خير من نعبر به وبمولده خير الانام وخاتم الانبياء
وسبد المرسلين وحبيب رب العالمين
محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
مداد قلم بقلمى معبرا بمقاله عن ماهو حبيب الرحمن
حبيبي يارسول الله
حبيب الرحمن
من هو حبيب الرحمن
سيدنا محمد (ص) حبيب الرحمن وحامل اللواء
ذاك الخليل تضرع بالدعاء
والأفواج تترا من كل فج
والرزق فاض وتعمرت البطحاء
وأقام الجدار ورفعه لك إهداء
والمسيح بوحي الله في الإنجيل
بشراك يازمان على لسانه والعذراء
وكليم الله بالتوراة يتلوه أحمد
محمود الصفات يتمم الشرفاء
وطال الليل زاد مع الله الشركاء
واتوا بالفيل فأبى هدم البناء
وذاقوا بكيدهم تضليلا وشقاء
والطير الأبابيل ترميهم فتسيل الدماء
وجعلهم رب السماء بجهلهم أشلاء
تزينت الدنيا بأنوارك والضياء
وفاح عطر ميلادك من خير النساء
والكون فاض عليك بالإطراء
بقدومك اجتث الظلام وعم البهاء
وعروش كسرى على الطغاة تزلزلت
ونيران فارس أخمدت وغاص الماء
فجرت ينابيع الخير في العلياء
خير من أنجبت وسيد المرسلين ورثك العلماء
هنيئا لمن تمتع بصحبة الكرماء
وأرضعت حليمة من لفقره عافته النساء
فتفجر الخير ينابيع حار في وصفها العقلاء!!!
تعود كل الشياه خماصا شياهها تعج بالامتلاء
وملائك الرحمن شقت صدره طهرا وشفاء
كل الوجود لله طائع النفقه تسبيحه
والإنسان عاص أرضه جدباء
يحتاج إرشاد وارتواء
جئت برسالة تمتلك كل عناصر البقاء
واعدت انسجام الكون مع العقلاء
وأكمل هديك أشرف الخلفاء
قدوتي وشفيعى النفس تهفو بشوق للقاء
وعلى الحوض من يديك شربة ماء
كل الرضا بعد الإله رضاك بأبي أنت والأبناء
الكعبة أرجو طوافا وبجوارك يطول البقاء
خير الأنبياء على نهجك نسير باقتداء
ذكرك شفاء لقلوب الأحباء من
كل داء.
فكل المسلمون يحتفلون بخير الأنام مولده خاتم الانبياء وسيد المرسلين وحبيب رب العالمين خير الاحتفال بمولده صلى الله عليه وسلم
كل عام وجميع الامه الاسلاميه بالخير واليمن والبركات
الاديب / د - شحاته كمال الجوهري. مصر
The best person with whom we can express his birth is the best of human beings, the seal of the prophets, the servant of the messengers, and the beloved of the Lord of the worlds, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. The ink of a pen with my pen expressing in an article what the Beloved of the Most Merciful is ----------- My Beloved, O Messenger of God, the article is the Beloved of the Most Merciful ----- ------------- Who is the Beloved of the Most Merciful, our master Muhammad (PBUH), the Beloved of the Most Merciful and the standard-bearer, that friend, supplicated with supplications, and the armies came from every valley, and sustenance was abundant, and Batha was inhabited, and the wall was erected and raised for you as a dedication, and the Messiah, with God’s revelation in the Gospel, with your traps. Yazaman on his tongue, and the Virgin, and God’s words to the Torah, recited by Ahmed Mahmoud, the attributes are completed by the honorable, and the night was long. The partners increased with God, and they brought the elephant, but it refused to demolish the building. And they tasted misguidance and misery in their plots, and the flocks of birds pelted them, so the blood flowed, and the Lord of the heavens made them, through their ignorance, pieces. The world was adorned with your lights and light, and the fragrance of your birth was from the best of women, and the universe overflowed. You must be praised for your coming. Darkness has been eradicated, splendor has spread, Chosroes’ thrones have shaken over tyrants, Persian fires have been extinguished, water has subsided, springs of goodness have flowed in the highest places, the best of those who have given birth, and the Master of Messengers, scholars have inherited you. Congratulations to those who enjoyed the company of generous people, and Halima has breastfed those who are poor and well-behaved by women, so goodness bursts forth as hot springs described by wise people!!! All creatures return empty-handed, their beasts teeming with fullness, and the angels of the Most Gracious have torn open his chest, purifying and healing all existence belongs to God, obedient to spending, praising Him, and man is disobedient, his land is barren and in need of guidance and quenching. You have come with a message that possesses all the elements of survival. You have restored the harmony of the universe with the wise, and I have perfected your guidance. The most honorable of the caliphs, my role model and intercessor. The soul yearns for a meeting, and at the basin of Your hands are a drink of water, all satisfaction after God, your satisfaction with my father, you and the children, the Kaaba, I hope to circumambulate, and by your side, a long stay, the best of the prophets, in your path, we walk by imitating your remembrance, a cure for the hearts of loved ones from every disease. All Muslims celebrate the best of humanity, the birth of the Seal of the Prophets, the Master of Messengers, and the Beloved of the Lord of the Worlds. The best celebration of his birth, may God bless him and grant him peace, every year and all the Islamic nation with goodness, right and blessings was completed with my pen, the writer / Dr. Shehata Kamal Al-Gohary. Egypt