قصة قصيرو بعنوان.... الصدمة القاتلة
كانت تجلس بمقعدها المتحرك تترقب مجيئه عبر نافذة شرفتها. رحل وعدها بالعودة وحثها على الصبر. مرة السنوات وهي تشعر بخيبة الأمل وتخفي دموعها من الألم والشوق له، أيقظتها من ذكرياتها الحزينة طرق على الباب، فربما بشير الخير، وللأسف لم تجد غير الظلام ووحشة المكان. قالت ربما هي قطة الجيران
عادت أدراجها ودموع الحزن في عينيها واسترسلت شريط ذكرياتها. تذكرت كل شيء و تلك الليلة المشؤومة التي قضت على حياتها ، كان يقود السيارة وهما يتبادلان همسات الحب والود وتعلو الضحكات. ولم ينتبه لطريق. وكانت حادثة مروعة . خرج منها برضوض بسيطة وهي المسكينة أصبحت مقعدة على كرسي تحطم مستقبلها وحياتها. لم تقف مأساتها عند ذلك، أتاها يخبرها أنه مهاجر بعيدا للعمل ويقول لها " انتظريني سأعود يوما إليكِ " فكانت آخر كلمات سمعتها منه وهي تودعه باكية تترجه بقاء معها. ومرة السنوات من الترقب وأنتظر عودته لها ،غير مبالية بنصيحة الجميع بان تنسه. وشعرت بحركة تقدمة بكرسيها خلال الظلام إلا من نور خافت للقمر يرسله. و شخص يتسلل للمنزل، وتجمدت في كرسها من الهلع. وهي تراه يجمع الأغراض ويبحث عن المال، فصرخت مستنجدة بالجيران فهرول نحوها، وعلى ضوء القمر رأت وجهه المحفور في ذاكرتها من زمان. فهالها هذه الملامح القاسية على وجهه التي تخلو من الرحمة، ارتعبت وبكت ستعطفه. ولكن وضعه يده على فمها ليسكتها. فكان اسمه آخر شيء ناطقة به وهو يطعنها لتفارق الحياه .ويفر هاربا في ظلمات الضياع....
تمت في/20/3/2024
بقلم الأديب/ حسن عبد المنعم رفاعي
A short story titled.... The Fatal Shock ======= She was sitting in her wheelchair, waiting for him to come through her balcony window. He left, promising to return and urging her to be patient. Once upon a time, when she was feeling disappointed and hiding her tears of pain and longing for him, she was awakened from her sad memories by a knock on the door, perhaps a sign of goodness. Unfortunately, she found nothing but darkness and the desolation of the place. She said, “Maybe it was the neighbor’s cat.” She returned, with tears of sadness in her eyes, and her memory went back. She remembered everything and that fateful night that took her life. He was driving the car and they exchanged whispers of love and affection and their laughter rose. He did not notice the road. It was a terrible incident. He came out with minor bruises, and the poor woman was left sitting on a chair, her future and her life ruined. Her tragedy did not stop there. He came to her and told her that he had emigrated far away for work and told her, “Wait for me, I will come back to you one day.” These were the last words she heard from him as she bid him farewell, crying, begging him to stay with her. Years of anticipation passed and she waited for him to return to her, indifferent to everyone’s advice to forget him. She felt the movement of her chair through the darkness except for a faint light from the moon. Someone sneaks into the house, and she froze in her chair in panic. She saw him collecting things and looking for money, so she shouted for help from the neighbors and he ran towards her, and in the moonlight she saw his face that had been engraved in her memory for a long time. She was struck by these harsh features on his face that were devoid of mercy. She was terrified and cried for his sympathy. But he put his hand on her mouth to silence her. His name was the last thing she spoke as he stabbed her to make her die. He fled into the darkness of loss.... It took place on 3/20/2024 ============= Written by the writer/Hassan Abdel Moneim Rifai
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