❤️ والتقينا ٠٠٠ ❤️
والتقينا ٠٠ كان اللقاء المستحيل
لقاء ٠٠ حمل كل شعور مضطرب
مر علينا جفاف الزمان الطويل
لم نذكر من منا بقي ومن هرب
كل ما جاء بخاطري ماض جميل
كلما طردته بعيداً عاد واقترب
تسائلنا هل كان هذا الحل البديل
بعيداً عن المشاجرات كنا نحترب
بعدما كان فراقنا شيئاً مستحيل
قد تعلمنا بعده صنوف الأدب
لمست يداي بساعدها بدا هزيل
ترى ما الذي حدث ومن السبب
كأنها نسيت أنها من قرر الرحيل
وأني وافقت على القرار العجب
لم نهتم من القاتل ومن القتيل
ما دام قرارها ٠٠ ٠حقق لها الآرب
أخبرتها أنني بفراقها صرت عليل
استمعت لحديثي كأنه لحن الطرب
استعدت الوعي بعد وقت قليل
استعدت ذهني بعدما كان قد ذهب
❤️ والتقينا ٠٠٠ ❤️
🌹 السفير دكتور مجدى محمد أحمد 🌹 الشيخ مجدي 🌹
❤️❤️❤️ الثالث من شهر أغسطس ❤️2024 ❤️❤️
And we met 000 and we met 00. The impossible meeting was a meeting of 00. It carried every turbulent feeling that passed through us. The dryness of a long time. We did not remember which of us stayed and who ran away. Everything that came to my mind was a beautiful past. Whenever I pushed it away, it came back and got closer. We wondered if this was an alternative solution away from quarrels. We were fighting after our separation. Something impossible, after which we learned the types of politeness. She touched my hand with her forearm. She looked weak. You see what happened and the reason. It was as if she forgot that she was the one who decided to leave and that I agreed to the strange decision. We did not care who was the murderer or who was killed as long as it was her decision. 000 fulfilled her desire. I told her that by leaving her I had become ill. She listened to my conversation as if it were Melody of Tarab I regained consciousness after a short time. I regained my mind after he had gone and we met 000 Ambassador Dr. Magdy Mohamed Ahmed Sheikh Magdy the third of August 2024
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