وعاتبني. حنيني
وعلى درب الفراق. تطوي القلوب الخطى نحو ألأشتياق
وتزداد ما بين متاهة الأنين وسكن الحنين النزعات
أتراه نبض ذكرى دام وباق أم نداء لماض قد مر وفات
إليك. يا من عاتبني فيك حنيني
كم نازعتني نفسي في هواك مليكتي وللخضوع أبيت
وسألني الوتين لما تصون هواك بالأنين وما أجبت
أبعد سنوات الفراق يحن لها قلبك بأشتياق فما صغيت
ومن فوق نبض دام لحبك رغم رحيلك مستكين
لامني الحنين. بصدى أهات السنين
لما الأنين على ذكرى صارت بقايا رماد من رفات
وظل القلب يصون اهاتي بنبضاتي وما واريت
وشكت للقلب كل أوصال الوتين لما رأك بعد الرحيل
يقين ودون كل خلق الله بك أرتضيت
أحن إليك
بشوق التمني ونبض الخطى بطيب الحنين إلى الملتقى
لما بأسمك قد ناديت
برفض لواقع حمل الشقى بنور أشتياق فوق نار الفراق
إلتقى لما بأحلامي أتيت
بأمل فوق نبض اليأس لاح جبرٱ لخاطر قلب أضحى مهيض
للجناح وبطيب حبك أحتميت
بوعد كتبه الرحمن لطفٱ فوق الجبين فيحيا الفؤاد راضيٱ
يعلوه الحنين ولدونك ما سعيت
بأيام حجبت طيب الوصال على الحنايا وعمرٱ أذاب لك
كل زهر صبايا وعلى مثوى اللقاء بكيت
ببعضي وكلي بعزي وزلي بشمسي وظلي فأنت من طابت له الحنايا وعلى درب الحنين مضيت
بعمرٱ يباع برضا وانصياع وانا بالله من أشتريت
عبدالفتاح غريب
And he blamed me. My longing and on the path of separation. Hearts take steps toward longing and increase between the maze of groaning and the stillness of nostalgia. Do you see it as the pulse of a memory that lasts and remains, or a call to a past that has passed and passed away to you? O you who blamed me for your longing, how much my soul disputed with me in your love, my queen, and for submission I refused, and the two hearts asked me why you protect your love with moaning, and you did not answer, the farthest years of separation, your heart yearned for her with longing, so I did not listen, and from above there was a pulse that lasted for your love despite your departure, relying on the longing wish. In the echo of the groans of the years, when the groaning over a memory became the remains of ashes from the remains, and the heart kept protecting my groans with my pulse and what I saw, and I complained to the heart all the connections of the two when it saw you after your departure with certainty and without all of God’s creation with you, I was satisfied. I yearned for you with the longing of wishing and the pulse of the footsteps with the sweetness of longing for the meeting. When your name was called out with refusal. To the reality of carrying misery with the light of longing above the fire of separation, they met. When in my dreams I came with hope above the pulse of despair, redress appeared for the sake of a heart that became a place for the wing, and with the goodness of your love I took refuge in a promise written by the Most Gracious. Kindness on the forehead, so the heart lives, satisfied, longing surmounted, and for you I did not seek days that withheld the goodness of connection on the bends, and a lifetime that melted all for you. Flowers of my youth, and at the place of meeting, I cried with each other, and I was full of my condolences and lost my sun and shadow, you are the one who had good affection, and on the path of nostalgia, I passed a life that was sold with consent and obedience, and I, by God, am the one who bought Abdel Fattah Ghareeb
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