost overwhelms me, his closeness is a delight and joy for me, his distance and abandonment is a disaster for me, and as the days go by, he begins to manipulate me, getting closer and closer, so my days become longer and sweeter, between his closeness and his distance, I wonder what his money is?!! Why does his condition change?!!! Is he a pamper and you don't get it?!! Or is there something on his mind from me?! This has become his toy, which has become a blatant curse to me, and my mind’s thoughts vibrate with thunderous sounds. Oh, you, come closer and closer as you wish. You no longer have any importance in my life. You have become a nightmare in my life that I want to get rid of, and on my love and my heart I will trample. I am fed up with your game and the triviality of your thoughts, and you have become an example for me and lessons with my pen. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamelabi 



حين يقل الاهتمام

فقل على الدنيا السلام

وحين تفتر المشاعر

فمن منا ملام؟!

الاهتمام يخلق نوعا من الوئام

حين تسأل عنى وتستفسر باهتمام

ف أنت حتما بحبى تنال المرام

فى بعدك ينتابنى أرق ولا أنام

ف الحب لايتجزأ من هنا للشام

الحب هو الهيام

ولا يفرق بين المثقف و العوام

لغته واحدة مهما اختلفت العوالم

ف البعد مؤلم مميت وسام

ف أساس الحب الاهتمام

ف اهتم بى حبيبى ودللنى

ف كلنا نعشق الاهتمام


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Attention ***** When interest decreases, say peace to the world, and when feelings fade, who among us is to blame?! Caring creates a kind of harmony when you ask about me and inquire with interest. With my love, you will definitely achieve what you want. In your distance, I have insomnia and I cannot sleep. Love is indivisible. From here to the Levant. Love is infatuation. It does not differentiate between the intellectual and the common people. Its language is the same, no matter how different the worlds are. Distance is painful and deadly. It is toxic in the foundation of love. Attention, take care of me, my beloved, and pamper me, for we all love attention with my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

حبك وزر


الليلة جاى تعتذر

وترجع الماضى ومنين التمس لك عذر

كان حبنا يانع نبت ك البذر

ثم أصبح حبك عبئا ووزر

وانتهى وقطعته من جذر

ف ياعزيزى احذر

اعتذراك لن يفيد عذرا

غضبت منك ونظرت لعينيك شذرا

هجرك فى قلبى سهم انغرز غزرا

حبك كان وصمة خطأ 

ولك منى عهدا ونذرا

وكلامى ميثاق جد لا هزرا

حتما كان حبك أسوأ أوهامى فعذرا

يامن كان فى حياتى اعظم وزرا


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Your love is a burden ****** Tonight you will come to apologize and bring back the past, and where can I seek an excuse for you? Our love was tender, it sprouted like a seed, then your love became a burden and a burden, and it ended, and I cut it off from the root, so, my dear, beware, your apology will be of no use. I was angry with you, and I looked into your eyes in pieces. Your abandonment was an arrow stuck deep in my heart. Your love was the stain of a mistake, and you have a covenant and a vow from me, and my words are a solemn covenant, not a joke. Certainly, your love was my worst illusion, so sorry, O you who had the greatest responsibility in my life, with my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

كن صديقى


قلت له كن صديقى

كن لى مثالا حقيقى

ف الصداقة كنز يا صديقى

كن أخى

كن سندى

كن عونى

كن دعمى

إذا ضاق بى الطريق

كن سيفى

كن منبرى

كن كلمة أنال بها حقى

كن دوما اخى ورفيقى

كن نورى اذا ساد حولى الظلام

كن لى فى الأزمات حمامة السلام

كن لى فى الحق صوت يعلو بالكلام

فإذا اهتزت وضعفت صداقتنا

ف كلانا حتما سيكون ملام

كن لى قوة فى ضعفى

كن ناصرى إذا هضم حقى

كن صديقى


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Be my friend ******* I told him, “Be my friend. Be a true example for me. Friendship is a treasure, my friend. Be my brother. Be my support. Be my help. Be my support when my path becomes difficult. Be my sword. Be my platform. Be a word by which I can attain my rights. Always be my brother and companion. Be my light.” Darkness has prevailed around me. Be my dove of peace in times of crisis. Be my voice in the truth, a voice that speaks louder. If our friendship is shaken and weakened, then both of us will certainly be blamed. Be I have strength in my weakness. Be my supporter when my rights are taken away. Be my friend with my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

احلام وردية


كل يوم يمضى افكر فيه واحتار

لما ذكراه ما زالت فى فكرى؟!!

انه خاطرة لاينمحى من فكرى

حب مراهقة ما زالت فى ذكر

قالوا حب المراهقة سرعان ما يمضى ويجرى

إلا حبه ما زال فى دمى يسرى

إنه يتغلغل فى شرايينى وعقلى

كان رجل بمعنى الكلمة يسرى

رجولة كرم صفات لا تعد ولا تحصى

كان حين ينظر الى أحس انه يخترقنى

انه يقرأ ما بداخلى

كنت اهرب من رؤيته خجلا وأجرى

وأتوارى خلف ذكرى ذلك الفستان البنفسجى

واتذكر تلك الأغانى التى اسمعنى اياها 

وأعيد شريط الذكريات ك اسطوانة تترى

ياويلى ما زلت أتذكر عينيه العاشقة البنية

ما زلت أخشى نظراته البرئية النقية

ترى هل يتذكرنى؟!!

أم انها مرحلةمراهقة واوهام صبية

مازالت تعيش أحلام وردية

ومضى كل منا فى حال سبيله

وعشت مع ذكريات لا منسية


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Pink dreams ******** Every day that goes by I think about him and am confused as to why his memory is still on my mind?!! It is a thought that cannot be erased from my mind. A teenage love that is still in my memory. They said that teenage love quickly passes and flows. However, his love is still in my blood. It runs. It penetrates my veins and my mind. He was a man in the full sense of the word. Yousra’s manhood, generosity, and countless qualities. When he looked at me, I felt that he was penetrating me. He reads what's inside me. I was running away from seeing him in shame, running and hiding behind the memory of that purple dress, and I remember those songs that I heard. And I bring back the tape of memories like a reeling record, oh woe, I still remember his loving, brown eyes. I still fear his pure, innocent looks. Does he remember me?!! Or is it a stage of adolescence and boyish illusions, still living rosy dreams, and each of us went our own way, and I lived with unforgettable memories, in my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamelabi 

الحب قرار


ومضى يتلفت فى وجل

يخاف أن يلمحه رجل

يتكلم بسرعة على عجل

اخبرينى ما الأمر الهام؟!

ف رددت عليه وكلى ابتهال وخجل

ياحبيبى مما تخاف ف الحب قرار

يحتاج عزيمة وقوة واصرار

انه ك جنة خلد لايسكنها الا الأبرار

وليس لنا معه حيلة ولا اضطرار

وليس مجرد آلة نضغط فيها زرار

ف الحب نعمة بلا ضرر ولا ضرار

ف الحب ينقينا مما بداخلنا من شرار

ويجعلنا أبرياء خيرين لا أشرار

ف لنكن مع المحبين قلبا وغرار

ف الحي عزيزى أجمل قرار

ولتكن قويا لا متخاذلا وتلوى بالفرار


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Love is a decision *********** He went on looking around in fear, afraid that he would be spotted by a man who spoke quickly and hastily. Tell me, what is the important matter?! So I responded to him, and I was all in a state of supplication and shame, my beloved, for what you fear. Love is a decision that requires determination, strength, and persistence. It is like an eternal paradise inhabited only by the righteous, and we have no trick or compulsion with it. It is not just a machine in which we press buttons. Love is a blessing without harm or harm. Love purifies us from the evil within us and makes us... Innocent people are good, not evil people. Let us be with those who love each other in heart and in love in the neighborhood, my dear, the most beautiful decision. And let us be strong, not weak and twisting away. With my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

نسيم الشوق


هف على نسيم الشوق

ذكرنى بحبيب كله ذوق

وجذبتنى ذكراه بكل ما بداخلى من توق

اسمه يرن فى أذنى ك سيمفونية فى جوقة

كأنه أمير نبيل فى صفاته ك دوق

وفجأة صرخ فى عقلى صوت ك البوق

استيقظى يافتاة لقد باع حبك فى السوق

ونلت من عذابه ألوان لها مرارة وضوق

وأصبحت أسيرة حب حول عنقى ك طوق

وماذا نالنى من حبه غير العقوق

وأنانية ومرارة فى الحلق

وصبرت ك صبر عطش نوق

فى صحراء نسيمه ك لهيب شوق


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

The breeze of longing *********** The breeze of longing blew, reminding me of a lover full of taste, and his memory attracted me with all the longing inside me. His name rings in my ears like a symphony in a choir, as if he were a noble prince with qualities like a duke, and suddenly a voice like a trumpet shouted in my mind. Wake up, girl, your love has been sold in the market, and you have suffered from his torment in colors that have bitterness and distress. I have become a prisoner of love around my neck like a collar. And what has his love gotten me except disobedience, selfishness, and bitterness in the throat? And I have been patient like the patience of a thirsty camel in the desert. His breeze is like a flame of longing with my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

ماذا لو؟


ماذا لو اختفى الشر بلا عزاء ولا سلو؟

ماذا لو اختفى الفساد والأسعار بلا غلو!!

وكبر الناس للحق ودعوا وصلوا!!

وساروا على صراط مستقيم ولا ضلوا!!!

واجتمع شلم الأحبة وطلوا!!

والحب ألف بين القلوب وثبت وظلوا!!!

والسمو بالنفس بالانسان علو!!!

والطيبين زادوا والأشرار قلو!!!

وما عاد هناك قلق ولا النفوس ملو

وما أخطأ الناس وهانوا وذلو

وبالرأى السديد نصحوا ودلو

وأحب الناس الحق وهتفوا له وكبروا وهللو

ماذا لو؟!!!!


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

What if? ***** What if evil disappears without consolation or comfort? What if corruption and prices disappeared without exaggeration!! People grew up for the truth and prayed and prayed!! They walked on a straight path and did not go astray!!! And the lovers gathered together and went away!! And love united hearts and remained firm and lasting!!! Elevation of the soul and of man is exaltation!!! The good ones increased and the bad ones decreased!!! There is no longer any anxiety, nor are souls filled, and people have not sinned, been humiliated, humiliated, and with good opinion have been soundly advised and guided, and people have loved the truth, cheered for it, grown up, and cheered. What if?!!!! With my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

ظلال الذكريات


جلست تحت ظلال الذكريات

اتذكر كل مامضى من حياتى والآت

وكانت فيما مضى أجمل حياة

واليوم أحس بمرارة النبضات

والدموع تذرف والآهات

وأحس اننى اقترب من الممات

وضحك عقلى وقال دعكى من التراهات

وافرغى حزنك ومن الفرح خذى وهاتى

فالحياة أجمل من مرارة ذكريات

وسفينة الحياة أمل وفيها كل النجاة

ف صرخ قلبى قائلا لا هيهات

هيهات ان أنسى ما مر بى من دموع وآهات

ف الحب بيننا كان ميثاق واجمل صلات

وكان بيننا حنين الشوق فى كل الحالات

وكان يعطى حياتنا بريق حلو من الهالات

ف الحياة ستستمر مهما كانت النيات

ومهما صادف المرء من ويلات

ومهما كانت ف هى مجرد ذكريات


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Shadows of Memories ********* I sat under the shadows of memories, remembering everything that passed in my life and the past, and it was once the most beautiful life, and today I feel the bitterness of heartbeats and tears flowing and groans, and I feel that I am approaching death, and my mind laughed and said, Forget the nonsense and empty your sadness and joy, take and give. Life is more beautiful than the bitterness of memories, and the ship of life is hope, and within it is all salvation, so my heart cried out, saying, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no way.” There were tears and groans in me. The love between us was a covenant and the most beautiful bond. We had the longing of longing in all situations, and it gave our lives a sweet sparkle of auras. Life will go on, no matter what the intentions are, and no matter what calamities one encounters, and no matter what they are, they are just memories. With my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

صمت عميق


ساد صمت بيننا بعد ان كنا لانمل الحديث

كنا نتناقش فى كل مكان حتى فى موقع الفيس

وفجاة اعترضنا سد حائل ك باب قفل بالمتاريس

واصبحت أهذى وفى حالة لاوعى وتنتابنى الكوابيس

واروح وأجئ ك عصفور فى قفص حبيس

كان يقول لى أشعار وبأننى جوهره النفيس

كان يقول اننى فاتنته وأننى اشبه لميس

كنت ليلاه وكان عاشقى المجنون قيس

وتحاورنا وكان وكنا وبما أن وربما وحيث

ومن الفكر والسهد أصبحت أحتاج الى تخسيس

وجاءنى كثيرون يطلبون ودى وكم من عريس

وكان لى أشبه بصياد وكنت له الفريس

كنت أحبه ك عابد متصوف فى محرابه ك قديس

كنت بين يديه ارتعش ك فريسة بين أنياب ليث

وفجأة عادت الأمور الى نصابها وجد تحديث

وعاد بيننا الود والألفة وآلاف من الأحاديث

وعادت الحياة وردية بلا أرق وسهد وكوابيس

ما بين ليل وصهيل خيل

احتار بى الدليل

فى خاطرى خيال أصيل السليل

أصاب قلبى بالهجر العليل

ومرت بى أيام ليست بالقليل

وعدنا وعادت أيامنا وحلمنا الجميل


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

A deep silence ******** A silence prevailed between us after we were bored of talking. We were discussing everywhere, even on the Facebook site. Suddenly, a barrier blocked us, like a locked door with barricades. I became delirious and in a state of unconsciousness, and nightmares plagued me, and I came and went like a bird in a cage that was trapped. He would tell me poems and that I was his precious jewel. He would say that I was his charm and that I looked like Lamis. I was his night, and he was my crazy lover, Qais, and we talked. And it was and we were, and since and perhaps and where and from thought and sleep, I became in need of weight loss and many came to me asking for my love and how many grooms and I was like a hunter and I was his prey I loved him like a Sufi worshiper in his sanctuary like a saint I was in his hands trembling like a prey between the fangs of a lion and suddenly things returned to normal. There was an update, and friendship, familiarity, and thousands of conversations returned between us, and life returned to rosy life without insomnia, sleeplessness, and nightmares. Between the night and the neighing of horses that confused me. The evidence in my mind is an original, descendant imagination that struck my heart with bitter abandonment, and not a few days passed by me. We returned, and our days and our beautiful dream returned, with my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 
لا تسألونى

لاتسألونى هذا قلبى فأسألوه
لاتلومونى بل عاتبوه
وأسالوه لما الهجر فقدأرقنى
فلا تسألونى بل قيدوه
ولاتسألونى لما تناسى؟!
وان كذب وادعى فلا تصدقوه
فلا تسألونى بل أسألوه
هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى
Don't ask me ******** Don't ask me, this is my heart, so ask it, don't blame me, but blame it, and ask it why the abandonment has made me anxious, so don't ask me, rather chain it, and don't ask me why I forgot?! And ask him, and if he lies and claims, do not believe him, so do not ask me, but rather ask him with my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

طائر الالهام


صاح بى طائر الهامى

وتحدث الى بمفهوم عامى

بلغة عربية وربما بصوت شامى

وازال من عينى غشاوة وغمامى

وبنا ما هد من ركامى

ورمى شيطان فكرى برجامى

وغضب من رد فعلى غضبة حامى

ونسيت كل شئ كأنه شئ هلامى

وتفكرت وتدبرت وشطح عقلى بهيامى

ف صاح بى طائرى أهدئى وتروى ونامى

وكفى عن اعاصيرك التى تشبه تسونامى

وأنسى كلامى فأنها تراهات أوهامى

يكفى صغيرتى ان لكى هدف سامى

ف سامحته وضممته ف هدأ طائر الهامى


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

The bird of inspiration ******* The bird of inspiration shouted at me and spoke to me in a colloquial sense, in an Arabic language, and perhaps in a Levantine voice, and removed the veils from my eyes and my clouds, and with us, what was destroyed from my ruins, and the demon of my mind threw my stones and became angry at my response, with a burning anger, and I forgot everything as if it were a gelatinous thing, and I thought and pondered. My mind ran wild with my dreams, and my bird shouted at me. Calm down, calm down, sleep, and stop talking about your hurricanes that resemble a tsunami. And forget my words, for they are the nonsense of my delusions. It is enough, my little girl, that you have a lofty goal. So I forgave him and hugged him, and the bird of my inspiration calmed down with my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

نهاية الشعراء


هل هذه نهاية الشعراء

موت وحيدا فى العراء

وفقر مدقع بلا ثراء

يتهمونهم بالرياء وهم منه براء

ويتوارون خلف كلماتهم ك حمامة فى غار حراء

وعلى كلماتهم يتهامسون من جراء

والبعض يسخر من حرفهم بازدراء

وينظرون اليهم نظرة شذراء

رغم احساسهم الرقيق مع الناس فى السراء

ويتكاتفون ويعبرون عن همومهم فى الضراء

وقد لايلقون تشجيعا أو اطراء

ولا كلمة سلوى أو عزاء

ويلصقون فيهم كل صفة ك الغراء

رغم ان فى كلماتهم دفء ك الفراء

بالنسبة لبعض الناس والقراء

والبعض يقول عبثا وهراء

ويتكلمون عنهم من وراء

ف هل هذا ذنب رقة احساس الشعراء؟!!!!


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

The end of poets ******** Is this the end of poets? Death alone in the open and in abject poverty without wealth. They accuse them of hypocrisy, but they are innocent of it. They hide behind their words like a dove in the cave of Hira, and their words are whispered as a result. Some mock their crafts with contempt and look at them with contempt, despite Their tender feeling towards people in good times, and they join hands and express their concerns in bad times, and they may not receive encouragement or compliments or a word of consolation or consolation, and they stick every characteristic to them like glue, even though in their words there is a warmth like fur for some people and readers, and some say in vain and nonsense and talk about them from behind, so is this? The fault of the poets’ tender feelings?!!!! With my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 


انا والحظ


قابلت مرة الحظ وقولتله

ياعم حن شوية عليا

بصلى بصة حنية

قالى يابت أجرى العبى

ده انا مش هفية

ده انا ابن جنية

ده انا متقسم قسمة فنية

ده أنا من نصيب ابن الوز

ده انا الحظ ابن العز


ياعم اتهد وبطل

عمال فيا تقص وتلزق وتجز

وتنغص فى عيشى وتحز

ودايما تقولى هات ومفيش مرة تقولى خذ

دايما كلام معايا اقوال ومفيشdoes

دايما تأكلنى فول ومفيش مرة فتة رز

ودايما تدينى على راسى وعلى جبينى تغز

وتقولى يلا ابعدى عن طريقى اجرى وفزى

ومهما عملت واشتغلت ونسجت زى دودة قز

عمال فيا تهش وتلز

ايه ياعم أرضيك ازاى يامز

ما كفاية عمال فيا تضرب وتهز

اقولك ايه؟!!!

معنديش ليك غير ياعم طظ


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

I dreamed about luck and I. ****** I once met luck and said to him, “Uncle, I am a little keen on me. He prayed with kindness.” He said, “Dad, play this game. I am not good. This is me, the son of a fairy. This is me. I am divided into an artistic division. This is me. I am in the share of the son of a goose.” I told him, “Oh, I am luck, the son of pride.” I told him. Be calm and stop working on me. You cut and paste and cut and interfere with my life and make me sad and you always tell me to bring it and there will be nothing. One time you say, always talk to me, sayings, and there are no does, you always eat me beans, and there are no times, you eat me with rice crumbs, and you always give me a kiss on my head and on my forehead, and you say, come on, get out of my way, I run and win, and no matter how much I work and work, and weave like a silkworm, they work for me, how can I please you, how can I please you, how can I be beaten? What can I tell you?!!! I have no one for you except, Uncle Tad, with my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

اكتوبر العظيم


هيا بنا يادفعة فالوطن ينادى

ان صفوا الصفوف وحاذى وحادى

بيادة صفا انتياه جنبا سلاح وسلام سلاح عادى

وصرخ فينا قائدنا قائلا يا ابطال

هلموا الى نداء الوطن فهذا يومنا وخير زادى

اكتوبر العظيم فهلموا مصرنا العزيزة تنادى

وصرخنا جميعا فى صوت واحد كانه نغمة

ياوطن كلنا فداك النصر أو الشهادة

رددها كل جندى مرحبا ك العادة

لتظل مصر دوما لها السيادة والقيادة

وكيف لا وهى أم الدنيا وبها خير وأشجع قادة

ف اسمعوا ايها المواطنون السادة

عبرنا وانتصرناورفعنا العلم

فمن يتجاسر ان يتمادى؟!!

لم تهزمنا طائرات معادية ولا دبابة

حفرنا خنادقنا وتمسكنا بسلاحنا

ولم تهزمنا شعارات كدابة

وانشدنا أنشودة النصر

يامصر لكى دوما كل السيادة


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Great October ********** Let us go, batch, for the homeland is calling for us to line up, stand alone, stand alone in a row, stand side by side, weapons and peace, ordinary weapons, and our leader shouted at us, saying, “Heroes, come to the call of the homeland. This is our day and the best day of the great October. Come, our dear Egypt is calling.” And we all shouted in one voice as if it were a tune, Oh my homeland, we are all sacrificed for you, victory or martyrdom. It was repeated by every soldier, hello, as usual, so that Egypt will always have sovereignty and leadership. How could it not, when it is the mother of the world and has the best and bravest leaders, so listen, gentlemen citizens, we crossed and won, and we raised the flag, so who dares to go too far?!! We were not defeated by enemy aircraft or tanks. We dug our trenches and stuck to our weapons. We were not defeated by false slogans. We sang the victory song, O Egypt, for you always have full sovereignty. In my words... Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalbi 

ثرثرة مع البحر


جلست بجوار البحر

أثرثر معه فى ساعة سمر

وتأملت امواجه تتلاطم

ووجدت معها همومى تتعاظم

وسمعت هديره يتحدث لى

ويشير لى ان اقتربى منى

انا صديقك ففضفضى لى

فأنت فى أمس الحاجة لصديق

ولقد قيل دوما ان الصديق وقت الضي

فلا تدعى همك لحلو الحياة يعيق

واستيقظى يافتاة وفيقى

فأنا معك دوما أفضل رفيق

وتسامرنا وتناقشنا ووصلت لقرار

اننا أصدقاء وليس بيننا أسرار

واننى مهما حدث فليس لى من القدر فرار

وعندها زال همى وغمى

فالبحر خير دواء لهمى

وتناسيت غدر الحبيب

بصفاء وحكمة بحر لبيب


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Gossip with the sea ******* I sat next to the sea, chatting with it in the dark hour, and I looked at its waves crashing, and I found my worries growing with them, and I heard its roar talking to me and signaling to me to come closer to me, I am your friend, so talk to me, for you are in dire need of a friend, and it has always been said that a friend is in times of need. Do not let your concern for the sweetness of life hinder you. Wake up, girl, and wake up. I am always with you, the best companion. We chatted and discussed, and I reached the decision that we are friends. There are no secrets between us, and no matter what happens, I have no escape from fate. And then my anxiety and fainting disappeared, for the sea is the best medicine for my anxiety, and I forgot the treachery of the beloved, with the purity and wisdom of an eloquent sea. With my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

تكوين كلمة


جلست يوما مع أحرفى

وسألتها ترى ما معنى الكلمة؟!!

وكيف تتكون منكى فى جملة؟!!

كلمة ذات وزن رنان ك عملة

ف أجابت قائلة

اننى أبحث عنها وأشعرها بين حروفى

ف تنساب لتكون باقة تلائم ظروفى

ابحث عنها فى كل شئ يوفى

ابحث عنها فأجدها فى الحق

اجدها فى العدل

أجدها فى الرحمة

اجدها فى كل شئ جميل وسط الزحمة

أجدها فى العشوائية

أجدها فى العفوية

أجدها فى طبيعة مزدهرة مروية

الكلمة نور

وبعض الكلمات قبور

الكلمة سور لكل قبيح فى حياتى

الكلمة فيها حياتى ومماتى

الكلمة هى أنا وكل ذاتى

الكلمة حماية

الكلمة وقاية

الكلمة عناية

الكلمة فضفضة لما حبسناه وأطلقه القلب والروح

الكلمة بوح

الكلمة شفاء للجروح

الكلمة هى قلبى وكل الروح


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Formation of the word ******** One day I sat with Harfy and asked her: What is the meaning of the word?!! How can you be composed in a sentence?!! A word with a resonant weight like a coin. She replied, saying, “I search for it and I feel it between my letters, so it flows to become a bouquet that suits my circumstances. I search for it in everything that fulfills it. I search for it and find it in truth. I find it in justice. I find it in mercy. I find it in everything beautiful in the midst of crowding. I find it in randomness. I find it in... I find spontaneity in a flourishing, irrigated nature. The word is light and some words are graves. The word is a wall for every ugliness in my life. The word is in it, my life and my death. The word is me and everything. My self, the word, the protection of the word, the protection of the word, the care of the word, loosening what we have locked up and releasing it, the heart and soul. The word, revealing the word, is a healing for wounds. The word is my heart and the whole soul is in my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

علم ولد


علم ولد تبنى بلد

علم صبية تكسب قضية

علم شاب لالوم ولا عتاب

علم شابة تلقى محبة

العلم للولد سند

العلم مية وهواء

وهيبة بكساء

وضمير ذو نقاء

وقوة لحب البقاء

بالعلم نقضى على الكساد

ونحارب الفساد

ونجنى خير حصاد

ف ليحيا التعليم بلا حدود

العلم عالم بلا حدود

يبنى كبارى ويزيل سدود

ويفتح كل باب مسدود

ويلين الحبل المشدود

ويذوب حديد وقدود

ويطيل عمر معدود

وينور عقل محدود

ويجيب حيرة سؤال بلا ردو

وينشر محبة بعد صدو

ويساعد كل يد ممدود

ويبنى دربنا بأمل موعود


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Educate a boy **** Educate a boy Adopt a country Educate a young girl wins a case Educate a young man No blame or reproach Educate a young woman who receives the love of education for the boy The support of knowledge is water, air, and prestige Cloaked and a conscience of purity and strength For the love of survival With education, we eliminate stagnation, fight corruption, and reap the best harvest, so may education live without The limits of knowledge are a world without borders. It builds bridges, removes dams, opens every blocked door, softens the tight rope, melts iron and iron, prolongs a limited life, enlightens a limited mind, answers confused questions without answers, spreads love after obstacles, helps every outstretched hand, and builds our path with promised hope. With my pen... Howayda Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalbi 



مقضينها شعارات...مؤتمرات..ندوات..محاضرات


والتعلب فات فات

وفى ديله سبع لفات

والوطن قالوا مات

وشغال مظاهرات

والأسعار بقت نار

والكاش قالوا طار

لاسيولة ولا حتى فار

والعيش قالوا طابور

والعدد محدود ياخوفى يبور

والبعدا منشرحى الصدور

لاجايبين خبر هس امسك لسانك اوعى تثور

الثورة عار

بتقيد النار

يابنى خليك جبان

اوعى حسك يبان

وأمشى جنب الحيط

لحسن تندم وتقضيها بكا وعياط

قال ايه الجبان ربى عياله

قال ايه الخوف يامحلاه يبقى فاله

بدل ما يشيل حاله

ويضيع الباقى فى ماله

وانت مالك؟!

خليك فى حالك

يكونش ده مش وطنك؟!

يكونش ده مش حالك؟!

يكونش ده مش مالك؟!

يابنى وطنك هوه حالك..هوه مالك

لما تمرض وطنك يتعب

لما تجوع وطنك يتعب

ولما تشبع وتفرح وطنك يلعب

وده المفروض

يعنى ايه كلمة وطن؟!!

يعنى قلب وعقل وبطن

وازاى وطن من غير قلب؟!!

وازاى وطن من غير ملى بطن؟!!

قالوا الجوع كافر

ف ليه ياوطنى بتعافر؟!!

واللى مش طايق هج وسافر

ولما نتكلم يقولوا بجح شيوعى وسافل

ف ليه ياوطنى بتعافر؟!


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Slogans **** We spend it on slogans... Conferences... Seminars... Lectures Meetings... Dialogues And the game is over and over, and there are seven turns in his country, and the homeland they said is dead, and there are demonstrations, and the prices are on fire, and the cash is gone, and they say there is no liquidity, not even a flight, and bread, they say, is a queue, and the number is limited, my fear is going away. And far away, I won't open my chests to answer any news now. Hold your tongue, don't revolt. The revolution is shameful. It's a shame to be chained to the fire, my son. Be a coward. Be aware. Your senses are showing. And I walk beside the wall. You'll regret it and spend it crying and crying. He said, "What a coward, raise his family." He said, "What a fear, oh sweet one. He'll stay alive instead of taking care of himself and wasting the rest of his money, and you're yours." ! Stay in peace, because this is not your homeland?! Is this not your case?! Isn't this your fault?! My son, your country is how you are.. it is your fault when you get sick, your country gets tired, when you are hungry, your country gets tired, and when you are satisfied and happy, your country plays, and what is the word “homeland” supposed to mean?!! It means a heart, a mind, and a stomach. What is a homeland without a heart?!! What is a homeland without a full stomach?!! They said: Hunger is an infidel, so why do you, my country, fight each other?!! And those who can't stand it go away and travel, and when we talk, they say, "You're a communist and a bastard. Why are you fighting each other, my country?" With my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 



ليه ياوطنى بتعافر؟!!

المفروض نموت من الجوع

المفروض منعرفش الكوع من البوع

المفروض نعيش الخوف والروع

المفروض منسألش ايه النظام والنوع

هوه ده معنى الوطن

هوه ده حب الوطن؟!!!

ليه ياوطن احبك وماتراعنيش؟!!!

ليه ماتراضنيش؟! ليه عايزنى فى جوع وضنك اعيش؟!!

وان طالبت بحقى تقول مفيش

وان تكلمت تقول مايهمنيش

تتقهر تجوع تموت او تعيش

ليه ياوطن انت ظالم؟

وانت بحال أولادك عالم

ليه تخلينا فى وهم حالم؟

وفى الأخير تطلع كداب وظالم

اللى حواليك ناس مش بهايم

ليه نعيش وسط ناس مظالم

الله عليك ياوطن محتال وحالم

ده كنا فاكرينك ياوطن مسالم

الله عليك يابلد

وياعينى على حال الولد

اللى بكى وتعب لكنه لربه سجد

ودعى لربه وعبد

وقال يارب ياتيجى ساعة اللحد

يايتعدل حال البلد

ويلا نقضيها حساب وعتب

ويلا نطالب بحق البلد

واتشجع وطالب ياولد

ده هو عليك حق البلد

يارب أصلح حال البلد

اللى ملهاش بعدك سند

واستجابتك لدعوانا هية العمد

الله ليك يابلد


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Slogans 2 ***** Why are you fighting each other, my country?!! We are supposed to die of hunger, we are supposed to not know the elbow from the store, we are supposed to live in fear and horror, we are supposed to not ask what the system and the type is this, is this the meaning of the homeland, is this the love of the homeland?!!! Why do I love you, homeland, and you don't care about me?!!! Why don't you please me?! Why do you want me to live in hunger and hardship?!! And if I demand my right, you say there is nothing, and if I speak, you say I don’t care, you can be oppressed, starve, die or live. Why, my country, are you unjust? Why do you know how your children are, why do you leave us with a dreamy illusion? In the end, you appear to be a liar and an oppressor. Those around you are people who are not beasts. Why do we live among unjust people? God be upon you, my nation, a fraudster and a dreamer. We thought of you, my peaceful nation. God be upon you, my country, and help me in the condition of the boy who cried and was tired, but to his Lord he prostrated and prayed to his Lord and worshiped and said, “Oh God, the hour of the grave will come. Oh, the condition of the country will be improved. Woe to you.” We spend it in reckoning and blaming. Let us demand the rights of the country. Be encouraged and demand this boy You have the right of the country, O Lord. Correct the condition of the country that has no support after you. Your response to our prayers is the same. May God bless you, country. With my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 



تمتمت لى نفسى قائلة احذرنى ياأنا

ك حديث عاشقة لعشقها المنتهى

تمتمت بصوت خافت كأنما تحدث الأنا

يانفسى اننى لست مغرمة بالفنا

اننى أتوق لعشق كله هنا

اكون انا ملكته وكل المنى

لاأريد من يخلف موعدى وينسانى انا

من لايجعلنى ضى عينيه وكل السنا

احذر ذات يوم من تمرد تلك الأنا

لو أهملتها يوما يا ويلك

لن تجد لقلبها يوما اليك سبيلا

لاتجعلها تعانى تباريح الهوى طويلا

وأجعل كل أيامها نغمات جميلة

ولاتجعل الوصول الى حبك مستحيلا

حتى يقرر الله أمرا كان مفعولا

ولاتجعل كلماتك غليظة ثقيلة

كن لها كالماء عذب سلسبيلا

كن لها قلبا وقالبا مستديما

حتى لاتتمرد وتثور ثورة عنيفة

عندها فقط فلتحذرنى ياأنا


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Beware of me ******** My soul murmured to me, saying, “Beware of me, oh, I am like a lover talking about her ultimate love.” She murmured in a low voice, as if the ego was speaking, “My soul,” that I am not in love with art. I long for all of love. Here I will be its queen and all its semen. I do not want anyone to break my appointment and forget me. I am the one who does not make me miserable. His eyes and all our teeth, beware one day of the rebellion of that ego. If you neglect it one day, oh woe, her heart will never find a way to you. Do not make her suffer from the bouts of passion for a long time, and make all her days beautiful tunes. Do not make it impossible to reach your love until God decides a matter that has been done. And do not make your words harsh and heavy. Be for her like water, sweet and smooth. Be for her a heart and a permanent heart so that she does not rebel and erupt in a violent revolution. Only then beware of me, O Anna, with my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al Kamlabi 

حضن امى


فى حضن أمى

أنسى همى

وابتسامتها بتزيل غمى

لما ابعثر حزنى حواليها تقولى لمى

وتشيل اللقمة وتحطها فى تمى

وتزرع خيرها زهور وتقولى شمى

ولما أخاف تضمنى وتقولى ادارى فى كمى

وتجيب الفرح ليا وتقولى خمى

وتفرد ايديها وتقولى تعالى فى حضنى ضمى

وتقولى الحزن شيليه من عينيكى وفى قلبى حطى

ده انتى فى الحياة حظى

وانتى حياتى وعمرى وحبى

ده انتى لسة فى عينى طفلة لسة بتخطى

دايما بتذكرك واذرف دموعى

واقول الله يرحمك ياامى

ده انتى اللى وصانى المولى بيكى

والجنة تحت اقدامك وبدعيلك دايما ياأمى


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

My mother's embrace ***** In my mother's embrace, I forget my worries and her smile removes my grief. When I scatter my sadness around her, she says to me, and she takes out the morsel and places it in my mouth, and plants the best of it with flowers, and says smell it, and when I'm afraid she hugs me and says, "Run in my sleeve" and brings joy to me, and says, "Hello," and she spreads her hands and says, "Come in my embrace, embrace me." And you say, remove the sadness from your eyes and put this in my heart You are my luck in life, you are my life, my life, and my love. You are still a child in my eyes. You are still skipping. I always remember you and shed my tears and say, “May God have mercy on you, my mother.” You are the one who the Lord has commanded me to be with you. Paradise is under your feet and I always pray for you, mother. With my pen.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi 

مولد النبى المختار


فى مولد النبى خاتم الرسل المصطفى محمد

والذى لربه شكر وصلى وحمد

وسبحان من جعل الماء جمد

ما ضل صاحبكم وما غوى ولا عزمه خمد

راعى اليتامى اللين الهين الذى للجرح ضمد

وأقسم بالله الذى رفع السماء بلا عمد

الكاظم الغيظ العافى عن الناس بلا كمد

الذى بالاسلام لنا وهب وأعطى وأمد

والذى لم تكل عزيمته ولا كل ولا همد

كان تكاله على الله صبر واحتسب واعتمد

سبحانه جل جلاله الواحد الصمد

محمد خير وخاتم الرسل

الذى برسالته للكون وصل

محمد نبى الله الأمى

الذى ما عبس فى وجه الأعمى

النبى فاضل الأخلاق الأسمى

محمد ابن عبدالله

الذى صلى وعبد الله

وأمه آمنة بنت وهب

 واكرمها الله بمحمد و لها وهب

وجده عبد المطلب

وعمه ابو طالب

وبحق أل البيت الكريم

صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما عظيم


هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى

The Birth of the Chosen Prophet ********** In the birth of the Prophet, the Seal of the Messengers, the Chosen One, Muhammad, to whose Lord he gave thanks, prayed, and praised, and Glory be to Him who made the waters froze. Your companion has not gone astray, nor gone astray, nor has his resolve been extinguished. The gentle, easy-going shepherd of the orphans, who bandaged up the wound and swore by God who raised the sky. Without the suppression of anger, who spared people, without the suppression of the one who in Islam is ours, he bestowed, gave, and provided. And the one whose resolve did not tire, nor did he tire, nor did he give up, his dependence on God was patient, considered, and depended. Glory be to Him, glory be to Him, the One, the Almighty, Muhammad is the best and the Seal of the Messengers, who with his message to the universe reached Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet of God, who never frowned. In the face of the blind, the Prophet, the virtuous one, the highest morals, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, who prayed and worshiped God, and his mother Amina bint Wahb, and God honored her with Muhammad and her Wahb, and his grandfather Abdul Muttalib and his uncle Abu Talib, and for the sake of the family of the Noble House, pray for him and give great greetings with my words.. Howayda Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalbi 

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