مجله تحيا مصر 🇪🇬للإبداع

.. Intrigue me, O people of passion.. by the poet.. Salwa Mahmoud.. افتوني ياأهل الهوي للشاعره. سلوي محمود..

إفتونى يا أهل الهوى 
فى قلبٍ متيمٍ أصابه جوى 
بنار الحب ارتوى وانكوى 

وكان غصناً قوياً نضر 
فمال على حزنه وانزوى 

أحب قاسياً لا يعرف هوى 
قهر وخان وكره وغوى 
وعاش الحب بألف وجهٍ
فما ملٌ يوماً ولا ارتوى 

سلوى محمود
Advise me, O people of passion, in a lovelorn heart that was struck by an air with the fire of love. It quenched and quenched, and it was a strong, fresh branch, so it leaned on its sadness and retreated. It loved harshly and did not know its passion. It was oppressed, betrayed, hated, and seduced. And it lived love with a thousand faces, and it did not tire for a day and did not succumb. Salwa Mahmoud 

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