قبل فوات الأوان
من قرأ وصف الحور بالقرآن
وأنهن كاللؤلو والمرجان
ولم يطئهن إنس ولا جان
ورغم كل ذاك الحسن فهن
قاصرات الطرف بالحياء تزدان
تعجب لجنسهن من بني الإنسان
بعضهن تأمل الجنة وجلها عريان
وبجاحة العين وبذاءة اللسان
إلا من رحم ربي قامت بهن أوطان
تعلمت وعلمت ونزل فيهن قرآن
وفي الحداثة منهن لها قدر وشان
فمن توشحت بالعلم والحياء
تذكر بين الوري ويشار لها بالبنان
حاشا لم أقصد بما قدمت إمتهان
بل نصح أقصد قبل فوات الأوان
بقلم /محمد صادق ندا
Before it is too late......................... Whoever reads the description of the Houris in the Qur’an, and that they are like pearls and coral, and neither man nor jinn have stepped on them, and despite all that beauty, they are limited in modesty, and their modesty will increase. Marvel at their kind of human beings. Some of them contemplate Paradise and most of them are naked, with unsightly eyes and foul language, except for those who have mercy on my Lord. Homelands were created for them to learn and teach, and the Qur’an was revealed in them. And among them, modernity has value and honor. So whoever is clothed with knowledge and modesty, she will be remembered in public and referred to as “Far be it.” By what I presented, I did not mean disrespect, but rather advice. I mean before it's too late .......................................... Written by / Muhammad Sadiq Nada
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