بقلم :صفاء السيد
يا بني الانسان
جائتكم النذر علكم تتقون
جائتكم الفرقة افلا تتحدون
جائكم المرص وبعد شفائكم افلا تتعظون
جائكم الغلاء افلا تسمعون
ان الله يناديكم ارجعوا الي الحق من ربكم
افلا تجيبون ماذا تنتظرون
ان الله وعدكم الجنة فعودوا إليه بالحق
لتكونوا الفائزون
يا بنى الانسان راجعوا انفسكم
فالله باقي وانتم تفنون
لا تظلموا لا تقهروا احدا لا تكذبوا
الله حي
افلا تفقهون
Written by: Safaa Al-Sayyid, O sons of man, a vow has come to you that you should be fearful. Disunity has come to you. Will you not unite? Egypt has come to you. And after your recovery, will you not learn from it? High prices have come to you. Do you not hear that God is calling you? Return to the truth from your Lord. Will you not respond? What are you waiting for? Indeed, God promised you Paradise, so return to Him with the truth so that you will be victorious. O sons of man, come back. Yourselves, for God is everlasting, and you shall be consumed. Do not oppress anyone. Do not lie. God is alive. Will you not understand?
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دار نشر تحيا مصر 🇪🇬للإبداع. المجله