بقلمي: سمير موسى الغزالي
سوريا ..مجزوءالرمل
لاتَغيبي عن سَمانا
تَنْظُرُ الآتي رُؤانا
يَاعبيرَ الحرفِ دَعني
أقْتَني منها حَنانا
ياحبيبي لَستُ أدري
أيُّ عِطرٍ قد أتانا
مِنْ رَسُولِ الشَّوقِ يَهْمي
طَلُّ حَرفٍ مِنْ مُنانا
لايَمَلُّ السَّمعُ صَوْتاً
انْتَظَرْناهُ زَمانا
يا لَأُنْسٍ في المُحَيا
عَطَّرَ الأنسُ رُبانا
من أذابَ الشَّهدَ طُهْراً
من شِفاهٍ قد سَقانا
هَلْ سَقانا لَسْتُ أدري
مرّةً أُخْرى سَقانا
مَنْ يَمَلُّ الروضَ يَحْكي
قِصّةٌ سَكْرى حِذانا
مِنْ عُيُونٍ سَاحِراتٍ
أو عطورٍ مِنْ شَذانا
مِنْ جُيوبِ العِشْقِ شُقَّتْ
مِنْ غَرَامٍ في شِفَانا
جُرْأَةٌ فَازَتْ بِوهْمٍ
أو بِصِدْقٍ في صِبانا
إنْ كَتَمْتُ الحُبَّ صُبْحاً
في منامٍ قد أتانا
(Don't be absent) Written by: Samir Musa Al-Ghazali Syria.. Part of the sand Don't be absent from our sky and see the following Our visions, O perfume of the letter Let me get tenderness from her, my beloved I don't know what perfume has come to us From the messenger of longing I care A letter has poured from us that does not tire of poison A voice we have been waiting for for a long time, O human, in the face, the perfume of human beings. We raised the one who melted the honeycomb, purified from the lips. He gave us drink. Did he give us drink again? I don’t know. He gave us drink. He who bores the garden tells a drunken story. Our shoes are from the eyes of witches, or the perfumes we smell from the pockets of love She was saved from love in our recovery. She dared to win through delusion or sincerity in our youth. If I concealed love in the morning. A dream has come to us