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ديوان. شعر اليكتروني.. الحياة.. الجزء الاول.. للشاعر.. احمد جاد الله..

An electronic collection of poetry.. Life.. Part One.. by the poet.. Ahmed Jadallah.. 

العنوان    الحياة

الآسم    أحمد محمود جادالله

السيرة الذاتيه

كاتب وأديب

مستشار في المراجعه الماليه

والتكاليف والقوائم الماليه

والموازنات التقديريه

Diwani under publication Title Life Name Ahmed Mahmoud Jadallah Biography Writer and writer Consultant in financial auditing, costs, financial statements and estimated budgets 

الحياة  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

يسألونك عن الحياة

بما سررت

فتقول أين الحياة

تخادعني كأنني لست

أعرف حالها

تحذرني منها في


وأذهب لا اجتني منها

من حلالها

تمد لي يمينها فتسبقها

لي شمالها

فلا أجتني شيئا من


فأمضي لحالي وأذهب

لأجني فتات حلالها

فيقف أمامي من ينجي


ليمنع وصولي لفتات


ومتى عرفت يوما وصالها

تمر لحظات وتختفي

وأخاف يوما غدرها

وإن أتى الموت يوما

فأقول له

لما تأخرت فهل منعت

اليوم عني جمالها

تمنيت يوما أن أكون

مع الغائب خلف


حتى لاأعلم عن

شىء عن وصالها

أكون خلف الفراق

أم خلف

العمر اللي فات

لتمر بنا الحياة دون

أن نصاب يوما بغدرها

من بشر كلما تمد لنا

الحياة يمينها يسبقنا من

يمد لنا شمالها

الحياة تمضي بما سررت

وبما ضرت

والعمر يرحل مع الراحلين

خلف سرابها

Ahemd gadallah

Life Ahmed Jadullah They ask you about life with what pleased you, and you say, “Where is life? It deceives me as if I do not know its condition. It warns me about it in its forbidden things, and I go away to reap from it what is permissible from it. It extends its right hand to me, but its left precedes it to me, and I do not reap any of its fruits, so I go on my own and go to reap the crumbs of its permissibility, and someone who will rescue its forbidden things will stand before me to prevent it.” My arrival is permissible gestures, and whenever I know one day its arrival, moments pass and disappear, and I fear one day its treachery, and if death comes one day, I say to it: Why did I delay? Did today withhold its beauty from me? I wished one day to be with the absent person, behind its mirage, so that I would not know anything about its connection. Should I be behind the separation, or behind the life that has passed, so that it may pass us by? Life without ever being afflicted by its treachery from humans. Whenever life extends to us its right hand, it precedes us who extends its left to us. Life goes on with what pleased it and what it harmed, and life departs with the departed behind its mirage. Ahemd gadallah 

جرة قلم  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

أسرد لكم الحياة

بجرت قلم

الحياة كلمه أو

معنى ولا فترة


فترة زمن عشناها

بكل معاني الحب

ولحظات الألم

كل معاني الكفاح


ولحظات الراحه

وفترات قلب اتظلم

وسعادة بلقاء الأحبه

وحنين وشوق

وهجر وجفا وقسوة

قلوب مثل الحجر

قلوب تنهش حق


ونفاق بين ناس

لاتعرف إلا الحقد

على كل محترم

بكى القلب على

عابرون بالحياة

ولايتركو بها

بالآخلاق طيب


الحياة كلمه تجبرك

على العيش

ومهما تعمل بها كل

شىء يمر بقدر

فلا تنظر خلفك وإلى

كلام من حولك

ثق بنفسك

وأترك خلفك طيب


ومرورا بالحياة تجد

ألاما بعد إبتسامات

وتوتر وسعادة لفترات

فكن عفيف النفس

وأعلم دائما إن كل

شىء بها خلق بقدر

Ahmed gadallah

A stroke of Ahmed Jad's pen, may God narrate for you life With a stroke of a pen, life is a word or a meaning, nor a period of time, a period of time that we lived with all the meanings of love and moments of pain, all the meanings of struggle and misery, moments of comfort, periods of a darkened heart, happiness in meeting loved ones, nostalgia, longing, abandonment, dryness, and cruelty. Hearts like stone. Hearts that prey on the rights of the weak and hypocrisy. Among people who only know hatred for every respectable person, the heart cried for those who pass through life and do not leave it with good morals and a good impact. Life is a word that forces you to live, and no matter what you do with it, everything passes by destiny. Do not look behind you and at the words of those around you. Trust yourself and leave behind a good impact. Go through life and find pain after smiles and stress. And happiness for periods, so be chaste and always know that everything in it was created according to its destiny. Ahmed Gadallah 


سرقت الحياة ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

سرقت مني الحياة


وتساقط العمر 


كتساقط الماء من

من السماء

كحبات المطر 

لتروي أحلامنا

بالآمل بعد العناء

ولم يتم الآرتواء

وتظل تتساقط

ولانستطيع أن 

نوفر لها الإحتماء

ويمر العمر وتمضي

الحياة كيفما تشاء

ونرى فيها من يقدم

العون والإحتواء

ومنهم من يزيدها جفا

وحقد وبلاء

فلم نستطع يوما منهم


أو نستطع أن نكون مثلهم

ونرد الرد بجفاء

وتزيد الايام والسنين

قسوة وعناء

نحن لم نكن من الضعفاء

ولكننا نكون دائما

من النبلاء

نتمتع بالصدق في 

زمن خلا من الأنقياء

وتسير الحياة وتتساقط

الآعمار إلى أن تقترب

على الإنتهاء

فلا أجد شبابي برفقتي

فقد تساقط كحبات

المطر وضاع في

الحياة هباء

ولم أحصل منها 

على أي شيء من


Ahmed gadallah

Life was stolen, Ahmed Jad Allah. Life stole from me my youth, and life fell in years, like water falling from the sky, like raindrops, to quench our dreams with hope after hardship, and it was not quenched, and it continues to fall, and we cannot provide it with protection, and life passes and life goes on as it wants, and we see in it those who offer help and containment, and among them are those who make it even more dry. And hatred and affliction, we were never able to hide from them, or we were able to be like them, and we respond harshly, and the days and years increase in cruelty and hardship. We were not among the weak, but we are always among the nobles. We enjoy honesty in a time devoid of the pure, and life goes on and ages fall until it approaches the end, so I do not find my youth with me. It fell like raindrops, and life was wasted in vain, and I did not get any of the things from it. Ahmed gadallah 

طرف الحياة ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

أمر وأتي على طرف


وأسرد أشواقي بجرة 


أقول وأحكى مايدور 


عن عمر مضى على

حدود العدم 

لازالت عيني تنظر إلى 

سراب الآمل 

وماعاد قلبي ينتظر

نبضه وهم

سنين مرت وأعوام


وكل شيء راح 

بإنتهاء الحلم

ولم يتحقق شيء 

ذار الحلم 

راحت حياة على

حدود العدم

وعلى طرف الهوى 

أسرد ذكرياتي بجرة 


وتشرد نظراتي بنظرة


وذبلت على شفاهي 

تناهيد الآمل 

وفي غفلة السنين 

يعاتبني الحلم

على ما مر من العمر

ويسكنه الندم 

ما تخلّى عني لحظه


وتاهت البسمه على

شفاه الزمن

وترميني العبرة من 

تصرفات البشر

وتزيد بقلبي نار الحمم

وأسرد وأحكى مايدور


وتعب قلبي وقلمي من

كتر الأسى

ولم أحصل من الدنيا على

شىء ومرت الحياة في

 حدود العدم

Ahmed gadallah

The edge of life Ahmed Gadullah has come and gone on the edge of life and I list my longings with the stroke of a pen. I say and tell what is on my mind about a lifetime that passed on the borders of nothingness. My eyes still look at the mirage of hope and my heart no longer waits for its pulse. They are years that have passed and years that have come and everything is gone with the end of the dream and nothing has been achieved. The dream is gone. A life on the border of nothingness and on the edge of passion. I recount my memories with a jar of pain. My gaze wanders with a look of hope. A sigh of hope fades on my lips. And in the heedlessness of the years, the dream blames me for what has passed in life, and is inhabited by remorse. The moment the dream abandoned me. The smile is lost on the lips of time. It throws me lessons from human actions and increases the fire in my heart. Lava, and I list and tell what is on my mind, and my heart and pen are tired from so much sorrow, and I did not get anything from the world, and life passed within the limits of nothingness. Ahmed gadallah 

الطريق ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

سألت الطريق يوما

ماتكون نهايتك

فقال لي إكمل

فقد خضت بدايتك

ولتكن نهايتي سعادة


بعد أن  تجد مشقه 

وتعب فى خطوتك

وإذا ترددت ولم تكمل


من أجل راحتك

قد تندم يوما على


ولتكن بدايتك نفس 


فعندما دخلت فى


رحبت بدخولك ومهدت

لك غايتك

على أن تمر بي ولا


ولا تتراجع بخطوتك

وكن فى الطريق بعزم


إصرار النجاح ذاك الهدف

من أجل راحتك وأترك

خلفك جميل الآثر

تعب قبلك من السائرين

منهم حيارى 

يتقدموا خطوة ويتراجعوا


تجدهم حيارى وتراهم سكارى

وماهم بسكارى

ولكن حياتهم بلا هدف 

ولم يصر أحد منهم على 

ترك أثر

ومنهم حزين يمشى خطوات

بقلب شارد

واشلاء حب وعمر حزين

ولم يركز فى غايته

إنتهى بهم الطريق والعمر

كما دخل لايعلم شيئا

عن دنياه ولم يترك

أي أثر

سألتني تجدني قدمت


وأنت قمت بالبدايه

بدأت خطاك كمل


وكن كريم الخطا 

عفيف النظر

وكل ماتخطو أترك

خلفك جميل الاثر

ليقول من يمر بعدك

مر رجل وذاك الآثر

Ahmed Gadallah

The road, Ahmed Jadallah, I asked the road, “One day, what will be your end?” He said to me, “Continue. I have gone through your beginning, and let my end be happiness for you after you find hardship and fatigue in your steps. If you hesitate and do not complete what you started for the sake of your comfort, you may one day regret what you did. And let your beginning be the same as your end. When you entered my arena, I welcomed your entry and paved the way.” You have your goal to pass me by and do not despair and do not retreat in your steps and be on the path with the determination of your step and the determination to succeed that goal for your comfort and I leave behind you a beautiful impact. Before you are those who walk, some of them are confused. They take a step forward and step back. You find them confused and you see them drunk and they are not drunk, but their lives are without a goal and no one persists. Some of them are about to leave a trace, and some of them are sad, walking steps with a wandering heart and the pieces of love, and a sad life that did not focus on its goal. The road ended with them and life as it entered, knowing nothing about his world and leaving no trace. You asked me, you will find me, I gave advice, and you made the beginning. You started your steps, continue the path, and be generous in your steps, chaste of your eyes, and everything you step. Leave behind you a beautiful legacy so that whoever passes after you will say, “A man passed by, and that legacy” Ahmed Gadallah 

إبحار ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

وددت أبحر في نوايا
وإنما شىء بداخلي
قال لي إن نوايا الناس
فيما بينهم تختلف
البعد عنهم راحه لبالك
فإن المرؤة ألا تتدخل
فيما يخصهم
فالظاهر عندهم غير
الخفى متواري
ترى الناس يضحكون
فيما بينهم
ولاتدري من منهم قلبه
إليه يعاني
شر البليه من تراه إليك
وفي الخفاء قلبه منك
في أي لحظه ينتظر منك
فلا يتردد من أن يكون لك
فكن حذرا عند الخوض
في نوايا أحد
وكن نقيا من الداخل 
فإن النقاء وحسن النيه
ثراء ترى أثرها في سهر
وتمنى الخير لكل الناس
ولا تنظر الى من كانت
ضحكته لك بهتاء
فإن عشت سنين وأعوام
نصف العمر تهلكه الليالي
ونصف اخر لاتدري إين مضى
قد تهلكه غفله في الفكر
بين القيل والقال
فلا تبحر فى نوايا الناس
أترك أشياؤهم
وتكون فى حالك وأتركني
Ahmed gadallah
Sailing Ahmed Jadallah I wanted to explore people’s intentions, but something inside me disobeyed me. It told me that people’s intentions among themselves differ from one another, peace of mind and peace of mind, for a woman should not interfere in what concerns them, for what is apparent to them is hidden and hidden. You see people laughing among themselves, and you do not know whose heart is toward him, suffering from the evil of calamity. Whoever you see smiling at you and in secret, his heart is suffering from you at any moment, waiting for your negligence, so do not hesitate to let the culprit be yours. Be careful when delving into anyone’s intentions and be pure from within, for purity and good intentions are a wealth whose effect you can see in staying up late at night and wishing the best for all people together and do not look. To the one whose laugh for you was fading. If you live for years and years, half your life is consumed by nights, and another half you do not know where it went may be destroyed by negligence in thought between gossip. Do not delve into people’s intentions. Leave their things and be in your own state, and leave me alone. Ahmed gadallah 

منتصف الآشياء  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

تمر بنا الآيام بمواقف

تذهب الى الفناء

ولانريد منها أى لقاء

لآننا ملعقين في منتصف


فلا نحب مايحدث لنا

وياتي ويذهب هباء

ولا يحدث لنا مانحبه

ويذهب الإنتظار

بعد عناء

ف ننتظر ما لا يأتي


ويأتي مالا نرغب فيه


فلا نرحب به بكل ثناء

وتمر الحياة والآيام

بكل أشكالها سواء

لايأتي اليوم بفرحه

أو بغضب

أصبحت اللامبالاه

تنتشر الآجواء

أصبحت الآيام باهته


يحتفي بداخلهم النقاء

ولا يظهر بكل صفاء

بعضهم يبتسم إليك

وقلبه يملائه الحقد


كلما تتوارى عنه لحظه

يغتابك بكل خبث وجفاء

وتقابله يبتسم إليك بكل

حب وثناء

لما نحن ننتظر في منتصف


وتجد خائن لك يحدثك عن


ومن يظلمك يهددك بالدعاء

ومن يسرقك يبتسم إليك

ابتسامه خبيثه بهتاء

فلا وضوح ولا نقاء وينتشر

الخبث والبغضاء

والحياة تذهب هباء

Ahmed gadallah

In the middle of things, Ahmed Jadallah. Days pass us by in situations that lead to annihilation, and we do not want any encounter from them because we are stuck in the middle of things. We do not like what happens to us. It comes and goes in vain, and what we love does not happen to us. The waiting goes away after trouble, so we wait for what does not come to us, and what we do not desire comes near us, so we do not welcome it. With all praise, life and days pass by in all its forms, whether the day comes with joy or anger. Indifference has become widespread in the atmosphere. Days have become dull, and people celebrate purity within them, but it does not appear with all serenity. Some of them smile at you, and their hearts are filled with malice and hatred. Whenever you hide from him for a moment, they backbite you with all malice and cruelty, and you meet him, smiling at you with all love and praise for what he did. We are waiting in the middle of things, and you find a traitor to you who talks to you about loyalty, and whoever oppresses you threatens you with prayers, and whoever steals from you smiles at you with a malicious, faded smile. There is no clarity or purity, malice and hatred spread, and life is in vain. Ahmed gadallah 


أحببت البشر ✍️ أحمد جاد الله
أحببت البشر لذواتهم
فعانيت من أفكارهم
شكوت لبعضهم عن
ما يضيق به صدرى
أباحوا بالسر مرات
ماكنت أدري إن هذا
فأني إبتليت فيهم
من الفكر أفكارا
أحسنت لبعض الناس 
لأسعد قلوبهم
وقد أساؤ بالرد على
ذاتي أحقادا
لم أتغير على ماكنت
به من خلق
وحفظت المودة بالغيب
وظللت بالود أحفظ
بعض من البشر يعشق
في قلبه الغم
ويقطع الود بمنع الوصل
ويمزقه أوصال
أقلل من عتاب ما أحببت
فإن المودة لاتأتي
فما كنت أحزن من
سوء بشر
إلا الذين لم أتوقع
إن قلبهم غدار
إني أحببت البشر
أفضل من في الكون
قد خلقو
ولكن بعضهم لم يصل
إلى حسن الخلق والوفاء
فلا يمكن أن تقاس المودة
وإنما رأس المودة حسن
وسوء الثناء يقطع الود
ويزيد عداوة
والحسد والجحود يفسد
الود بيننا
فأحفظ لصديقك كل
المودة ولا تفضي له
بكل الآسرار
Ahmed gadallah

I loved human beings Ahmed Jadallah I loved human beings for their own selves, so I suffered from their thoughts repeatedly. I complained to some of them about what distressed my heart. They revealed the secret over and over again. I did not know that this was their thought, for I was plagued with thoughts in them. Thoughts that I did good to some people to make their hearts happy, but I did evil by responding to myself with grudges. I did not change the way I was. Whoever created and preserved affection in the unseen, and remained with affection, I preserved connection. Some of the human beings love grief in their heart and cut off affection by preventing connection and tear it apart. I reduce the reproach of what I loved and affection, for affection does not come with a fight. I was not saddened by the evil of human beings except those whose hearts I did not expect to be treacherous. I loved human beings because they are better. Those in the universe were created, but some of them did not reach the level of good character and loyalty out of faith. Affection cannot be measured in words, but the head of affection is good praise, and bad praise cuts off affection and increases enmity. Envy and ingratitude spoil the affection between us, so preserve all affection for your friend and do not reveal all secrets to him. Ahmed gadallah 

الظل ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

لاتلبس ظل غير ظلك

فالظل يخطو خلف

خطاك خطايا

حجم الظل بحجم جسمك

فإذا كبر عن حجمك ظهر


فالظل يتبع الناس في

كل الخطايا

وجليسك معهم في

جميع الزوايا

فاذا الظل مساوي 


يسعد الناس بك

ويعلى شأنك

وإذا لبست ظل غير 


تختفي عيوب الناس

إلا عيبك

لاشىء يعيبك بين الناس

إلا إذا أخذت حجم غير


فالنالس أحجام وصفات

وكل منهم ينجح بظله

فلا يترك الناس سواد

ظلهم بعد الرحيل

وإنما يتركوا منه حسن

المعاني والآخلاق 

فالمجد يتبع الفضيله

كما لو كان ظلها

فكن خفيف الروح

فينقش لظلك أثر

ويكون وزنه على 

القلوب خفيفا

فلا يكون لظلك ظل


داخل نفسك تراة

في نجاح غيرك

فلا يخلق الظل في


بادر بتحقيق ذاتك

وما خفي داخل 


ولا تلبس ظل غير 


لتصل إلى النور

والنجاح إتبع ظلك

إن أعظم صديق

موثوق فيه هو


Ahmed gadallah

The shadow Ahmed Jadallah Do not wear a shadow other than your shadow, for the shadow steps behind your footsteps, sins. The size of the shadow is the size of your body. If it is larger than your size, your faults will appear. The shadow follows people in all sins and sits with them in all corners. If the shadow is equal to your size, people will be happy with you and elevate your status. And if you wear a shadow other than your shadow, your faults will disappear. People are nothing but your fault. Nothing faults you among people unless you take on a size other than yours. People have sizes and qualities, and each of them succeeds with his shadow. People do not leave the blackness of their shadow after leaving, but they leave it with good meanings and morals. Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow. Be light in spirit, and your shadow will have an impact and its weight will be on the hearts. Light, so that your shadow does not have another shadow inside yourself. You can see it in the success of others, so a shadow is not created in the darkness. Take the initiative to achieve yourself and what is hidden inside yourself, and do not wear a shadow other than your own. To reach light and success, follow your shadow. The greatest trusted friend is your shadow. Ahmed gadallah 

مازلنا أحياء ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

مازلنا أحياء وننتظر منكم


أو سؤال من الشفاة

بصدق ونقاء

أو حرف يكتب لنا

ليدل إننا مازلنا أعزاء

طال الإنتظار ولا نجد

ردا من أحد من الأحباء

فهم بقلوبنا دائما أعزاء

ولكن تغير الزمان

وجعلنا جميعا مشغولون

في الدنيا بشقاء

ويزيد الحال في بعادكم

عناء بعناء

ولو سأل كلا منا على


كما كان سابقا دون

سهو أو كبرياء

لاأنتشر بيننا السعادة

والصفاء والنقاء

ولكننا نشعر إننا أحياء

دون أن ننعم بأحبابنا


فأصبح السؤال صعب

رغم توافر وسائل


التمسوا مني العذر

لأنكم مازلتم بقلبي


وأنتظر منكم قريبا 

عن حالكم أي أنباء 

فنحن لازلنا بينكم


 بدون لقاء

Ahmed gadalah

We are still alive Ahmed Jadallah We are still alive and we are waiting for a meeting or a question from your lips with sincerity and purity or a letter written to us to indicate that we are still dear. The wait has been long and we do not find a response from any of our loved ones. They are always dear in our hearts, but times have changed and made us all busy in this world with misery, and the situation in your distance increases. Trouble after trouble, and if each of us asked about the other as before, without oversight or pride, happiness, serenity, and purity would not spread between us, but we feel that we are alive without enjoying a meeting with our loved ones, so asking has become difficult despite the availability of means of meeting. Ask me for an excuse, because you are still loved ones in my heart, and I await any news from you soon about your condition. We are still alive among you without meeting Ahmed Gadalah 

بقايا إنسان  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

نبض قلبي إتغير

مع الأيام

لا فرحه في قلبي


وذهني على طول 


سرحان في كل اللي

راح في الدنيا والأيام

لو في يوم رأيتني


لاتظن إني فرحان

السعادة خلاص إنتهت

من غدر الأحبه والخلان

أصبحت اليوم منتهي

بقيت بقايا إنسان

مش عارف منين أبتدي

ما أبتدينا وإنتهينا عبر


وكل شىء وضح

وظهر من خلف الستار

في الحديث لاتظن 

إني أسمعك

أنا بفتكرك ايام 


عملت معاك العبر

واليوم تنكر ياإنسان

  أصبت قلبي بألم

وأصبح بئر من الأحزان

ضيعت فيك الأمل

وجرحت الوجدان

لافرحه في قلبي بقت

وكل شىء في العمر

مضى حملته رياح


زعلي على السكن

في قلبي العمر والزمان

بعد الستار ما إنكشف

ورأيته كما الغربان

بقايا إنسان

Ahmed gadallah

Remnants of a human being Ahmed Jadallah My heartbeat changed with the days There is no joy in my heart It remains and my mind is always Sirhan Sirhan In all that has gone in the world and the days If one day you see me smiling, do not think that I am happy Happiness is over, the treachery of loved ones and solitude has ended The day has become over I remain the remains of a human being I do not know Where do I begin? What we began and ended over time, and everything became clear and appeared from behind the curtain in the conversation. Do not think that I hear you. I remember you. In the old days, I learned lessons with you, and today you deny, O human. You struck my heart with pain and it became a well of sorrows. I lost hope in you and wounded the conscience. There is no joy in my heart left, and everything in life has passed. The winds of oblivion carried him, I was sad to live in my heart, life and time after the curtain was revealed, and I saw him like crows, the remains of a human being. Ahmed gadallah 

بين واشي وحاسد  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

أبحرت فى الحياة 

بطيب صبري

وبعدت عن الراقصه


أملا في العيش

حياة بطيب كرمي

ووقعت بين الحاسد


وأصبت منهم بكل ضر

حتى أصاب نظري


أفنيت العمر بكل كفاح


ولم أسلم من غدر

الحقود والواشي

قدرا إذا كنت أنا

العليل بظلمهم

والحزن لم يعزف 

سوى ألحاني

قولو لهم إن الحقد

أضنى مقلتي

وأن العزيز من جرح

اللئيم يعاني

والروح لاتهوى في


رؤيتهم فـإن الرؤى

لوجه الحقود تفاهة

والبعد عن وجه الواشي


كم كنت أتمنى في

الحياة لاأحظى


لتمر في هدؤ البال


Ahmed gadallah

Between a snitch and an envier, Ahmed Jadallah, I sailed through life with patience and distanced myself from the dancer and the bartender, hoping to live a life with kindness and generosity, and I fell between the envious and the snitch, and I suffered every harm from them until my sight and legs were affected. I spent my life with all struggle and affection, and I was not safe from the treachery of the hater and the snitch, as much as I was the one who suffered from their injustice. And sadness only played melodies. Tell them that hatred weighed down my eyeballs, and that the dear one suffers from the wound of the mean person, and the soul does not desire in life to see them, for visions of the face of the spiteful are trivial, and staying away from the face of the snitch is dedication. How I wished in life that I would not have someone like them, so that I could pass by in peace of mind and harmony. Ahmed Gadallah 

عبثت بي الأقدار..أ. احمد جادالله

 عبثت بي الأقدار 

وزادت صرختي كإعصار 

خانني كل من حولي

ولا أستطيع أن التمس

لهم أعذار

اغتيلت بسمتي  وسكن

الحزن بفؤادي

ونبضات قلبي تنبض

لهيب من نار

وسكنت بين أضلعي 

طعنات غدر من


قد حملت

لهم بين أضلعي حنينا

طوال عمري أعمار 

صبوا بقلبي العذاب

وسالت الدموع أنهار 

فهل كل هذا قدر

من الأقدار 

أم أنني لم أكن أعرف 

إن لديهم قلب غدار

ومن أحبتي اغتيلت 

منهم فرحتي

وضاعت بسمتي من

كثرة الأعذار 

دموعي على الجروح 


يزيد الجرح ألما ونار

هل عبثت بي الأقدار 

لم أكن مثلهم  من


أم أسات الاختيار

وأنا الذي حملت حنيني

 نحوهم أطيار

وأنا الآن أكتب أحرفي

عن مابداخلي من أسرار

لمن يقرأها ولا  يلتمس

لأحد أعذار

حتى لايقع بفؤاده ماحدث

وبحزنه ينهار

كتاباتي حقيقة عن

عن حس صادق وعن

مادار بحياتي من حوار

وأكتب وأسرد كلماتي

لتوضح عن ماحدث

بقلبي من أسرار

فلا أدري هل عبثت

بي الأقدار 

أم أخطأت أنا الاختيار

أم قلبي وقع فريسة

فى يد الأشرار

Ahmed Gadallah

Fate messed with me..A. Ahmed Jadallah, fate has tampered with me, and my screams have increased like a hurricane. Everyone around me has betrayed me, and I cannot seek excuses for them. I was assassinated with my smile, and sadness resided in my heart, and my heartbeat pulsed with flames of fire, and treacherous stabs from my loved ones resided between my ribs. I have carried longing for them between my ribs throughout my life. They poured torment into my heart and tears flowed. I collapse. Is all of this a matter of fate? Or did I not know that they had a treacherous heart? And those I loved were assassinated by them. My joy and my smile were lost due to the many excuses. My tears flow over the wounds. The wound increases pain and fire. Did fate mess with me? Was I not evil like them? Or did I make a bad choice? And I am the one who carried my nostalgia. Like them, I am flying, and now I am writing my letters about the secrets inside me for whoever reads them, and no one seeks excuses so that what happened does not happen to his heart, and with his sadness, my writing collapses. My writing is true, about honest feeling, and about the dialogue that took place in my life. I write and narrate my words to clarify the secrets that happened in my heart. I do not know whether fate has tampered with me or I made a mistake. Am I the choice or has my heart fallen prey to the evil ones? Ahmed Gadallah 

مسافر للأمس ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

قد غادر الأمس 

وترك أشياؤه تسكننا

وتلاة الحاضر بأشياء 


إذا تأملت الزمان وجدته

يأخذ منا مانريدة ونختاره 

ونمضي بالعام الجديد 

وإنما نمضي نحو الرديء 


فنترك الحاضر ونرجع


إلى ماسبق من أعوام 

نسافر إلى الأمس 

ولانود العيش بالحاضر

بكل مافيه من أشياء 


فإن الزمان إذا جرا

على الكرام 

فقل للشامتين بهم 


كنتم بالأمس قلاقل 

في الحجم مقام


لم تصلوا منزله الكرام

كنتم بالأمس صم بلا

فهم ولا إفهام 

وجاء الحاضر بظلام 


علا فيه الجاهل وأصبح 

ذات مقام

وإذا تأملت في الحاضر

تجده آجلا وأيام 

والحياة فيه سقام 

أهو قدرا قد كتب


وكل يوم يمضي

بحالنا فهو من العمر


فلا يعجبنا اليوم حالنا

وكنا بالأمس السعيد 

لايعجبنا حاله

فكنا نطمع فيه بما هو 

أحسن  حال 

جاء الحاضر بكل مساؤة

ونمضي نحو الرديء 


هل نتبع الأمس بسؤالنا

لما مضى

وإلى متى نحو الأيام


فهي إلا أيام تنقص 

من العمر عام وأعوام 

Ahmed gadallah

, has left yesterday and left its things to inhabit us, and the present has followed us with things that do not resemble us. If I contemplate time, I find that it takes from us what we want and we choose it. We move on with the new year, but we move towards the bad for years, so we leave the present and return with our thoughts to the previous years. We travel to yesterday and do not want to live in the present with all its things and status. If time is running roughshod over the honorable, say to those who gloat about them, wake up. Yesterday you were a turmoil in size and you still have not reached its honorable place. Yesterday you were deaf with no understanding or understanding, and the present comes with darkness in which the thought of the ignorant has exalted itself and it has become of a status. And if you contemplate the present, you will find that it is futures and days, and life in it is sickness, it is destiny. It has been decreed upon us that every day that passes in our condition is a decrease in life. We do not like our condition today, and we were happy yesterday. We do not like his condition, so we cope with what is better. The present comes with all its misfortunes, and we move toward the bad. Years. Do we follow yesterday by asking about what has passed and for how long? Like the days we count, for they are only days that decrease. Ahmed Gadallah is a year and years old   

البقاء    ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

أحب البقاء قريبا


ولا أكون قريبا ملام 

أحب أكون بعيدا 


وأكون دائما في


أحب الناس دائما 


وأكون معهم في 

خير ووئام 

إذا بعدت أكون 


يذكرني دائما في

حديث الكلام 

أشارك الناس بروح


تطوف حولهم كا أسراب 


أحب أكون بينهم موجود

وغير مرني 

كشمس الغروب في بدايه


ينتظرني بلهفه في كل 


في طله شروق وأنير


بقائي قريبا بعيد أكون 


ولست أحب القريب


Ahmed gadallah

Staying Ahmed Jadallah I like to stay close and far away and not be close to blame I like to be far away close and always be at peace I love people who always remember me and I am with them in goodness and harmony If I am far away I am present He always remembers me in conversation I share with people a spirit and serenity that floats around them like flocks of doves I like to be among them He is present and inflexible like the setting sun at the beginning of darkness. He waits eagerly for me every morning with a rising sun and Illuminate the place. Staying close and far away, I will be happy and I do not love the blameworthy relative. Ahmed Gadallah 

خيبه أمل   ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

سادة في الحياة كتر الحيل

نسمع قولا ليس به العدل

من يقول الحقيقه يسمع ردا

له العجب

الحقيقه  أصابها نفاذ


وحل محلها خبث الحيل

إذا حررت نفسك من خبث


يصيبك مكروة العذل

وتحصل من مقالهم على

سوء  الآمل

ولم تفز منهم إلا بجمود


يمضي الشباب ويأتي المشيب

وسارت منيتك تحت الآجل

هذة الحياة مليئه

بكتر الحيل

ويضيع العمر خلف سراب

الحقيقه وشعاع الآمل

ونسوق عدم ظهورها

إلى كتر العلل

فلا نذم في الدهر على 

ماحدث به

طبع في البشر يسوده

 سوء  الهمم

فكل ما مضى وما يأتي

له سبب 

يدق على باب  ذوي الحيل

ولم نرى على وجوههم

يوما من خذل

فلم نقل على مافات من


ولا نترقب مايأتي به من


نغضب نحن من سوء


هل ستأخذوا معكم 


عندما ينفذ الآجل

أصاب قلوبنا بخيبه أمل

تغير الدهر وذاد العلل

Ahmed gadallah

Disappointment Ahmed Jadallah Masters of life Many tricks We hear a saying that is not fair Whoever speaks the truth hears a response with amazement The truth has been struck by the expiration of the deadline and has been replaced by the wickedness of tricks. If you free yourself from the wickedness of tricks, the hate of disgrace will befall you, and you will obtain bad hopes from what they say, and you will not win from them except by stagnation. Work takes away youth, and gray hair comes, and your death has passed under the term. This life is full of many tricks, and life is wasted behind the mirage of truth and the ray of hope. We attribute their non-appearance to many ills. There is no blame in eternity for what happened to it. It is a nature in human beings that is dominated by bad intentions. Everything that has passed and what will come has a reason that knocks on the door. Those who are cunning, and we have never seen anyone let down on their faces. We have not said anything about the regrets we have missed. We do not wait for the hope it brings. We get angry at the badness of people. Will you take anything with you when the deadline runs out? Our hearts are disappointed. Time has changed and ills have been removed. Ahmed gadallah 

الكتاب ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

الحياة اللي إنت فيها

كتاب وإنكتب عليك

قبل ماتشوف الدنيا

نورها  نور عينيك

كل شىء مكتوب 


قبل ماتبدأ في الحياة

مكتوب هاتفرح ولا تزعل

وإمتى هاتمسك إيديك


والسعادة اللي هاتمر

بيها بعد مايزول الآلم

ليه نزعل من قال 

علينا كلام من عدم

أو نزعل من اللي خان


والقلب منه إتصدم

ما كل شىء إنكنب

بالكتاب قبل

ما ندب فى الحياة

وكنا في وقتها في


ما اللي جه ب وده


جه دورة في الكتاب

ولما مشي وغار علينا

خلص دورة وإتعدم

حتى لو في يوم 

إتنسينا كل شيء

مكتوب واتقفل

يبقى كل اللي يمر 


برضانا لازم يتقبل

كل اللي إحنا فيه

اللي فات واللي 

جاي مكتوب جوة


Ahmed gadallah

The book is Ahmed Jadallah. The life you are in is a book and it is written for you before you see the world. Its light is the light of your eyes. Everything is written and drawn before you start in life. It is written. I will be happy and do not be upset. When will I hold the pen in your hands and the happiness that I will experience after the pain is gone? Why should we be upset when someone says something about us out of nothing or get upset? From the one who betrayed his covenant, and the heart was shocked by him. Everything was in the book before it started in life, and we were at that time in nothingness. What came and that was upon us came a cycle in the book, and when it walked and attacked us, it ended its cycle and disappeared. Even if one day we forget everything written and it is closed, then everything remains. Whoever goes through life with our consent must accept everything we are in, what is past and what is coming, written inside the book Ahmed Gadallah 

تقلب الأحوال ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

عجبا لتقلب الأحوال 

رأيتهم يتصرفون 


وسألت ولم يجيب 

أحدا عن السؤال 

كلا يخفي شيئا بخاطره

ولايريد منا وصال 

وتجمعوا على شيء 


ليس من حقهم بأي 


يظن كلا منهم إنه 

صافي للآخر 

ولكن القلوب تحمل

من الظن جبال 

كنت القريب إلى 

كلا منهم

وكنت آحمل لهم 

بهجه الإقبال 

قلوبهم الآن أصبحت 

تحمل ضدى 

عداوة فغدوت أشبه 


وتجمعوا لخصمي 

فوقعت بين حقيقه


هل نسوا إن قلبي 

يحمل لهم حبا يفوق 


ماذا جنيت لكي يقطعوا


فهل منهم أحدا يجيب


عجبا إذًا لتقلُّب الأحوال 

Ahmed gadallah

The fluctuation of the situation, Ahmed Jadallah. It is amazing the fluctuation of the situation. I saw them behaving wrongly. I asked and no one answered the question. Each of them was hiding something in his mind and did not want us to reach a relationship. They gathered for something against us that they had no right to in any way. Each of them thought that he was pure for the other, but their hearts carried mountains of suspicion. You were close to each of them. And I used to bring them the joy of approaching them. Their hearts now bore hostility against me, so I became like an adversary and they gathered for my adversary, so I fell between reality and imagination. Have they forgotten that my heart carries for them a love beyond imagination? What have I gained for them to cut off my ties with me? Is there anyone among them who would answer the question? It is astonishing, then, at the change of circumstances. Ahmed gadallah 

كنت أظن  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

كنت أظن أنه لايرتدي


وإنه صادق 

وبراءته مش خداع

جعل قلبي 

لم يصدق إنه

رحل وراح وباع

كنت أظن إن روحه

بلسم لقلبي

تريحه من غدر الزمان

وتنسيه العمر اللي ضاع

دي حقيقه مش وهم

مني لأني كنت صادق

ولم أرتدي قناع

ياما قال وعود لقلبي

إنه لم تأتي لحظه


جه الوقت اللي خان


وفي لحظه قلبه

خان وباع

لما وعد قلبي بالأماني

والوهم ملأ فؤادي

وطعنه طعنه غدر


كنت أظن إن قلبه

لايمكن يرتدي قناع

دا البريق اللي في

عينيه كان بيظهر

في لحظه إستماع

والبراءة في إبتسامته

كانت تطاع

تظهر لما كنا نلتقي 

وأشعر بلمسه يديه

بها دفء بأجمل إيقاع

تنزع من قلبي همومه

وأشعر إن المشاعر

مش ممكن يباع

كنت أظن وقد خاب

ظني ونزع القناع

Ahmed gadallah

I used to think that Ahmed Gadallah was not wearing a mask and that he was honest and his innocence was not a deception. It made my heart not believe that he had left, gone and sold. I thought that his soul was a balm for my heart, relieving it from the treachery of time and making it forget the life that was wasted. This is the truth and not an illusion on my part because I was honest and did not wear a mask. Yama said. Promises to my heart that the moment of farewell never came. The time came that betrayed his promises. In an instant, his heart betrayed and sold what he promised my heart with wishes. Illusion filled my heart and stabbed him with treachery and deception. I thought that his heart could not wear a mask. The sparkle in his eyes appeared in a moment of listening, and the innocence in his smile was obeyed. It appears when we meet, and I feel the touch of his hands with warmth in the most beautiful rhythm. It removes its worries from my heart, and I feel that feelings cannot be sold. I thought, and I was disappointed, and he took off the mask. Ahmed gadallah 

حفله تنكريه ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

ماكنت أدري يوما إن

وجوة الناس ليست


الحياة مضت وإنتهت

وظهرت فيها وجوة 

بأقنعه وهميه

تخفي خلفها حقيقه

ليست واقعيه

إسأل المواقف التي

أتت أين الصديق

والقريب وماذا فعلوا 


ماخفي في الصدور

مختلف عن أبتسامه

مزيفه بوجوة تنكريه

لو عرف ذلك في


هل تسير الحياة


أم تنتهى الحياة

ولم يكن لها سير

في حقيقه منسيه

إنتهت بي الحياة

وأدركت كنت بوجه 


في حفلة تنكريه

خجلت منك إيتها الحياة

كنتي مع

النفاق والحقد والحسد

حقيقه أساسية

تتوارى خلف أقنعه

لوجوة مزيفه

وتكون هي الحياة


 أعترف أن الإخلاص 

والأمانه والآخلاق 

في الحياة حقيقه 


خجلت عندما أدركت

العمر إنتهى في حفله


Ahmed gadallah

Masquerade party, Ahmed Gadallah. I never knew that people’s faces were not real. Life passed and ended, and faces appeared in it with fake masks hiding behind them an unreal truth. I ask the situations that came, where are the friends and relatives, and what did they do to me? What is hidden in the chests is different from a fake smile with a masquerade face. If only he knew that in life. Does life go on realistically, or does life end and it had no way of going on in a forgotten reality? Life ended with me and I realized I was with a real face at a masquerade party. I was ashamed of you, O life. You were with hypocrisy, hatred and envy, a basic truth that hides behind masks of fake faces and becomes normal life. I admit that sincerity, honesty and morals in Life is a hidden truth. I was ashamed when I realized life ended in a costume party. Ahmed Gadallah 

الجزاء  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

قلت لك أصبر على 

حلو الزمان ومره

وإذا غدر بك احد

يوما لجهله

إصفح عنه من أجل

الود ليس لآجله

وإن كان غريبا لم يكن

لك معه يوما بالود

إصفح عنه لآجل نقاء

قلبك ليس لآجله

وكن حسن الظن 

دائما بالناس

فإن القلب يعلم

الله سره

إياك أن تجني شيئا

ليس فى محله

فإن الجزاء يرجع إلى

الشىء في أصله

فإن كان ليس لك الحق

في أخده

لابد أن ترد الشىء لحقه

فإن كان صحيحا 

وحصلت عليه بالمعروف

تجازى بمثله

ولاتجعل المعروف في

غير أهله

فتصاب من الناس

بزمه وليس بحمده

إكرم ضعيفك ومد

يدالعون له

ولا تذكره يوما بما


تجنب الناس تأمن سوء


وكن معهم بطيب الحديث


وأصبر على حلو الزمان


وإذا ساء إليك القريب


إصفح عنه من أجل الود

ليس لآجله

وحافظ على الود فيما


الحياة بدون ود ك مقبره

Ahmed gadallah

The reward is Ahmed Gadullah. I told you to be patient through the good times and the bad times. And if someone betrays you one day due to his ignorance, forgive him for the sake of kindness, not for his sake. And if he is a stranger with whom you have never had affection, forgive him for the purity of your heart, not for his sake. And always have a good opinion of people, for the heart knows its secret. Beware of reaping something that is not in its rightful place, for the reward is due to the thing in its original form. If you do not have the right to take it, you must return the thing for its due rights. If it is correct and you got it in a reasonable manner, you will be rewarded with the same. Do not place the good in someone who is not deserving of it, so that you will be afflicted by people who suffer from it and do not praise it. Honor your weak person and extend supplication to him. And never remind him of what you gave him. Avoid people. You will be safe from their bad deeds. Be with them in kind words. You will be safe. Be patient in the good and bad times. If a relative mistreats you due to his ignorance, forgive him for the sake of friendliness, not for his sake. And maintain the friendship between you. Life without love is like a grave. Ahmed gadallah 

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