أعلان الهيدر.. دار نشر تحيا مصر 🇪🇬للإبداع. المجله

أحدث المواضيع

الأحد، 22 سبتمبر 2024

الرئيسية .. The poor.. Written by.. Ahmed Jadallah.. الفقير.. بقلم. الشاعر. احمد جادالله

.. The poor.. Written by.. Ahmed Jadallah.. الفقير.. بقلم. الشاعر. احمد جادالله

الفقير  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

ما الفقر عيبا إذ

يعاني منه أهله

عجبت من عيب

العائبين لفقيرهم

مانزل الفقر إلا من

رب سمائه

يمشي الفقير وكل

الناس ضدة

وينفروا منه من

شدة بلائه

فالعيب في الغني

إذا تزين ببخله

فيكون لئيما بسوء


أتعجب من المقربون


فغناة لن يفيدهم شىء

حتى لو زاد ثرائه

غناة يستر عنه رذيلته

وإن أخطأ يكون سبب


أما الفقير يرى الناس


ولايعرف لذلك سبب


وكل الناس يفرو من حوله

فلا يملك المال ويصعب

عليه إقتنائه

عجبت من الحياة كلها

لايوجد فيها من بشر

يساعد الفقير 

سواء كان غريبا أو من


قل للفقير ليس له

ذنب لفقرة

قل للغني لاتبخل على

الفقير وتحرمه لحظه

فإن البخل لايطول للمال


Ahmed gadallah

The poor, Ahmed Jadallah, what is poverty a shame when his family suffers from it? I am amazed at the shame of those who blame their poor. Poverty has only descended from the Lord of his heaven. The poor man walks and all the people are against him and they flee from him because of the severity of his affliction. The fault is with the rich person if he adorns himself with his miserliness and is mean with his poor singing. I am amazed at those close to him, for his richness will not benefit them at all. Even if his wealth increases, his wealth is hidden from him, and if he makes a mistake, it is the reason for his salvation. As for the poor, he sees people against him and does not know the reason for his hostility, and all the people flee around him, so he does not have money, and it is difficult for him to acquire it. I am amazed at the whole life in which there is no human being who helps the poor, whether he is a stranger or one of his relatives. Say: To the poor who has no fault for a paragraph Say to the rich: Do not be stingy with the poor and deprive him of a moment, for stinginess does not prolong the life of wealth. Ahmed gadallah 

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