.....غثا وهموم ياعرب اليوم....
........نص باللهجه البدويه المصريه
على مبدى ذكرالغثا وذكرطاريه
وضع ماينطاق بنفسى واجهدها
نفسى ضاقت من اللى بتعانيه
وزادت الهموم وزاد على كبدها
الحال صار شين والعين تراعيه
قتل ودمار والعرب زايد رغدها
تاهو بوديان الجبن والوهن ليه
نسيوالجهادوخنعو لمذله بمردها
مالت روسهم ليه والعزمالهم فيه
عزه النفس والشهامه مانجدها
كل الحكام عايش الفخر والتيه
بفعل حرب دين وملاهى وجدها
تكون بديل لحياه بدين لله ناشيه
ونسيو أن بيدالله الحياه وسعدها
كل حاكم لاهى عن الله وهو ناسيه
عسى الله يبدل حياته بهمها ونكدها
وتعود للدين عزته وامجاده وماضيه
يوم ساد العالم بسواعد ناس وبيدها
كانوعلى ضيق عيش ومافرطوا فيه
كافأهم الله بنصر هز دنياكلن شهدها
يارب انت لك الاسلام دين مرتضيه
اجعله لنفوسنا غايه ووسيله مابعدها
ودمر كل كاره للاسلام وكمان معاديه
وانكر ألالوهيه والتوحيدوبفعله جحدها
........الاعلامى سليم عواد الحويطي
..........شاعر الباديه مصر
.....Feelings and worries, O Arabs of today.... ........A text in the Egyptian Bedouin dialect about the beginning of the mention of relief and the mention of its torment. A situation that does not affect my soul and strains it. My soul is fed up with what it suffers, and worries have increased, and the condition has become worse for its liver. It has become miserable, and the eye is looking at it, killing and destruction. And the Arabs have increased their prosperity and lost themselves in the valleys of cowardice and weakness. Why did they forget the jihad and submit to the humiliation of its return? Why did their heads bow down and their determination in it is self-pride and magnanimity that we do not find? All the rulers live in pride and get lost due to a war of religion and amusements that they find to be an alternative to a life of religion to God. He replaces his life with its cares and sorrows, and returns to religion, its glory, its glory, and its past, the day when the world was ruled by the hands and hands of people who were on a narrow livelihood and did not neglect it. God rewarded them with a victory that shook the world of all who witnessed it. O Lord, you have Islam as a religion that you will accept, make it for our souls a goal and a means beyond it, and destroy every hater of Islam and also hostile, who denies divinity and monotheism, and by his actions denies them... .....The journalist Salim Awad Al-Huwaiti ..........Poet of the Badia, Egypt