《▪︎زمان الصمت ولى في غزة▪︎ 》
اواه !!!!من زمن الصمت مات... فيه الضمير والعدل..غاب او قد..... انتحر
حل وباء التخاذل على أرض.العروبة هدم.وقتل ودماء.تسقي.الثرى..كالنهر
ولبست الرجولة ثوب العار ...والعزة رحلت وحلت النذالة باللهو...والسمر
اين.النخوة.والعزة.؟!.أضاعوها وحل الخوف والخضوع ضيفا على... البشر
وجعلوا للأعداء.هيبة صارت. وطبعوا فازداد العذاب والخسة... وكثر القهر
أين مملكة الفضيلة وصرخات الجياع ودموع الاطفال.والثكالى... بها جهر
اواه!!! من دموع الرجال الرجال حين الاستغاثة تذوب روحها كثلج بالمطر
النواح والنداء.يعلو لكن.من... حولهم صم بكم عمي وكانهم في.... صحر
عقولهم.. كالطبل. بات الصوت.. فيها داء بلا دواء.....يا بشر إذا بقي... بشر
ياأمه..حملت رسالة الرحمة ....فاين انتم..؟ورسولنا ..... خير .من..... ذكر
الفجر ...يصيح الا من قادم يلبي نداء الصابرين..ويحلق في ضوء.... القمر
الا من معتصم منجد رضع ....الشهامة والعزة ....يخلع ثوب الذل.... والحذر
بكينا على امة يعرب اين انت.. ضللت ام ناخت عزائمكم..وغزة تقدح.شرر؟!
هل نسيتم يوم الحشر حين... يسألكم الله يذوب اديم وجوهم ..في صقر؟!!
دقي يا أجراس .كبري يا مآذن القدس قدسنا مهما طال الزمان.يوما او.دهر
ايا فارس غزة عيناك لن تمسهما النار فهي حارس في الله تتحدى.... القهر
اسأل الفرقدين أين بواسل غزة تقول هم فوق الشمس والنجوم ..و القمر؟!
هم البركان لا يخمده أفاك.... مغتصب سارق حتى ضحكة الأطفال في خطر
يا صناديد غزة حملتم وزر امة صمت التخاذل فاسقيتم شراب شرف للبشر
توجوا غزة فهي الشجاعة.... والندى وقل اهلا بالفوارس قد اسقوا الشجر
ايها العرب لا تحاولوا.كسر ظهر.. غزة فظهرها صلب قوة.الفولاد... والصخر
لن تخلع جذورك غزة فجذورك.. قوية سقيت.بماء المكرمات الى يوم الحشر
✍️ بقلم الشاعرة د.عطاف الخوالدة
... 《The time of silence is over in Gaza》 Oh!!!! Since the time of silence, conscience and justice have died...absent or have committed suicide. The epidemic of failure has spread to the land. Arabism has been demolished. It has been killed and blood has been watered. Wealth... is like a river, and manhood has put on the garment of shame... and pride has gone, and villainy has replaced amusement... and brown people, where is the chivalry and pride?! They lost it, and fear and submission have become guests of... humans, and they have given the enemies prestige. And they obeyed, and the torment and meanness increased... and oppression increased. Where is the kingdom of virtue, the cries of the hungry, and the tears of children and the bereaved... in which there is an outburst of grief!!! From the tears of men, when men call for help, their souls melt like snow in the rain. The wailing and the calling get louder, but... those around them are deaf, dumb, and blind, as if they are in... the desert of their minds... like a drum. The voice has become.. There is a disease without a cure..... O human beings, if it remains... Human beings, O mother.. You carried the message of mercy.... So where are you..? And our Messenger..... is better than..... The remembrance of dawn...he shouts, except for the one who comes who responds to the call of the patient...and soars in the light of...the moon, except for Mu'tasim, upholstering infants...chivalry and pride...he takes off the garment of humiliation...and caution. We wept over a nation that expresses where. Have you gone astray or betrayed your resolve? And Gaza is igniting sparks?! Have you forgotten the Day of Judgment when... God asks you to make the skin of their faces melt... into a falcon?!! Ring, oh bells. Be proud, oh minarets of Jerusalem. Sanctify us, no matter how long it takes. A day or an eternity. O Persian, Gaza. Your eyes will not be touched by fire. They are guarded by God. They challenge... oppression. Ask the two groups, where are the brave men of Gaza? You say they are above the sun and the stars... and the moon?! They are a volcano that will not be extinguished by your avatars.... A rapist steals. Even the laughter of children is in danger. You sandals of Gaza. You have borne the burden of a nation. The silence of failure. You have given people a drink of honor. Crown Gaza for it is courage.... and the dew. And say welcome to the knights. They have watered the trees. O Arabs. Do not try. Break my back. .. Gaza, its back is solid, strong. Steel... and the rock will not uproot your roots. Gaza, your roots.. are strong. They have been watered with the water of noble things until the Day of Judgment, written by the poet Dr. Etaf Al-Khawaldeh.