تائب. عن الهوى
من تاب بالوجدان عن ذنب الهوى
وحمل نبضه على الرحيل وقد نوى
بالله لا يشكو النوى
ولا عتاب له إذا ما طاله عطش الحنين
ومن بحر أهات الوتين شرب وما ارتوى
فالحب يأتي وإن أتى
داء على القلوب فلا شفاء منه ولا يوصف له الدوا
سؤل ذاهد عن توبه هواه
من محب وجمر الهوى اضناه
ماض انا على توبتي والهم بالأناه يثقل خطوتي. وملائذ الايام باتت شكوتي
ما حيلتي وقد تاهت في درب بريق عيناها قافلتي
ملكت فؤادي بالهوى طوعٱ فأردت بالهجر ناصيتي
وما زلت ادعو وصالها بسجود فرضي وفي محراب نافلتي
أتراه من توبه عنها وقد صارت ذنبي ومعصيتي
فأجاب باكيٱ
يا سائلي ما كنت ذاهد في الهوى بوتين نبض وما نوى
لكنها فارقت قلبي فرحلت خطى النبضات خلف خطاها
فانا ما زلت الأمين على عهد الهوى اهيم بروحها عشقٱ وابتهل في محراب صمتي برجاء الى نجواها
حتى ضن الزمان بها عني واقصاها
فذهدت أيامي واعتزلت بهائها أرنو واصبر راضيٱ حتى. يشاء الكريم لخافقي لقياها
محيايا نبض وصالها. اهواها دون سؤالها فعساها تجود
بالوصال لذاهد عساها
امض بتوبتك واحبس شكوتك. وارضى بغربتك
علها الأيام تجود بنسيان من الاحلام فوق نزعات الوتين
حتى تنساها
ولا تسلني فإني متيم مسكين ارداه بالهجر الحنين فصرت
من الذاهدين حتى ألقاها
عبدالفتاح غريب
repentant. About passion: Whoever repents with his conscience for the sin of passion, and has his heart set on leaving, and has intended to God, he does not complain of the intention and there is no reproach for him when the thirst of longing lingers on him, and from the sea of groans of the two hearts he drinks and does not drink, then love comes, and if it comes to the hearts of a disease, there is no cure for it, and no cure can be prescribed for it. Thahid was asked about The repentance of his whims is from a lover, and the embers of passion are burdened by his past. I am in my repentance, and the concern of selfishness weighs down my steps. And the refuges of the days have become my complaint, what a trick I have been lost in the path of the sparkle of her eyes, my convoy, my heart has been possessed by passion voluntarily, so I have abandoned my forelock, and I still pray to reach her with obligatory prostration, and in the niche of my voluntary prayers I see him repenting from her, and she has become my sin and my disobedience. He answered crying, O my questioner, I was not wandering in passion. Putin pulsed and did not intend. But she left my heart, and the footsteps of the pulses left behind her footsteps. I am still faithful to the covenant of passion. I wander in love with her soul and pray in the sanctuary of my silence with hope for her salvation, until time has lost her to me and far away, so my days have faded away and I have isolated myself from her splendor. Rejoice and be patient until I am satisfied. The Generous One wants my heart to meet her alive, the pulse of her connection. I love her without asking her. Perhaps she will be generous with this. Perhaps she will continue with your repentance and withhold your complaint. And be content with your estrangement, for the days provide you with forgetfulness of dreams above the tendencies of love, until you forget them, and do not ask me, for I am a poor lovelorn who sought him out with longing abandonment, so I became one of those who wandered until Abdel Fattah Ghareeb met her.
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