🌹التراحم🌹🐦التراحم بين الخلق يعنى نشر الرحمه بينهم🐦❣️يعنى التآزر والتعاطف والتعاون❣️ اى بذل الخير والمعروف والاحسان لمن هو فى حاجه اليه🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍 🌷 ياكل شاعرة وكل شاعر🌷 🥍 كونوا مع عزف المشاعر🥍🌺وفى الحلقه دى...التراحم🌺❤️نعزف ارقى عزف....وابرك لحن❤️معاكم منى محمد،،،،❤️🌷❤️🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹Compassion Compassion among people means spreading mercy among them. It means synergy, sympathy, and cooperation, that is, giving goodness, kindness, and kindness to those who are in need of it. A poet and every poet, be with the music of feelings, and in this episode... Compassion, we play the finest music.... And I bless a melody with you from Mona Muhammad. ,,, ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕زيدوا الصلاة على محمد وآله الإيمان والتقوى كنزه وماله ثبت دعائم الإسلام بأفعاله جسد مسلك الحق بأقواله نور الهدى يشع بإطلاله نبي الرحمة نستظل بظلاله من أنكر أثبت ضلاله ومن أقره الجنة مآله عليه الصلاة وآله نور الله جل جلالهبدر شحودIncrease blessings upon Muhammad and his family. Faith and piety are his treasure and his wealth. He established the foundations of Islam with his actions. He embodied the path of truth with his words. The light of guidance shines with his appearance. The Prophet of Mercy. We seek shade in his shadow. Whoever denies is proven to be misguided, and whoever confirms it is Paradise. His destination is the light of God Almighty. Badr Shahoud ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕وفين نلاقي الوفا ينباع؟!وليه بقا غدر الاحبه مشاع؟!وليه الحلو جوانا متخبي؟! ونظهر السئ من غير داع،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،عبليAnd where do we find loyalty springing?! Why is the betrayal of loved ones so common?! Why is sweet Joanna hiding?! And we show bad things unnecessarily,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my God ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕
ياشهر الرحمة الكل ف إنتظاركتعالي هدي الغلاقلوبنا محتاجالكوالدنيا مشعللاتعالي بإبتسامكبالرحمة والغفرانودعوة مصهللاوقف حروب البشرطالقين شرورهموالأبالسة مسلسلاإفرش حصيرة الرضاوإفرد الكعبلاوربك المعبوديمحي كل الذنوببصوم وذكر وصلاوصي علينا النسايخفوا عن الجيوبماعدش فيه شخللاالناس بتاكل طوبمابقتش متحملاوالجامعة والمدرسةشادين حيلهم عليناولا علم ولا أندلاياشهر الخير تعاليإنقذنا من البلا......................... ِ..بقلم /محمد صادق نداO month of mercy, all are waiting for you. Come, guide the precious ones. Our hearts need you, and the world is on fire. Come, with your smile, with mercy and forgiveness and the call of peace. Stop the wars of humans unleashing their evils and the demons in a row. Spread the mat of contentment and spread out the heel. And your worshiped Lord erases all sins with fasting, remembrance, and praying. Guardian over us. Women hide from their pockets. There is no shard in it. People eat bricks. I can no longer bear it, while the university and school are using their tricks on us, and there is no knowledge or knowledge, O month of goodness, come, save us from calamity......................... .. Written by / Muhammad Sadiq Nada ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕
أللهم وسلم على نبينا الامينسيدنا محمد خاتم الأنبياء والمرسلينسيدنا وسيد الخلق أجمعيناللهم ما واحشرنا مع الصديقينواجعلنا من أهل الخير التوابينواسترنا بسترك يوم الدينواغفر لنا ولوالدينا ولجميع المسلميناللهم انك عفو كريم تحب العفو فاعفو عنا يا أرحم الراحمين اللهم امينمحمد سعدون Oh God, grant peace to our faithful prophet, our master Muhammad, the seal of the prophets and messengers, our master and the master of all creation. Oh God, gather us with the two righteous and make us among the people of goodness who repent, and cover us with Your cover on the Day of Judgment. And forgive us and our parents and all Muslims. Oh God, you are the most generous pardoner and you love forgiveness, so forgive us, O Most Merciful of the Merciful. Oh God, Amen. ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕حوش فى ناسك الطيبينوازرع جميل فى أرضهملما فى يوم تقول يا مينحتلاقى فين ناس زيهممهما تعدى عليك سنينأوصل زيادة فى ودهمح يشلوا حملك فوق كتافح يكونوا لك زى الغلافلما أوراقك تقع وتلمهمفى قلبهم
عبير محمودEnjoy your good people and plant something beautiful in their land. When one day you say, “Who are you? Where will you find people like them? No matter how many years pass you by, I will increase their love. They will lift your burden on your shoulders. They will be yours like a cover when your leaves fall and you will blame them in their hearts.” Abeer Mahmoud ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕التراحم ان يرحم بعضنا البعضوان يرحم القوي الضعيف فيحسنا الاسلام علي التراحم فيما بيننا وان يرحم قوينا ضعيفنا وان يوقر صغيرنا كبيرنا فنحن في زمن لا يعرف اهلة قيمة التراحم والعطف لين القلوب من عند اللهفمن قسي قلبوة فهو لا يعرف للتراحم سبيلا بقلمي فاتن فوزيCompassion is to be merciful to each other, and for the strong to be merciful to the weak, so Islam improves compassion among us, and for the strong to be merciful to the weak, and for the young to respect the old. We are in a time when its people do not know the value of compassion and kindness. Soft hearts are from God. Whoever has a hardened heart knows no way to compassion. Written by Faten Fawzi ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕يا قاطع الارحام في كل الدناستجده في كأس الحياه شرابدين القطيعه مضمون الوفايرثه الاولاد والاصحابلا تتركوا الاحقاد تملا صدورنافيشيب منه القلب وهو شبابلا تجعلوا الشيطان يمسح عقلناوالنور يصبح في العيون ضبابلا تقطع الارحام واطرق بابهاللصلح دوما افتح الابواب
صله الرحم هي بركه في عمرناوصفا الاحبه نظره وعتاب
فالله يكرم من يواصل اهلهورضا..الاله له يكون ثوابسميه بحيري بحيري O severing ties throughout the world, you will find him in the cup of life, the drink of the debt of estrangement. Guaranteed loyalty will be inherited by children and friends. Do not let grudges fill our chests so that the heart grows gray from them when they are young. Do not let the devil erase our mind and the light becomes mist in the eyes. Do not sever ties of kinship and knock on its door for reconciliation. Always open the doors. The connection of the kin is A blessing in our lives and a description of loved ones, a look and a reproach. God honors those who continue with their family and satisfaction.. God will reward him. He called him Bahiri Bahiri ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕التراحم والرحمة نعمة من الله وعطاء لايعرفها إلا أهل الكرم والجود والسخاءفهي لاتسكن إلا في نفوس الشرفاء والشجعان النبلاءولا يعرف معناها إلا الكرماءولن يذوق لذة طعمها الجبناء لأنهم بخلاءوالكرم شجرة من الجنه أصلها بالسماء وفروعها تدلت على أصحاب النفوس الطيبه لذا تراهم رحماءوالبخل والشحناء والبغضاء شجرة أصلها من نيران الجحيم لايتمسك بها إلا الأشقياء البخلاء اللهم نسألك بأسمك الأعظم أن تثبت الكرم والجود والسخاء بقلوبنا وأجعلنا برحمتك من السعداء يوم اللقاء
نسرأبوخالدCompassion and mercy are a blessing from God and a gift that is known only to people of generosity, generosity, and generosity. It only resides in the souls of the honorable, the brave, and the noble. Only the generous know its meaning, and the cowards will not taste the pleasure of it because they are stingy. Generosity is a tree from Paradise whose origin is in the sky and its branches point down to those with good souls, so you see them as merciful. And miserliness, meanness, and hatred. A tree originating from the fires of hell that only the miserable and stingy cling to. Oh God, we ask you in your greatest name to establish generosity, generosity and generosity in our hearts and make us, with your mercy, among the happy ones on the day of meeting. Improvisation by Nisr Abu Khaled ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕التراحم***الرحمة من نعم الرحيممنه لنا الحياة ب النعيمبالجنة اروحنا تنعم لمننعطيه ليتنعم بالصميمالهنا مقسم الارزاق منابالكثير بالبذخ بالتكريممنا بالكفاف يعيش بفقرمدقع منتظرا مِنَّة كريملولا تنوع الامم لَمَ عَمَر كون او عاش المضيمو لَمَ بنيت دار او نقبت ارض خيرها رزق عميملَمَ تالق شعب بالثقافةبالعلم لرقيه التعظيم
بقلمي ✍️ ملفينا ابومرادلبنان 🇱🇧٢٠٢٤/٣/٢٥Compassion *** Mercy is one of the blessings of the Most Merciful. From Him we have life in bliss in Paradise. Our souls are blessed for whomever we give to, so that they may enjoy the essence. Our God is the divider of sustenance from us with abundance, with extravagance, with honors from us with subsistence. He lives in abject poverty, waiting for a gracious favor from Him. If it were not for the diversity of nations, the universe would not have lived or the host would have lived, nor would a house be built or excavated. A land with abundant livelihood. Why a people shines with culture, with knowledge, for the advancement of veneration. Written by Melvina Abu Murad, Lebanon, 3/25/2024 ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕اللهم ارحم أهلنا
رباه إني أسألك فتحا مبينا ورحمة كنسائم ينثرها القدرطمست عزتنا مما نزل غزة لا تجعلها حجة علينا يوم الحساب بما خذلنا أهلها وتركنا طفلها وحيدا مبعثرة شيم نتغنى بها في الملإ شغلتنا ذنوبنا عن ما جرى لغزة كنا نرفع الظلم وتنتصر للضعيف بقلمي : البشير سلطانيOh God, have mercy on our people, my Lord. I ask you for a clear victory and mercy like breezes dispersed by fate. Our pride has been obliterated by what happened to Gaza. Do not make it an argument against us on the Day of Judgment because we failed its people and left its child alone and scattered. Something to sing about in public. Our sins distracted us from what happened to Gaza. We were lifting injustice and defending the weak. With my pen: Al-Bashir Sultani. ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕التراحمالتراحم بين الخلق يعني نشر الرحمة بينهميعني التآزر والتعاطف والتعاونيعني بذل الخير والمعروف والإحسان لمن هو في حاجة إليهحثّ الله في القرآن الكريم المسلمين بالتراحم والتعاطف في كثيرٍ من الآيات الكريمةفقال محَمَّدٌ رَّسُولُ اللَّـهِ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُ أَشِدَّاءُ عَلَى الْكُفَّارِ رُحَمَاءُتحياتي محمود إدلبيCompassion Compassion among people means spreading mercy among them. It means synergy, sympathy, and cooperation. It means doing good, favor, and kindness to those who are in need. In the Holy Qur’an, God urged Muslims to have compassion and empathy in many noble verses. Muhammad, the Messenger of God, said, “And those with him are harsh against the disbelievers, merciful.” My regards, Mahmoud Idlibi. ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕يارمضان تمهل يارمضان تمهل كنا بالأمس نقول أهلا....تمضي أيامك ولياليك....بسرعة البرق نتمناها تكون سنين .....مرت أيام الرحمة والآن في أيام المغفرة... اللهم لا تخرجنا من هذا الشهر الفضيل .....إلا وقد رحمتنا وغفرت لنا وعتقت رقابنا من النار .... يا كريم يا رحيم برحمتك استغيث أصلح لي شأني كله .....ولا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين......تقبل منا صيامنا وقيامنا وركوعنا وسجودنا ودعواتنا ربي لا تحرمني عفوك ورضاك وستركولا تجعلني من الغافلين عن ذكرك بقلمي كريمة عبدالوهابOh Ramadan, slow down Oh Ramadan, slow down Yesterday we were saying welcome.... Your days and nights are passing by with lightning speed. We wish them to be years..... The days of mercy have passed and now the days of forgiveness... Oh God, do not take us out of this holy month.... Unless You have had mercy on us and have forgiven us and freed our necks from the Fire.... O Most Generous, O Most Merciful, by Your mercy I seek help. Reconcile for me all my affairs..... And do not leave me to myself for even the blink of an eye...... Accept from us our fasting, our standing, our bowing, our prostration, and our supplications. My Lord, no. Deprive me of Your forgiveness, Your satisfaction, and Your protection, and do not make me among those who are heedless of Your remembrance. Written by Karima Abdel Wahab ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕تقاطع الطريقعند تقاطُعِ الطَّرِيقِقصصٌ ورِواياتٌ تُحكىوجوهٌ بعضُهَا منذُ زمنٍوبعضُها تتغيّرُ حسبَ وقوفهاهُنالكَ منْ يتدَافعُ يَحمِلُأَيَّ شيءٍ يُرِيدكَ شرائهاأَطفَالٌ بِعُمْرِ الزّهُورِ تَتوَسَّلُالسَّيارات بعض قُروشٍ تُسدُّ حاجتهاوالْعيونُ مُغرورقَةٌ بَينَ رِيحٍ بارِدةٍتلسعُها وَلسعُ التسوُّلِ حاجتهاذات مَرةٍ كانت هُنالكَ صبِيةٌكقطعةِ شُوكولاتَةٍ وحِجابٍ يلِفُّ رأسهاتبيعُ مناديلَ وتتوَسلكَ شِرائهَااشترَيتُهَا لَكني لستُ بِحاجتِهافقطْ لِأَرضِي هذا الْقَلبَ الصّغيرَوَعَلّيْ أُسَاعِدُ ببعْضِ حاجاتهَااعتصرني الأَلمُ ورحلتُ بعيدًاإِلَى ذكرياتِ سنِينَ الْعوْزِ وَالْحربِ حفرْتهاكيفَ كانَ الْجوعُ كافرًاوكيفَ كانتْ ليالِينا نقضيهاوكيفَ امتدتْ لَنَا من سنابلِ الخيرِبيادرًا حتَّى فاضتْ بِها موائدناردُّ الجمِيلِ جميلٌ وطيّبُ خلقٍ وكرمٌوشكرًا للخالقِ الْمعبودِ واجب ردهانصير الحسينيThe intersection of the road At the intersection of the road Stories and novels Some faces are told a long time ago and some change depending on where they stop There are those jostling carrying anything they want you to buy Children at the age of flowers Cars are begging for a few pennies to satisfy their needs And the eyes are arrogant A story between a cold wind that stung her and begging stung her need. Once upon a time there was a girl like a piece of chocolate and a veil. She wraps her head. She sells handkerchiefs and begs you to buy them. I bought them, but I don't need them. Just to satisfy this little heart, and I have to help with some of her needs. Pain gripped me and I traveled far away to the memories of the years of need and war. I dug her in. How the hunger was infidel. How we spent our nights, and how the ears of goodness were spread out for us as fields until our tables overflowed with them. Returning the favor. Beautiful, good manners, generosity, and gratitude to the Creator who is worshiped, and it is obligatory to return it to Nasir Al-Husseini. ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕يكافئ الله جميع الأشخاص ذوي القلب الأبيض الذين يعرفون كيف يساعدون المحتاجين ويعرفون كيف يغفرون لمن لا يحبونهمياسمين كمالGod rewards all white-hearted people who know how to help those in need and know how to forgive those who do not love them.. Yasmine Kamal.. ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕
التراحم الرحمن الرحيم أسم من أسماء اللّه عز وجل، الرحمة خص اللّه بها عز وجل لنفسه تسعة وتسعون وجعل لنا رحمة واحدة نتراحم بها فيما بيننا، كُن ذو قلب رحيم تجد الاطفال، والحيوانات يحبونك، رحمة الله وسعت كل شئ فكيف لنا لا نسع بعضنا البعض، حينما تعطي محروماً أنت أحوج له من هو في حاجة لك كي يثقل ميزانك، كانت السيدة عائشة رضي اللّه عنها وأرضاها كانت كلما أعطت مسكيناً كانت تعطر الدنانير وكانت تقول أنها تقع في يد اللّه ليست في يد المحتاج، فنحن من بحاجة لهم ليست هما، رزقهم مكتوب ومحسوم ، ولا يقتصر العطاء في المال فحسب ولكن العطاء بالكلمة فالكلمة الطيبه صدقة، الابتسامة صدقة تبسمك في وجه أخيك صدقة، أحتضانك لشخص يبكي ويتألم في عز ضعفه صدقة، ذهابك لزيارة مريض صدقة، ذهابك لواجب عزاء صدقة فقد شكر اللّه عز وجل سعيك، جبر خاطر شخص صدقة؛ حافظ علي تلك المضغة التي في أقصي الشمال بخير وكُن ذو قلب رحيم .نهلة ناصفCompassion, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful is one of the names of God Almighty. Mercy has been allocated by God Almighty to Himself as ninety-nine and He has given us one mercy by which we can have mercy among ourselves. Be of a merciful heart and you will find children and animals who love you. God’s mercy expands everything, so how can we not expand each other? When you give to a deprived person, you are more in need of him than he is in need of you, so that your balance becomes heavy. Mrs. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, used to give to a needy person every time she would perfume the dinars, and she used to say that they fall into the hands of God, not into the hands of the needy. We are the ones who need them, not them. Their livelihood is written. And it is decided, and giving is not limited only to money, but giving with words. A kind word is charity. A smile is charity. Your smiling in the face of your brother is charity. Your hugging someone who cries and is in pain at the height of his weakness is charity. Going to visit a sick person is charity. Going to a duty of condolence is charity. God Almighty has thanked you for your effort. Reparation of the mind. Charity person; Keep that piece of land in the far north in good health and have a merciful heart. Nahla Nassef ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕طفل ينادي....بقلمي حنان الشامي
أكلوا وشربو ولبسو جديدونسوني أنا ف وسط الشارعزادو همومي ف ليلة العيدوأنا مع جوعي وبردي باصارعبالذمه هي دي الهمهلما تقابلو نبي الأمهيسالكم عني وعن غيريليه سيبتوني الاقي مصيريلما تقولو نسينا فقيرنامتلقح علي باب الجامعلو حاسين بالناس التانيهعمر الغلا فيكم ما يأثربس بطونكو بتنسي ف ثانيهان الجوع ف الطفل بيكسروإن الهوي خبط ف ضلوعيوكل ماحاول أقوم اتعثرمش متشرد أنا مش لاقيحد بحالي فيوم يتأثرلعبو وفرحوا وقادو شموعوأنا قلبي من الخوف موجوعواما يمروا عليا يخافوامن شكلي ولبسي المقطوعوكأني ساعة ما شافونيشافوا الحيه أو يربوعأنا مش طالب منهم حاجهغير يمشوا وينسو الموضوعأنا مش عايز منهم شفقهأنا من حقي أكون مسموع .A child calling... With my pen, Hanan Al-Shami They ate and drank and put on new clothes and forgot about me. I am in the middle of the street. My worries increased on the eve of Eid. And I, with my hunger and cold, struggle with my guilt. This is the worry. When you meet the Prophet of the nation, he asks you about me and others. Why do you leave me alone? I find my fate. When you say we forgot, our poor is impregnated with me. The door of the mosque, if you feel for other people, the age of dearness to you does not affect you, but your stomach forgets in a second that hunger breaks the child, and passion knocks in my ribs, and every time I try to get up, I stumble. I am not homeless. I do not find anyone in my situation. One day they are affected. They played and rejoiced and drove candles, and my heart aches from fear, and as for them they pass by They are afraid of me because of my appearance and my cut-off clothes, as if the moment they saw me they saw a snake or a gerbil. I am not asking them to do anything except to walk away and forget the matter. I do not want their pity. I have the right to be heard. ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕كل حب الدنيا [[[[ أم ]]]] :********************أماه •••• ستظلين لي كل حب الدنيا أمفأنت الحب• وأنت الحنان• وأنت الأهموأنت لقلبي شرايينه••••وأوردته والدمولعمري كنت يا أماه نبضي••وكل المهم
أماه •••• ياكوكبا دريا"••••مضيئا" بذاتهيسمو في أبهي صوره •••• وليل سمائهوأطيب بلسما" لقلبي• في جميل صفاتهولك صوتا" عذبا"•كم أشتاق حقا لنبراته
نفسك زكية طاهرة ••••دوما" بصلواتكووجهك جميل مبهر•• حتي في حجابكعيونك تذرف الحنان•كم رأيته بنظراتكيا مخزنا" للودائع••ومنبعا" لكل اللطائف
سلاما"عليك••كم انحنت قامتك لتعدليناسلاما" عليك بجهلك••فمنه كنت تعلميناسلاما" عليك يا أماه •فكم جوعت لتشبعيناسلاما علىك فكم اخفيت اوجاعك لتسعدينا********************************** عبدالرحمن احمد حسان الشهير بالشاعر [[[[★أبوحسان★]]]] دماص/ميت غمر/دقهلية/مصر ★★★★★★★★All the love of the world. And you are the most important, and you are my heart's arteries, its veins, its blood, and for all my life you have been, mother, my pulse, and all that is important is its mother, O two shining planet, shining by itself, rising in its most splendid form, and the night of its sky, and the sweetest balm for my heart. In his beautiful qualities, and you have a “sweet” voice. How I truly miss his tones. Your soul is pure and pure. Always, with your prayers, and your beautiful, dazzling face. Even in your veil, your eyes overflow with tenderness. How much I have seen in your looks, O storehouse of deposits, and a source of peace for all kindness. Peace be upon you. How you stooped your stature to treat us. Peace be upon you with your ignorance. You used to teach us peace. Peace be upon you, mother. How hungry you were to satisfy us. Peace be upon you. How much did you hide your pains to make us happy? ******************* *************** Abdul Rahman Ahmed Hassan, famous as the poet [[[[Abu Hassan]]]] Damas/Mit Ghamr/Dakahlia/Egypt All the love of the world. And you are the most important, and you are my heart's arteries, its veins, its blood, and for all my life you have been, mother, my pulse, and all that is important is its mother, O two shining planet, shining by itself, rising in its most splendid form, and the night of its sky, and the sweetest balm for my heart. In his beautiful qualities, and you have a “sweet” voice. How I truly miss his tones. Your soul is pure and pure. Always, with your prayers, and your beautiful, dazzling face. Even in your veil, your eyes overflow with tenderness. How much I have seen in your looks, O storehouse of deposits, and a source of peace for all kindness. Peace be upon you. How you stooped your stature to treat us. Peace be upon you with your ignorance. You used to teach us peace. Peace be upon you, mother. How hungry you were to satisfy us. Peace be upon you. How much did you hide your pains to make us happy? ******************* *************** Abdul Rahman Ahmed Hassan, famous as the poet [[[[Abu Hassan]]]] Damas/Mit Ghamr/Dakahlia/Egypt ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕#####الى العلياء امي### ##
هي العلياء امي عظيمة في الأمومة وكل ام هي بالعطاء لا يقل عنها شأنها
من قلبها.... الطاهر عرفت الود ووجها السموح ...والبسمة ما تفارق... ثغرها
نشمية ....والكل يشهد ويقول العلياء فارسة......مكرمة .....اهلها....وضيفها
بنت الفوارس..... والأصول ....منبت الطيب....والطيب اصلها.... وبارضها
والحق..... اني ما ورثت ....عنها كل الخصال محشومة والكل يشهد لها
أصيلة بنت الإشراف عريقة ...بدينها ويا زين عمها مع خالها حين يلفوا لها
تحمل هم القريب والغريب..... والكرم والعطاء موروث الاصالة.......بدمها علياء يا امي مهابة وفخر وعمره ما جاع من كان ساكن معها او... حولها
عند ذكرك ...ارفع هامتي ومن يسمع اسمك يقول الله يرحمها ويعطر .تربها
رحمة ربي تنزل عليك كالغيث... كنت ام اليتيم ....وكيف ....تربي..... ولدها اواه يا أمي لو..عندي من صفات اكون اسعد الناس ولا احمل للدنيا .. ...همها
كنت شلال... الود ووجهك......الوضاء والمروءة..... تعرف اسمها.... ورسمها
انا بنت العلياء قسما ما وفيت... حقك في ذكرك بل كنت اعظم من... مثلها
بقلم الشاعرة د.عطاف الخوالدة#####To Al-Alia, my mother### ## She is Al-Alia, my mother, great in motherhood, and every mother is no less generous than her in her heart.... The pure one knew friendliness and a tolerant face... and the smile never leaves... her mouth is sweet. ...and everyone bears witness and says that Al-Alia is a knight... honorable... her family... and her guest, the daughter of Al-Fawares... and the origins... the source of the perfume... and the perfume is its origin.... And by her land and the truth..... I did not inherit from her... all the qualities are fine and everyone bears witness to her. She is purebred, the daughter of supervision, well-established... by her religion, and oh Zain, her uncle, with her uncle when they come to her, she bears the concerns of relatives and strangers..... and generosity and giving are inherited from originality. .......In her blood, Alia, my mother, is awe and pride. He who lives with her or around her has never been hungry. When I mention you... I raise my head, and whoever hears your name says, May God have mercy on her and perfume her. May the mercy of my Lord descend on you like rain... I was The mother of an orphan... and how... does she raise... her child? Oh, my mother, if only I had the qualities to be the happiest of people and not burden the world with... her concern, I was a waterfall... friendliness and your face.... ..Pureness and chivalry..... You know her name.... And her name is I am the daughter of Al-Alia. I have not fulfilled... Your right to remember You. Rather, I was greater than... someone like her Written by the poet Dr. Attaf Al-Khawaldeh ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕............رمضان أتىرمضان أتى بماذا أخبرهإخوة جياع لاخبز ولا ذرهمبذول الماء لنا ولا قطرهتداعب الشفاه ولا تمرهظلام وفوقه الغيوم ساترهلا ماء ولا شجر ولا زهرهأشهى الطعام للعدو وثمرهخدم من جلدتنا مد البصرهخنجر أهون من أهل الديرهفداء كلنا لانترك شرارة الثورهلو رحل الرصاص نرمي بالحجرهابو شيماء كركوك.Ramadan has come. Ramadan has come. What did hungry brothers tell him? No bread, no atom. Water is given to us. Not a drop caresses the lips. No dates pass over it. Darkness, and above it are clouds covering it. No water, no trees, no flowers. The most delicious food for the enemy, and its fruit is served from our skin. Basra is a lighter dagger than the people of the monastery. Redemption for all of us. We will not abandon the spark of the revolution. If the bullets are gone, we will throw the stone at Abu Shaima, Kirkuk. ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕من بين ما جاءت به الأديان والمعتقدات الدينية التراحم بين بني البشر والعطف على المحتاج والفقير والمسكين وتقديم لهم طعام وشراب أغذية و ملابس واسعاده ليحس ان هناك من يراعي لمشاعره ومن اخلاق المسلم ومن عادات وتقاليد العرب اكرام الضيف والجود والكرم والرحمة لبني البشرمحمد بليق Among the things that religions and religious beliefs have brought about is compassion between human beings, compassion for the needy, the poor, and the needy, and providing them with food, drink, food, and clothing, and happiness, so that he feels that there are those who are considerate of his feelings, and among the morals of the Muslim, and among the customs and traditions of the Arabs, is honoring the guest, generosity, generosity, and mercy toward human beings. Muhammad Baliq ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕
كن رحيماولأ تكن متعجرفا كن بسيطامد يداك لمن يحتاجك لا تنهرةلا تبخل علية كن عطوفا كنرحيما كن معة سند يحميةمن غدر الزمان كن ناصح ولاتكن بخيل اعطي رانفق مافي جيبك البركة تتضاعفوتزيد يكفيك دعوة الي رب السماد تنجيك من المخاطروتصرف عن الضيق فل تصيبكضائقة طالما أنت تملك قلبجميل فيكفي انك وقفت معالضعيف وقت الضيقبقلمىسلوى البرشومىمن مصر الاسكندريهBe merciful and do not be arrogant. Be simple. Extend your hands to those who need you. Do not rebuke them. Do not be stingy. Be kind. Be merciful. Have a support that protects you from the treachery of time. Be advised and do not be stingy. Give. Spend what is in your pocket. The blessing will multiply and increase. It is enough for you to pray to the Lord of Fertilizer. It will save you from dangers and turn away from sin. Distress, do not be afflicted by distress. As long as you have a beautiful heart, it is enough that you stood with the weak in times of distress. Written by Salwa Al-Barshoumi from Alexandria Egypt ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕يامن حباك الله بالستر والجاه ورزقك من حيث لاتدري بهباه ونلت من الله سعة الرزق وهناه وأعطاك بفضله من زينة الحياةلا تبخل على الغقير وبلغه مناه وسد عنه وابسط يدك ملء يداه وكن جابر الخاطر بما عطاك الله وكن بالعطف والصدقة والزكاة للمسكين والفقير بالختام تجزاه فلن ينقص مال من صدقة مهداه أعطف على ذي الحاجة تجد هناهوارحم الضعيف واشدد من قواهيرضى عنك المولى ويزيدك برضاه . جمال فودهO you whom God has endowed you with protection and prestige, and has provided you with His gifts from where you did not know, and you have received from God the abundance of sustenance and His honor, and given to you with His grace the adornments of life. Do not be stingy with the poor and have reached his desires, and protect him from him, and extend your hand to fill his hands, and be willing to accept what God has given you, and be with kindness, charity, and zakat for the poor and the poor, and in the end you will reward him, and no money will be diminished. From the charity given to him, be kind to the needy, you will find comfort, be merciful to the weak, and strengthen his strength. The Lord will be satisfied with you and increase you with His satisfaction. Jamal Fouda ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕افتحوا قلوبكم كأنها ربيعاً ...اغرسوا في كل ركن من أركانها وروداً تفوح منها رائحة مساء _الورد 🌺🌿🌹ريان جادو Open your hearts as if it were spring...plant roses in every corner that smell like the evening of roses. Ryan Jado ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕إلى رفح
إلى رفح و الكيل قد طفح
إلى رفح فٱخيرا قد إتضح
ٱن العدو وراء المعبر لٱنه ما سمح
بفتح المعبر ليصنع جدار يصدنا و لعدونا قد صافح
إلى رفح يتجه العدو الذي ذبح
ٱطفال و ثوبه الذي إتسخ
بدماء الٱبرياء و لا يزال يحلم ٱنه قد ربح
إلى رفح نزح الٱبرياء و الآن عدونا الذي فضح
مؤامرة لإبادة الشرفاء في السر و العلن كٱن العالم قد رضا و صفح
بقلم كريم كريةTo Rafah, to Rafah, and enough is enough for Rafah. Finally, it has become clear that the enemy is behind the crossing, because he did not allow the crossing to be opened in order to build a wall that would block us. And our enemy has shaken hands with Rafah. The enemy who slaughtered children and whose clothes were soiled with the blood of innocents, and who is still dreaming that he has won, is heading to Rafah. Rafah displaced innocent people and now our enemy who exposed a conspiracy to exterminate honorable people in secret and in public. It was as if the world had accepted and forgiven. Written by Karim Kirya ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕يارب يارحمان يا خالق الانسان يا بديع الاكوان أنصرنا يارحمان وانصر اخواننا في غزة ولا تركنا لمن يرحم فانت خير راحم وانت خير معين يارب العالمينبقلمي فاتن فوزيO Lord, O Most Merciful, O Creator of man, O Creator of the universes, grant us victory, O Most Merciful, and grant victory to our brothers in Gaza, and do not leave us to those who have mercy, for You are the Best Merciful, and You are the Best Helper, O Lord of the Worlds, written by Faten Fawzi ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕🌠*ياخير زائر * بقلمي د/ نوال حمودشهر الله رمضان ...أتيت مسائي محملا"بالأمنيات
لو كانت محبرتي مداد البحر لفاضت بالطلبوالدعاء لخير وطني؛ وشهر الله يطوف ضيفا" لكل حال ...
رفقا بنا ياخير زائرلعل أحوالنا تنقل لأجمل حال نزودك بالأماني العظام وكلنا رجاء
ورب كريم يفيض علينا بالرحمات وجزيل الأعطيات ..
حنانيك ياأخف زائر حمله الدهر بشرا" وخيرا" وعملا" صالحا" وطاعة" وعبادات
لقاء أهل وأحبة وفروضملأنا منها جعبة الإيمان
تبسم الثغر هزجا" بالشكر ترنم وعلى ضفاف الحمد تقاسمنا منك رغيف عيش وحياة .١٦ من شهر رمضان المبارك عشتاار سورياااد/ نوال علي حمود* Dear visitor * With my pen, Dr. Nawal Hammoud, the month of God is Ramadan... I came in the evening laden with wishes. If my inkwell were the ink of the sea, it would overflow with requests and supplications for the good of my country. And the month of God roams as a guest for every situation... Be kind to us, dear visitor. Perhaps our conditions will be transformed into a more beautiful state. We provide you with great wishes, and all of us hope, and a generous Lord who overflows upon us with mercy and abundant gifts... Your compassion, O lightest visitor, whom time has carried, good news, good deeds, obedience, acts of worship, meeting family and loved ones, and obligations with which we have filled the quiver of faith. The mouth smiles with joy, singing with thanks, and on the banks of praise we share a loaf of you. Live and live. 16th of the holy month of Ramadan, Ishtar Syria, Dr. Nawal Ali Hammoud ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕الرحمة هي ذلك الشعور النبيل والإحساس الراقي المقترن بالأعمال الإنسانية ويشكل الكرم أساسها والعطف جوهرها والحب إطارها ونتائجها. لكن الرحمة أوسع وأكبر وأشمل وأسمى من الحب. فكلنا كبشر قادرين على الحب لكن ليس بالضرورة نكون قادرين على الرحمة والرحمة ليست فعل بين الناس فقط بل هي تشمل الإنسان والحيوان والطبيعة والأهم من ذلك رحمة الله تعالى بكل خلقه فلو تمثل الناس رحمة الله بهم ونظروا حولهم لما كان من جائع في المجتمع. ولا من يائس من رحمة الله والناس .الرحمة تمحو البؤس والشقاء. كما يمحو الصبح ظلام الليلاللهم ثبت الرحمة في قلوبنا وارزقنا مانستحق من رحمتك(عبد الرحمن خضور)Compassion is the noble and refined feeling associated with human actions. Generosity forms its foundation, kindness its essence, and love its framework and results. But mercy is broader, greater, more comprehensive, and higher than love. As humans, we are all capable of love, but we are not necessarily capable of mercy, and mercy is not an act between people only, but rather it includes humans, animals, nature, and most importantly, God Almighty’s mercy with all of His creation. If people imitated God’s mercy toward them and looked around them, no one in society would be hungry. Nor is there anyone who despairs of the mercy of God and people. Mercy erases misery and misery. Just as the morning erases the darkness of the night, O God, establish mercy in our hearts and grant us what we deserve of your mercy (Abdul Rahman Khadour) ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕أيها الآخر . .
الآخر هذه يدي أمدها إليك بكل حبٍ واحترام فما أنا بالجاحدة أو قليلة الوفاء لأنكر حق الإنسانية . .فلا تخجل من طلب العون أو المساعدة فإن الاحتياج ليس عجزاً أو ضعفاً فقد خلقنا الله لنكمل بعضنا البعض الحياة رحلة طويلة تهون صعابها برفقة صديق أو شريك يتقاسمها معك والأن أيها الآخر . . لا يجب أن ننسى بأنه غداً قد تدور الدوائر وأجيىء مستجيرة بيدك . . فهل سوف تمنعها عني ؟ أم ستمدها لي بكل حب ؟✍ بقلمي #إيمان_البدريO other one. . The other: This is my hand that I extend to you with all love and respect. I am not ungrateful or disloyal to deny the right of humanity. . Do not be ashamed to ask for help or assistance, for need is not inability or weakness. God created us to complement each other. Life is a long journey whose difficulties are made easy with the company of a friend or partner who shares it with you and now, the other. . We must not forget that tomorrow the circles may turn and I will come seeking refuge in your hand. . Will you keep her from me? Or will you extend it to me with love? Written by #Iman_Al-Badri
🐦التراحم بين الخلق يعنى نشر الرحمه بينهم🐦
❣️يعنى التآزر والتعاطف والتعاون❣️
اى بذل الخير والمعروف والاحسان لمن هو فى حاجه اليه🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍
🌷 ياكل شاعرة وكل شاعر🌷
🥍 كونوا مع عزف المشاعر🥍
🌺وفى الحلقه دى...التراحم🌺
❤️نعزف ارقى عزف....وابرك لحن❤️
معاكم منى محمد،،،،❤️🌷❤️
Compassion Compassion among people means spreading mercy among them. It means synergy, sympathy, and cooperation, that is, giving goodness, kindness, and kindness to those who are in need of it. A poet and every poet, be with the music of feelings, and in this episode... Compassion, we play the finest music.... And I bless a melody with you from Mona Muhammad. ,,,
زيدوا الصلاة على محمد وآله
الإيمان والتقوى كنزه وماله
ثبت دعائم الإسلام بأفعاله
جسد مسلك الحق بأقواله
نور الهدى يشع بإطلاله
نبي الرحمة نستظل بظلاله
من أنكر أثبت ضلاله
ومن أقره الجنة مآله
عليه الصلاة وآله
نور الله جل جلاله
بدر شحود
Increase blessings upon Muhammad and his family. Faith and piety are his treasure and his wealth. He established the foundations of Islam with his actions. He embodied the path of truth with his words. The light of guidance shines with his appearance. The Prophet of Mercy. We seek shade in his shadow. Whoever denies is proven to be misguided, and whoever confirms it is Paradise. His destination is the light of God Almighty. Badr Shahoud
وفين نلاقي الوفا ينباع؟!
وليه بقا غدر الاحبه مشاع؟!
وليه الحلو جوانا متخبي؟!
ونظهر السئ من غير داع،،
And where do we find loyalty springing?! Why is the betrayal of loved ones so common?! Why is sweet Joanna hiding?! And we show bad things unnecessarily,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my God

ياشهر الرحمة
الكل ف إنتظارك
تعالي هدي الغلا
قلوبنا محتاجالك
والدنيا مشعللا
تعالي بإبتسامك
بالرحمة والغفران
ودعوة مصهللا
وقف حروب البشر
طالقين شرورهم
والأبالسة مسلسلا
إفرش حصيرة الرضا
وإفرد الكعبلا
وربك المعبود
يمحي كل الذنوب
بصوم وذكر وصلا
وصي علينا النسا
يخفوا عن الجيوب
ماعدش فيه شخللا
الناس بتاكل طوب
مابقتش متحملا
والجامعة والمدرسة
شادين حيلهم علينا
ولا علم ولا أندلا
ياشهر الخير تعالي
إنقذنا من البلا
......................... ِ..
بقلم /محمد صادق ندا
O month of mercy, all are waiting for you. Come, guide the precious ones. Our hearts need you, and the world is on fire. Come, with your smile, with mercy and forgiveness and the call of peace. Stop the wars of humans unleashing their evils and the demons in a row. Spread the mat of contentment and spread out the heel. And your worshiped Lord erases all sins with fasting, remembrance, and praying. Guardian over us. Women hide from their pockets. There is no shard in it. People eat bricks. I can no longer bear it, while the university and school are using their tricks on us, and there is no knowledge or knowledge, O month of goodness, come, save us from calamity......................... .. Written by / Muhammad Sadiq Nada
♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕أللهم وسلم على نبينا الامين
سيدنا محمد خاتم الأنبياء والمرسلين
سيدنا وسيد الخلق أجمعين
اللهم ما واحشرنا مع الصديقين
واجعلنا من أهل الخير التوابين
واسترنا بسترك يوم الدين
واغفر لنا ولوالدينا ولجميع المسلمين
اللهم انك عفو كريم تحب العفو فاعفو عنا يا أرحم الراحمين اللهم امين
محمد سعدون
Oh God, grant peace to our faithful prophet, our master Muhammad, the seal of the prophets and messengers, our master and the master of all creation. Oh God, gather us with the two righteous and make us among the people of goodness who repent, and cover us with Your cover on the Day of Judgment. And forgive us and our parents and all Muslims. Oh God, you are the most generous pardoner and you love forgiveness, so forgive us, O Most Merciful of the Merciful. Oh God, Amen.
حوش فى ناسك الطيبين
وازرع جميل فى أرضهم
لما فى يوم تقول يا مين
حتلاقى فين ناس زيهم
مهما تعدى عليك سنين
أوصل زيادة فى ودهم
ح يشلوا حملك فوق كتاف
ح يكونوا لك زى الغلاف
لما أوراقك تقع وتلمهم
فى قلبهم
عبير محمود
Enjoy your good people and plant something beautiful in their land. When one day you say, “Who are you? Where will you find people like them? No matter how many years pass you by, I will increase their love. They will lift your burden on your shoulders. They will be yours like a cover when your leaves fall and you will blame them in their hearts.” Abeer Mahmoud
ان يرحم بعضنا البعض
وان يرحم القوي الضعيف
فيحسنا الاسلام علي التراحم
فيما بيننا
وان يرحم قوينا ضعيفنا
وان يوقر صغيرنا كبيرنا
فنحن في زمن لا يعرف اهلة
قيمة التراحم والعطف
لين القلوب من عند الله
فمن قسي قلبوة فهو لا يعرف
للتراحم سبيلا
بقلمي فاتن فوزي
Compassion is to be merciful to each other, and for the strong to be merciful to the weak, so Islam improves compassion among us, and for the strong to be merciful to the weak, and for the young to respect the old. We are in a time when its people do not know the value of compassion and kindness. Soft hearts are from God. Whoever has a hardened heart knows no way to compassion. Written by Faten Fawzi
يا قاطع الارحام في كل الدنا
ستجده في كأس الحياه شراب
دين القطيعه مضمون الوفا
يرثه الاولاد والاصحاب
لا تتركوا الاحقاد تملا صدورنا
فيشيب منه القلب وهو شباب
لا تجعلوا الشيطان يمسح عقلنا
والنور يصبح في العيون ضباب
لا تقطع الارحام واطرق بابها
للصلح دوما افتح الابواب
صله الرحم هي بركه في عمرنا
وصفا الاحبه نظره وعتاب
فالله يكرم من يواصل اهله
ورضا..الاله له يكون ثواب
سميه بحيري بحيري
O severing ties throughout the world, you will find him in the cup of life, the drink of the debt of estrangement. Guaranteed loyalty will be inherited by children and friends. Do not let grudges fill our chests so that the heart grows gray from them when they are young. Do not let the devil erase our mind and the light becomes mist in the eyes. Do not sever ties of kinship and knock on its door for reconciliation. Always open the doors. The connection of the kin is A blessing in our lives and a description of loved ones, a look and a reproach. God honors those who continue with their family and satisfaction.. God will reward him.
He called him Bahiri Bahiri
التراحم والرحمة نعمة من الله وعطاء لايعرفها إلا أهل الكرم والجود والسخاء
فهي لاتسكن إلا في نفوس الشرفاء والشجعان النبلاء
ولا يعرف معناها إلا الكرماء
ولن يذوق لذة طعمها الجبناء لأنهم بخلاء
والكرم شجرة من الجنه أصلها بالسماء وفروعها تدلت على أصحاب النفوس الطيبه لذا تراهم رحماء
والبخل والشحناء والبغضاء شجرة أصلها من نيران الجحيم لايتمسك بها إلا الأشقياء البخلاء
اللهم نسألك بأسمك الأعظم أن تثبت الكرم والجود والسخاء بقلوبنا وأجعلنا برحمتك من السعداء يوم اللقاء
Compassion and mercy are a blessing from God and a gift that is known only to people of generosity, generosity, and generosity. It only resides in the souls of the honorable, the brave, and the noble. Only the generous know its meaning, and the cowards will not taste the pleasure of it because they are stingy. Generosity is a tree from Paradise whose origin is in the sky and its branches point down to those with good souls, so you see them as merciful. And miserliness, meanness, and hatred. A tree originating from the fires of hell that only the miserable and stingy cling to. Oh God, we ask you in your greatest name to establish generosity, generosity and generosity in our hearts and make us, with your mercy, among the happy ones on the day of meeting. Improvisation by Nisr Abu Khaled ♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕♕
الرحمة من نعم الرحيم
منه لنا الحياة ب النعيم
بالجنة اروحنا تنعم لمن
نعطيه ليتنعم بالصميم
الهنا مقسم الارزاق منا
بالكثير بالبذخ بالتكريم
منا بالكفاف يعيش بفقر
مدقع منتظرا مِنَّة كريم
لولا تنوع الامم لَمَ عَمَر
كون او عاش المضيم
و لَمَ بنيت دار او نقبت
ارض خيرها رزق عميم
لَمَ تالق شعب بالثقافة
بالعلم لرقيه التعظيم
بقلمي ✍️ ملفينا ابومراد
لبنان 🇱🇧
Compassion *** Mercy is one of the blessings of the Most Merciful. From Him we have life in bliss in Paradise. Our souls are blessed for whomever we give to, so that they may enjoy the essence. Our God is the divider of sustenance from us with abundance, with extravagance, with honors from us with subsistence. He lives in abject poverty, waiting for a gracious favor from Him. If it were not for the diversity of nations, the universe would not have lived or the host would have lived, nor would a house be built or excavated. A land with abundant livelihood. Why a people shines with culture, with knowledge, for the advancement of veneration. Written by Melvina Abu Murad, Lebanon, 3/25/2024
اللهم ارحم أهلنا
رباه إني أسألك فتحا مبينا
ورحمة كنسائم ينثرها القدر
طمست عزتنا مما نزل غزة
لا تجعلها حجة علينا يوم الحساب
بما خذلنا أهلها وتركنا طفلها وحيدا
مبعثرة شيم نتغنى بها في الملإ
شغلتنا ذنوبنا عن ما جرى لغزة
كنا نرفع الظلم وتنتصر للضعيف
بقلمي : البشير سلطاني
Oh God, have mercy on our people, my Lord. I ask you for a clear victory and mercy like breezes dispersed by fate. Our pride has been obliterated by what happened to Gaza. Do not make it an argument against us on the Day of Judgment because we failed its people and left its child alone and scattered. Something to sing about in public. Our sins distracted us from what happened to Gaza. We were lifting injustice and defending the weak. With my pen: Al-Bashir Sultani.
التراحم بين الخلق يعني نشر الرحمة بينهم
يعني التآزر والتعاطف والتعاون
يعني بذل الخير
والإحسان لمن هو في حاجة إليه
حثّ الله في القرآن الكريم المسلمين
بالتراحم والتعاطف في كثيرٍ من الآيات الكريمة
محَمَّدٌ رَّسُولُ اللَّـهِ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُ أَشِدَّاءُ عَلَى الْكُفَّارِ رُحَمَاءُ
محمود إدلبي
Compassion Compassion among people means spreading mercy among them. It means synergy, sympathy, and cooperation. It means doing good, favor, and kindness to those who are in need. In the Holy Qur’an, God urged Muslims to have compassion and empathy in many noble verses. Muhammad, the Messenger of God, said, “And those with him are harsh against the disbelievers, merciful.” My regards, Mahmoud Idlibi.
يارمضان تمهل
يارمضان تمهل
كنا بالأمس نقول
تمضي أيامك
بسرعة البرق
نتمناها تكون
سنين .....
مرت أيام الرحمة
والآن في أيام
اللهم لا تخرجنا
من هذا الشهر
الفضيل .....
إلا وقد رحمتنا
وغفرت لنا
وعتقت رقابنا
من النار ....
يا كريم يا رحيم
برحمتك استغيث
أصلح لي شأني
كله .....
ولا تكلني إلى
نفسي طرفة
تقبل منا صيامنا
وقيامنا وركوعنا
وسجودنا ودعواتنا
ربي لا تحرمني عفوك
ورضاك وسترك
ولا تجعلني من
الغافلين عن ذكرك
بقلمي كريمة عبدالوهاب
Oh Ramadan, slow down Oh Ramadan, slow down Yesterday we were saying welcome.... Your days and nights are passing by with lightning speed. We wish them to be years..... The days of mercy have passed and now the days of forgiveness... Oh God, do not take us out of this holy month.... Unless You have had mercy on us and have forgiven us and freed our necks from the Fire.... O Most Generous, O Most Merciful, by Your mercy I seek help. Reconcile for me all my affairs..... And do not leave me to myself for even the blink of an eye...... Accept from us our fasting, our standing, our bowing, our prostration, and our supplications. My Lord, no. Deprive me of Your forgiveness, Your satisfaction, and Your protection, and do not make me among those who are heedless of Your remembrance. Written by Karima Abdel Wahab
تقاطع الطريق
عند تقاطُعِ الطَّرِيقِ
قصصٌ ورِواياتٌ تُحكى
وجوهٌ بعضُهَا منذُ زمنٍ
وبعضُها تتغيّرُ حسبَ وقوفها
هُنالكَ منْ يتدَافعُ يَحمِلُ
أَيَّ شيءٍ يُرِيدكَ شرائها
أَطفَالٌ بِعُمْرِ الزّهُورِ تَتوَسَّلُ
السَّيارات بعض قُروشٍ تُسدُّ حاجتها
والْعيونُ مُغرورقَةٌ بَينَ رِيحٍ بارِدةٍ
تلسعُها وَلسعُ التسوُّلِ حاجتها
ذات مَرةٍ كانت هُنالكَ صبِيةٌ
كقطعةِ شُوكولاتَةٍ وحِجابٍ يلِفُّ رأسها
تبيعُ مناديلَ وتتوَسلكَ شِرائهَا
اشترَيتُهَا لَكني لستُ بِحاجتِها
فقطْ لِأَرضِي هذا الْقَلبَ الصّغيرَ
وَعَلّيْ أُسَاعِدُ ببعْضِ حاجاتهَا
اعتصرني الأَلمُ ورحلتُ بعيدًا
إِلَى ذكرياتِ سنِينَ الْعوْزِ وَالْحربِ حفرْتها
كيفَ كانَ الْجوعُ كافرًا
وكيفَ كانتْ ليالِينا نقضيها
وكيفَ امتدتْ لَنَا من سنابلِ الخيرِ
بيادرًا حتَّى فاضتْ بِها موائدنا
ردُّ الجمِيلِ جميلٌ وطيّبُ خلقٍ وكرمٌ
وشكرًا للخالقِ الْمعبودِ واجب ردها
نصير الحسيني
The intersection of the road At the intersection of the road Stories and novels Some faces are told a long time ago and some change depending on where they stop There are those jostling carrying anything they want you to buy Children at the age of flowers Cars are begging for a few pennies to satisfy their needs And the eyes are arrogant A story between a cold wind that stung her and begging stung her need. Once upon a time there was a girl like a piece of chocolate and a veil. She wraps her head. She sells handkerchiefs and begs you to buy them. I bought them, but I don't need them. Just to satisfy this little heart, and I have to help with some of her needs. Pain gripped me and I traveled far away to the memories of the years of need and war. I dug her in. How the hunger was infidel. How we spent our nights, and how the ears of goodness were spread out for us as fields until our tables overflowed with them. Returning the favor. Beautiful, good manners, generosity, and gratitude to the Creator who is worshiped, and it is obligatory to return it to Nasir Al-Husseini.
يكافئ الله جميع الأشخاص ذوي القلب الأبيض الذين يعرفون كيف يساعدون المحتاجين ويعرفون كيف يغفرون لمن لا يحبونهمالتراحم
الرحمن الرحيم أسم من أسماء اللّه عز وجل،
الرحمة خص اللّه بها عز وجل لنفسه تسعة وتسعون وجعل لنا رحمة واحدة نتراحم بها فيما بيننا،
كُن ذو قلب رحيم تجد الاطفال، والحيوانات يحبونك، رحمة الله وسعت كل شئ فكيف لنا لا نسع بعضنا البعض، حينما تعطي محروماً أنت أحوج له من هو في حاجة لك كي يثقل ميزانك، كانت السيدة عائشة رضي اللّه عنها وأرضاها كانت كلما أعطت مسكيناً كانت تعطر الدنانير وكانت تقول أنها تقع في يد اللّه ليست في يد المحتاج، فنحن من بحاجة لهم ليست هما، رزقهم مكتوب ومحسوم ، ولا يقتصر العطاء في المال فحسب ولكن العطاء بالكلمة فالكلمة الطيبه صدقة، الابتسامة صدقة تبسمك في وجه أخيك صدقة، أحتضانك لشخص يبكي ويتألم في عز ضعفه صدقة، ذهابك لزيارة مريض صدقة، ذهابك لواجب عزاء صدقة فقد شكر اللّه عز وجل سعيك، جبر خاطر شخص صدقة؛ حافظ علي تلك المضغة التي في أقصي الشمال بخير وكُن ذو قلب رحيم .
نهلة ناصف
Compassion, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful is one of the names of God Almighty. Mercy has been allocated by God Almighty to Himself as ninety-nine and He has given us one mercy by which we can have mercy among ourselves. Be of a merciful heart and you will find children and animals who love you. God’s mercy expands everything, so how can we not expand each other? When you give to a deprived person, you are more in need of him than he is in need of you, so that your balance becomes heavy. Mrs. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, used to give to a needy person every time she would perfume the dinars, and she used to say that they fall into the hands of God, not into the hands of the needy. We are the ones who need them, not them. Their livelihood is written. And it is decided, and giving is not limited only to money, but giving with words. A kind word is charity. A smile is charity. Your smiling in the face of your brother is charity. Your hugging someone who cries and is in pain at the height of his weakness is charity. Going to visit a sick person is charity. Going to a duty of condolence is charity. God Almighty has thanked you for your effort. Reparation of the mind. Charity person; Keep that piece of land in the far north in good health and have a merciful heart. Nahla Nassef
طفل ينادي....بقلمي حنان الشامي
أكلوا وشربو ولبسو جديد
ونسوني أنا ف وسط الشارع
زادو همومي ف ليلة العيد
وأنا مع جوعي وبردي باصارع
بالذمه هي دي الهمه
لما تقابلو نبي الأمه
يسالكم عني وعن غيري
ليه سيبتوني الاقي مصيري
لما تقولو نسينا فقيرنا
متلقح علي باب الجامع
لو حاسين بالناس التانيه
عمر الغلا فيكم ما يأثر
بس بطونكو بتنسي ف ثانيه
ان الجوع ف الطفل بيكسر
وإن الهوي خبط ف ضلوعي
وكل ماحاول أقوم اتعثر
مش متشرد أنا مش لاقي
حد بحالي فيوم يتأثر
لعبو وفرحوا وقادو شموع
وأنا قلبي من الخوف موجوع
واما يمروا عليا يخافوا
من شكلي ولبسي المقطوع
وكأني ساعة ما شافوني
شافوا الحيه أو يربوع
أنا مش طالب منهم حاجه
غير يمشوا وينسو الموضوع
أنا مش عايز منهم شفقه
أنا من حقي أكون مسموع .
A child calling... With my pen, Hanan Al-Shami They ate and drank and put on new clothes and forgot about me. I am in the middle of the street. My worries increased on the eve of Eid. And I, with my hunger and cold, struggle with my guilt. This is the worry. When you meet the Prophet of the nation, he asks you about me and others. Why do you leave me alone? I find my fate. When you say we forgot, our poor is impregnated with me. The door of the mosque, if you feel for other people, the age of dearness to you does not affect you, but your stomach forgets in a second that hunger breaks the child, and passion knocks in my ribs, and every time I try to get up, I stumble. I am not homeless. I do not find anyone in my situation. One day they are affected. They played and rejoiced and drove candles, and my heart aches from fear, and as for them they pass by They are afraid of me because of my appearance and my cut-off clothes, as if the moment they saw me they saw a snake or a gerbil. I am not asking them to do anything except to walk away and forget the matter. I do not want their pity. I have the right to be heard.
كل حب الدنيا [[[[ أم ]]]] :
أماه •••• ستظلين لي كل حب الدنيا أم
فأنت الحب• وأنت الحنان• وأنت الأهم
وأنت لقلبي شرايينه••••وأوردته والدم
ولعمري كنت يا أماه نبضي••وكل المهم
أماه •••• ياكوكبا دريا"••••مضيئا" بذاته
يسمو في أبهي صوره •••• وليل سمائه
وأطيب بلسما" لقلبي• في جميل صفاته
ولك صوتا" عذبا"•كم أشتاق حقا لنبراته
نفسك زكية طاهرة ••••دوما" بصلواتك
ووجهك جميل مبهر•• حتي في حجابك
عيونك تذرف الحنان•كم رأيته بنظراتك
يا مخزنا" للودائع••ومنبعا" لكل اللطائف
سلاما"عليك••كم انحنت قامتك لتعدلينا
سلاما" عليك بجهلك••فمنه كنت تعلمينا
سلاما" عليك يا أماه •فكم جوعت لتشبعينا
سلاما علىك فكم اخفيت اوجاعك لتسعدينا
عبدالرحمن احمد حسان
الشهير بالشاعر
دماص/ميت غمر/دقهلية/مصر
All the love of the world. And you are the most important, and you are my heart's arteries, its veins, its blood, and for all my life you have been, mother, my pulse, and all that is important is its mother, O two shining planet, shining by itself, rising in its most splendid form, and the night of its sky, and the sweetest balm for my heart. In his beautiful qualities, and you have a “sweet” voice. How I truly miss his tones. Your soul is pure and pure. Always, with your prayers, and your beautiful, dazzling face. Even in your veil, your eyes overflow with tenderness. How much I have seen in your looks, O storehouse of deposits, and a source of peace for all kindness. Peace be upon you. How you stooped your stature to treat us. Peace be upon you with your ignorance. You used to teach us peace. Peace be upon you, mother. How hungry you were to satisfy us. Peace be upon you. How much did you hide your pains to make us happy? ******************* *************** Abdul Rahman Ahmed Hassan, famous as the poet [[[[Abu Hassan]]]] Damas/Mit Ghamr/Dakahlia/Egypt
All the love of the world. And you are the most important, and you are my heart's arteries, its veins, its blood, and for all my life you have been, mother, my pulse, and all that is important is its mother, O two shining planet, shining by itself, rising in its most splendid form, and the night of its sky, and the sweetest balm for my heart. In his beautiful qualities, and you have a “sweet” voice. How I truly miss his tones. Your soul is pure and pure. Always, with your prayers, and your beautiful, dazzling face. Even in your veil, your eyes overflow with tenderness. How much I have seen in your looks, O storehouse of deposits, and a source of peace for all kindness. Peace be upon you. How you stooped your stature to treat us. Peace be upon you with your ignorance. You used to teach us peace. Peace be upon you, mother. How hungry you were to satisfy us. Peace be upon you. How much did you hide your pains to make us happy? ******************* *************** Abdul Rahman Ahmed Hassan, famous as the poet [[[[Abu Hassan]]]] Damas/Mit Ghamr/Dakahlia/Egypt
#####الى العلياء امي### ##
هي العلياء امي عظيمة في الأمومة وكل ام هي بالعطاء لا يقل عنها شأنها
من قلبها.... الطاهر عرفت الود ووجها السموح ...والبسمة ما تفارق... ثغرها
نشمية ....والكل يشهد ويقول العلياء فارسة......مكرمة .....اهلها....وضيفها
بنت الفوارس..... والأصول ....منبت الطيب....والطيب اصلها.... وبارضها
والحق..... اني ما ورثت ....عنها كل الخصال محشومة والكل يشهد لها
أصيلة بنت الإشراف عريقة ...بدينها ويا زين عمها مع خالها حين يلفوا لها
تحمل هم القريب والغريب..... والكرم والعطاء موروث الاصالة.......بدمها
علياء يا امي مهابة وفخر وعمره ما جاع من كان ساكن معها او... حولها
عند ذكرك ...ارفع هامتي ومن يسمع اسمك يقول الله يرحمها ويعطر .تربها
رحمة ربي تنزل عليك كالغيث... كنت ام اليتيم ....وكيف ....تربي..... ولدها
اواه يا أمي لو..عندي من صفات اكون اسعد الناس ولا احمل للدنيا .. ...همها
كنت شلال... الود ووجهك......الوضاء
والمروءة..... تعرف اسمها.... ورسمها
انا بنت العلياء قسما ما وفيت... حقك في ذكرك بل كنت اعظم من... مثلها
بقلم الشاعرة د.عطاف الخوالدة
#####To Al-Alia, my mother### ## She is Al-Alia, my mother, great in motherhood, and every mother is no less generous than her in her heart.... The pure one knew friendliness and a tolerant face... and the smile never leaves... her mouth is sweet. ...and everyone bears witness and says that Al-Alia is a knight... honorable... her family... and her guest, the daughter of Al-Fawares... and the origins... the source of the perfume... and the perfume is its origin.... And by her land and the truth..... I did not inherit from her... all the qualities are fine and everyone bears witness to her. She is purebred, the daughter of supervision, well-established... by her religion, and oh Zain, her uncle, with her uncle when they come to her, she bears the concerns of relatives and strangers..... and generosity and giving are inherited from originality. .......In her blood, Alia, my mother, is awe and pride. He who lives with her or around her has never been hungry. When I mention you... I raise my head, and whoever hears your name says, May God have mercy on her and perfume her. May the mercy of my Lord descend on you like rain... I was The mother of an orphan... and how... does she raise... her child? Oh, my mother, if only I had the qualities to be the happiest of people and not burden the world with... her concern, I was a waterfall... friendliness and your face.... ..Pureness and chivalry..... You know her name.... And her name is I am the daughter of Al-Alia. I have not fulfilled... Your right to remember You. Rather, I was greater than... someone like her Written by the poet Dr. Attaf Al-Khawaldeh
............رمضان أتى
رمضان أتى بماذا أخبره
إخوة جياع لاخبز ولا ذره
مبذول الماء لنا ولا قطره
تداعب الشفاه ولا تمره
ظلام وفوقه الغيوم ساتره
لا ماء ولا شجر ولا زهره
أشهى الطعام للعدو وثمره
خدم من جلدتنا مد البصره
خنجر أهون من أهل الديره
فداء كلنا لانترك شرارة الثوره
لو رحل الرصاص نرمي بالحجره
ابو شيماء كركوك.
Ramadan has come. Ramadan has come. What did hungry brothers tell him? No bread, no atom. Water is given to us. Not a drop caresses the lips. No dates pass over it. Darkness, and above it are clouds covering it. No water, no trees, no flowers. The most delicious food for the enemy, and its fruit is served from our skin. Basra is a lighter dagger than the people of the monastery. Redemption for all of us. We will not abandon the spark of the revolution. If the bullets are gone, we will throw the stone at Abu Shaima, Kirkuk.
من بين ما جاءت به الأديان والمعتقدات الدينية التراحم بين بني البشر والعطف على المحتاج والفقير والمسكين وتقديم لهم طعام وشراب أغذية و ملابس واسعاده ليحس ان هناك من يراعي لمشاعره ومن اخلاق المسلم ومن عادات وتقاليد العرب اكرام الضيف والجود والكرم والرحمة لبني البشركن رحيما
ولأ تكن متعجرفا كن بسيطا
مد يداك لمن يحتاجك لا تنهرة
لا تبخل علية كن عطوفا كن
رحيما كن معة سند يحمية
من غدر الزمان كن ناصح ولا
تكن بخيل اعطي رانفق ما
في جيبك البركة تتضاعف
وتزيد يكفيك دعوة الي رب
السماد تنجيك من المخاطر
وتصرف عن الضيق فل تصيبك
ضائقة طالما أنت تملك قلب
جميل فيكفي انك وقفت مع
الضعيف وقت الضيق
سلوى البرشومى
من مصر الاسكندريه
Be merciful and do not be arrogant. Be simple. Extend your hands to those who need you. Do not rebuke them. Do not be stingy. Be kind. Be merciful. Have a support that protects you from the treachery of time. Be advised and do not be stingy. Give. Spend what is in your pocket. The blessing will multiply and increase. It is enough for you to pray to the Lord of Fertilizer. It will save you from dangers and turn away from sin. Distress, do not be afflicted by distress. As long as you have a beautiful heart, it is enough that you stood with the weak in times of distress. Written by Salwa Al-Barshoumi from Alexandria Egypt
يامن حباك الله بالستر والجاه
ورزقك من حيث لاتدري بهباه
ونلت من الله سعة الرزق وهناه
وأعطاك بفضله من زينة الحياة
لا تبخل على الغقير وبلغه مناه
وسد عنه وابسط يدك ملء يداه
وكن جابر الخاطر بما عطاك الله
وكن بالعطف والصدقة والزكاة
للمسكين والفقير بالختام تجزاه
فلن ينقص مال من صدقة مهداه
أعطف على ذي الحاجة تجد هناه
وارحم الضعيف واشدد من قواه
يرضى عنك المولى ويزيدك برضاه .
جمال فوده
O you whom God has endowed you with protection and prestige, and has provided you with His gifts from where you did not know, and you have received from God the abundance of sustenance and His honor, and given to you with His grace the adornments of life. Do not be stingy with the poor and have reached his desires, and protect him from him, and extend your hand to fill his hands, and be willing to accept what God has given you, and be with kindness, charity, and zakat for the poor and the poor, and in the end you will reward him, and no money will be diminished. From the charity given to him, be kind to the needy, you will find comfort, be merciful to the weak, and strengthen his strength. The Lord will be satisfied with you and increase you with His satisfaction. Jamal Fouda
افتحوا قلوبكم كأنها ربيعاً ...
اغرسوا في كل ركن من أركانها وروداً
تفوح منها رائحة
مساء _الورد 🌺🌿🌹
ريان جادو
Open your hearts as if it were spring...plant roses in every corner that smell like the evening of roses. Ryan Jado
إلى رفح
إلى رفح و الكيل قد طفح
إلى رفح فٱخيرا قد إتضح
ٱن العدو وراء المعبر لٱنه ما سمح
بفتح المعبر ليصنع جدار يصدنا و لعدونا قد صافح
إلى رفح يتجه العدو الذي ذبح
ٱطفال و ثوبه الذي إتسخ
بدماء الٱبرياء و لا يزال يحلم ٱنه قد ربح
إلى رفح نزح الٱبرياء و الآن عدونا الذي فضح
مؤامرة لإبادة الشرفاء في السر و العلن كٱن العالم قد رضا و صفح
بقلم كريم كرية
To Rafah, to Rafah, and enough is enough for Rafah. Finally, it has become clear that the enemy is behind the crossing, because he did not allow the crossing to be opened in order to build a wall that would block us. And our enemy has shaken hands with Rafah. The enemy who slaughtered children and whose clothes were soiled with the blood of innocents, and who is still dreaming that he has won, is heading to Rafah. Rafah displaced innocent people and now our enemy who exposed a conspiracy to exterminate honorable people in secret and in public. It was as if the world had accepted and forgiven. Written by Karim Kirya
يارب يارحمان
يا خالق الانسان
يا بديع الاكوان
أنصرنا يارحمان
وانصر اخواننا في غزة
ولا تركنا لمن يرحم
فانت خير راحم وانت خير معين
يارب العالمين
بقلمي فاتن فوزي
O Lord, O Most Merciful, O Creator of man, O Creator of the universes, grant us victory, O Most Merciful, and grant victory to our brothers in Gaza, and do not leave us to those who have mercy, for You are the Best Merciful, and You are the Best Helper, O Lord of the Worlds, written by Faten Fawzi
🌠*ياخير زائر *
بقلمي د/ نوال حمود
شهر الله رمضان ...
أتيت مسائي محملا"
لو كانت محبرتي مداد
البحر لفاضت بالطلب
والدعاء لخير
وشهر الله يطوف
ضيفا" لكل
حال ...
رفقا بنا ياخير زائر
لعل أحوالنا تنقل
لأجمل حال
نزودك بالأماني
وكلنا رجاء
ورب كريم يفيض علينا
بالرحمات وجزيل
الأعطيات ..
حنانيك ياأخف زائر
حمله الدهر بشرا"
وخيرا" وعملا"
صالحا" وطاعة"
لقاء أهل وأحبة
ملأنا منها جعبة
تبسم الثغر هزجا"
بالشكر ترنم
وعلى ضفاف
تقاسمنا منك
رغيف عيش
وحياة .
١٦ من شهر رمضان المبارك
عشتاار سوريااا
د/ نوال علي حمود
* Dear visitor * With my pen, Dr. Nawal Hammoud, the month of God is Ramadan... I came in the evening laden with wishes. If my inkwell were the ink of the sea, it would overflow with requests and supplications for the good of my country. And the month of God roams as a guest for every situation... Be kind to us, dear visitor. Perhaps our conditions will be transformed into a more beautiful state. We provide you with great wishes, and all of us hope, and a generous Lord who overflows upon us with mercy and abundant gifts... Your compassion, O lightest visitor, whom time has carried, good news, good deeds, obedience, acts of worship, meeting family and loved ones, and obligations with which we have filled the quiver of faith. The mouth smiles with joy, singing with thanks, and on the banks of praise we share a loaf of you. Live and live. 16th of the holy month of Ramadan, Ishtar Syria, Dr. Nawal Ali Hammoud
الرحمة هي ذلك الشعور النبيل والإحساس الراقي المقترن بالأعمال الإنسانية ويشكل الكرم أساسها والعطف جوهرها والحب إطارها ونتائجها.
لكن الرحمة أوسع وأكبر وأشمل وأسمى من الحب. فكلنا كبشر قادرين على الحب لكن ليس بالضرورة نكون قادرين على الرحمة
والرحمة ليست فعل بين الناس فقط بل هي تشمل الإنسان والحيوان والطبيعة والأهم من ذلك رحمة الله تعالى بكل خلقه
فلو تمثل الناس رحمة الله بهم ونظروا حولهم
لما كان من جائع في المجتمع. ولا من يائس من
رحمة الله والناس .
الرحمة تمحو البؤس والشقاء. كما يمحو الصبح ظلام الليل
اللهم ثبت الرحمة في قلوبنا وارزقنا مانستحق من رحمتك
(عبد الرحمن خضور)
Compassion is the noble and refined feeling associated with human actions. Generosity forms its foundation, kindness its essence, and love its framework and results. But mercy is broader, greater, more comprehensive, and higher than love. As humans, we are all capable of love, but we are not necessarily capable of mercy, and mercy is not an act between people only, but rather it includes humans, animals, nature, and most importantly, God Almighty’s mercy with all of His creation. If people imitated God’s mercy toward them and looked around them, no one in society would be hungry. Nor is there anyone who despairs of the mercy of God and people. Mercy erases misery and misery. Just as the morning erases the darkness of the night, O God, establish mercy in our hearts and grant us what we deserve of your mercy (Abdul Rahman Khadour)
أيها الآخر . .
الآخر هذه يدي أمدها إليك بكل حبٍ واحترام فما أنا بالجاحدة أو قليلة الوفاء لأنكر حق الإنسانية . .
فلا تخجل من طلب العون أو المساعدة
فإن الاحتياج ليس عجزاً أو ضعفاً
فقد خلقنا الله لنكمل بعضنا البعض
الحياة رحلة طويلة تهون صعابها برفقة صديق أو شريك يتقاسمها معك
والأن أيها الآخر . .
لا يجب أن ننسى بأنه غداً قد تدور الدوائر وأجيىء مستجيرة بيدك . .
فهل سوف تمنعها عني ؟
أم ستمدها لي بكل حب ؟
✍ بقلمي #إيمان_البدري
O other one. . The other: This is my hand that I extend to you with all love and respect. I am not ungrateful or disloyal to deny the right of humanity. . Do not be ashamed to ask for help or assistance, for need is not inability or weakness. God created us to complement each other. Life is a long journey whose difficulties are made easy with the company of a friend or partner who shares it with you and now, the other. . We must not forget that tomorrow the circles may turn and I will come seeking refuge in your hand. . Will you keep her from me? Or will you extend it to me with love? Written by #Iman_Al-Badri