موشح آخر الصيف
بقلم : ماجد الراوي
تناءى بدري العالي ..... ولم أدرك له فلكا
ألا يانسمة الصبح
أريجك هاج لي جرحي
تولى الصيف كاللمح
فأمسى حائر البال ...... هواه قلبه ملكا
تناءى البدر عن ليلي
جميل الوجه والقول
ومن حول إلى حول
أعلق كل آمالي ...... ببدر نور الحلكا
وأبقى عاشقا دنفا
إذا شوق به عصفا
وحن فؤاده لهفا
ينادي حبه الغالي ....... أغثني فالفؤاد لكا
وفي العهد مابرحا
لظبي طيفه سنحا
إذا غنى الحمام ضحى
يحن لعهده الخالي ....... زمان بعده هلكا
بحر النار دلاه
نأى عنه وخلاه
يغطي الجمر أعلاه
فأضحى متعب الحال دروب الهول قد سلكا
Greetings and appreciation, Mushah at the end of the summer, written by: Majid Al-Rawi, my high moon was gone..... and I did not realize how much he had, except for the morning breeze, I will show you my wound. The summer took over like a flash, and he became confused in his mind...... his heart desires as a king....... ..... The full moon distanced itself from my night, beautiful in face and speech, and from one side to another, I pin all my hopes...... On the full moon of the light of darkness.............. And I remain in love with love when longing for it, stormy and tender. His heart is eagerly calling out to his precious love....... Help me, my heart is yours............... And in the covenant there has always been a gazelle's sweet tooth. When the dove sings in the morning, he longs for his empty covenant....... A long time after that, he perished............... The sea of fire drew him away from him and left him covering the embers above him, so he became tired in his condition, the paths of terror they had walked.
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