مجله تحيا مصر 🇪🇬للإبداع

.. Enough blame.. Written by.. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi.. كفي ملامة. بقلم. هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى.

كفى ملامة

فالنفس تتوق للهدوء والسلام

كفانا ضجيجا وكلاما

ما عاد تكفى الملامة

كان حبنا هدوء ورقة كلاما

ثم أصبح حربا

وطارت عنا حمامة السلام

ترى من فينا الملام؟!!

كنت أراك فى المنام

كان صوتك كهديل حمام

والآن أراك كابوسا لايهدأ ولاينام

أصبح صوتك ك نعيق غراب

يهوى الفراق والدمار

يهوى ان يهد مابيننا من عمار

كيف حدث مابيننا وسار؟!!

وحمام السلام كيف طار؟!!

وكأن مابيننا أصبح حربا وثارا

نهدأ حينا ونثور تارة

وكيف لانخجل من الحب وقد كسيناه عارا؟!!

وكيف بعدما حدث نلتمس لأنفسنا أعذارا؟!!

كان حبا وانتهى وأصبح عقوقا

ك عقوق ابن لأبيه كان من المفترض ان يصبح بارا

وأصبح باردا بعدما كانت اشواقنا حارة

وتناقلت الألسن شائعات فراقنا

من حارة ل حارة

ووشوشت كل جارة فى اذن جارة

ان حبنا هد كيانه وأصبح خائرا

وتبلبلت افكارنا واصبحت حائرة

واصبحنا حديث كل مارة

وهرب السلام من دارنا

وطار الحمام وماعاد زار

وتعبت من ملامتك مرارا

واصبحت بيننا عداوة جهارا

وماعادت قصتنا بها اخبار سارة

بل اصبحت وباء ومرض ضار

وشنت بيننا للحرب غارة

وشبت بيننا للفراق نار

وماعدت تجدى الملامة

بعدما اصابنا شك وظن وملل وغيرة وقلة فى الكرامة


هويدا محمدالحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Enough of the blame, for the soul yearns for calm and peace. Enough of the noise and talk. Blame is no longer enough. Our love was calm and gentle in words, then it became war and the dove of peace flew from us. Do you see who among us is to blame?!! I used to see you in a dream, your voice was like the cooing of doves, and now I see you as a nightmare that does not calm down or sleep. Your voice has become like the croaking of a crow that loves separation and destruction, that wants to destroy the people between us. How did what happen between us happen?!! How did the doves of peace fly?!! It is as if what is between us has become a war and revolt. Sometimes we calm down and sometimes we revolt. How can we not be ashamed of love when we have covered it with shame?!! How, after this happened, do we make excuses for ourselves?!! It was love, and it ended and became disobedient, like disobedience, a son to his father. He was supposed to become righteous and became cold after our longings were hot, and rumors of our separation spread from one neighborhood to another, and every neighbor whispered in her neighbor’s ear, that our love destroyed his being and he became timid, and our thoughts were confused and confused, and we became the talk of every passerby and he fled. Peace has come from our home, and the pigeons have flown and no longer visit. I am tired of blaming you over and over again. There has become an open enmity between us, and our story has no longer brought good news. Rather, it has become an epidemic and a harmful disease. A war has been waged between us and a fire has broken out between us for separation. Blame no longer works after we have been afflicted by doubt, suspicion, boredom, jealousy, and a lack of dignity. With my pen... Huwayda. Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamelabi 

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