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.. ديوان شعر اليكتروني.. الحياة.. الجزء الثاني.. للشاعر.. احمد جاد الله

An electronic collection of poetry.. Life.. Part Two.. by the poet.. Ahmed Jadallah.. 

ديوان الحياة الجزء الثاني 
للأستاذ  أحمد محمود جادالله 

الحياة ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

هي طريق تبدأ بالمرور فيه
مليء بالمنعطفات

يعتمد على ماتريد أن
تحققه وتتغلب على

الحياة كلمه تجبرك على
فأنت بها مجبر فلاتكون
من الضعفاء

ولا تنظر الى الوراء إذا
كنت تريد التقدم
وتصبح من السعداء

ولا تقف فى منتصف 
الطريق كالضعفاء

ولا تعشق الدنيا فحلاوتها
ممزوجه بمرارة الشقاء
ورائحتها ممزوجه بالصبر

كل الآيام تمر عليك سواء

فخذ منها حلاوتها وأنسى
وعامل الناس بصدق

فتكون أنت من السعداء
Ahmed Gadallah


خيبه أمل   ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

سادة في الحياة كتر الحيل
نسمع قولا ليس به العدل

من يقول الحقيقه يسمع ردا
له العجب

الحقيقه  أصابها نفاذ
وحل محلها خبث الحيل

إذا حررت نفسك من خبث
يصيبك مكروة العذل

وتحصل من مقالهم على
سوء  الآمل
ولم تفز منهم إلا بجمود

يمضي الشباب ويأتي المشيب
وسارت منيتك تحت الآجل

هذة الحياة مليئه
بكتر الحيل

ويضيع العمر خلف سراب
الحقيقه وشعاع الآمل
ونسوق عدم ظهورها
إلى كتر العلل

فلا نذم في الدهر على 
ماحدث به
طبع في البشر يسوده
 سوء  الهمم

فكل ما مضى وما يأتي
له سبب 
يدق على باب  ذوي الحيل

ولم نرى على وجوههم
يوما من خذل

فلم نقل على مافات من
ولا نترقب مايأتي به من

نغضب نحن من سوء
هل ستأخذوا معكم 
عندما ينفذ الآجل

أصاب قلوبنا بخيبه أمل
تغير الدهر وذاد العلل

Ahmed gadallah


عتاب  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

يكفينى منكم . عتاب
ولا تزيد فى اللوم

قدمت ليكوا الأدب
والحب والإحترام

دأ الحب بينا انكتب
وقلبي اصبح مظلوم

دا القلب اللى طلب
 رغم إن كان مهموم

كان ردكم فيه عجب
والسهم كان مسموم

وزاد عذاب وحدتي
فى بعدكم سنين
وكام يوم

وأتمنى فى يوم وصلكم
وأرتاح فى حضنكم 
وتبعد عني الهموم

اليوم بتزيد فى العتاب
وقلبي معاك مظلوم

قولى مين اللى هجر
أنا هنا بنتظر  
و إنت رحلت
فى غمضه عين

من غير أى سبب
ومعرفش رحت فين

يكفيني منكم عتاب
ولا تزيد اللوم

قلبي يتمنى اللقى
ولو كنت أنا مظلوم

دأنا شفت منكم عجب
والسهم كان مسموم
Ahmed gadallah


كن إنسان  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

لا تغتاب الناس بالسوء 
إنما خلق الإنسان يقاس
بحسن الخلق في الكلام

كن هادئا وفكر قبل نطق 
وتعامل مع الناس بالحسنى
ولاتفقد الود أبدا  مع أحبابك
وحافظ على صله الأرحام 

وإن أردت يوما أن يعظم
فإن عظمه الشأن لاتقاس
وإنما تقاس برعايتك لآخيك

فأخرج مابداخلك من 
جمال الخلق
حتى تكون ذاك الإنسان 

واقفل على كل قبيح 
يأتي بخاطرك 
سمات القبح تعرضك
لعدم الإحترام

وأعلو بقدر شأنك إذا 
جاءك من يحتاجك 
وفر له الود و الأمان 

فلا تحمل الحقد لمن
فتعامل معهم بكل
حب ووئام 

فلا نفع للحقد والكره 
يكون دائما وحيدا وشارد
الفكر ويعيش بدون أمان 

ويبعده الناس عنهم
ويكون فاقد الورد وسط

ولا يغرك من يقول لك
عش لنفسك فتكون
في أمان 

لايستطيع المرء أن 
يعيش بمفرده 
حتى لو كان يملك
مايلزمه بالآوزان

يعلوا المرء ويزيد
في منزلته 
بالتعاون مع الناس
فيكسب الحب والامتنان 

ويعيش الدهر سعيدا
وخالي البال وتعلى 
قيمه في الزمان

قيمه الإنسان في الحياة
بالعمل وحسن الخلق
والبعد عن السأم 

تعلم من تجارب الآخرين 
وإنما اكسب منهم 
مكارم الأخلاق ومحاسن

وتحكم بإرادتك في عدم
ارتكاب الحماقات 
و حافظ فى تعاملك على
أخيه الإنسان 

فمن ارتكب حماقات بدون
فلا نقول عليه أبدا إنسان 

قيمة الإنسان بأخلاقه 
وإن كان لابد من العصبيه 

فليكن تعصبك لمكارم الأخلاق 
إن الناس تمدح في المرء
الذي يحمل مكارم الأخلاق 

فإذا أصيب الناس في أخلاقهم 
فنعد للأخلاق مأتم وعزاء

فإن من يعرف معنى الأخلاق 
والواجب هذا من يطلق 
عليه إنسان 

وكأني أرى من يقرأ
كلماتي الآن
هو ذاك الإنسان
Ahmed Gadallah


ضاع مني أمسي  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

بالأمس حاولوا قتلي
بالأمس ضاع عمري 

ماكنت يوما أتوقع 
حزن قلبي
وأصبح رفيق الحزن

زاد في بعادهم دقات
فلا يهوى الخضوع قلبي

عشت دائما بالسعادة
ولكن اليوم أعيش 
الحياة وحدي 

ماكنت بالوحده يوما
فكان أنيس ليلي

ودعت أيام السعادة 
وأتت أيام حزني

الآلام أتت وزاد
معها سهدي

وأطياف حنين 
ترقد في ظل ضلعي

وبكت العيون بدمعي

فلا أهوى الرجوع
رغم حزني

كيف الرجوع وتم
فلا أستطيع أدافع 
عن نفسي 

ولا أقدر أخضع لأمري 
هونت عليه وطعن

فأنا لا أطعن قلبه 
فكان بالأمس ملاذي

أعيش اليوم وحيدا 
وقد ضاع مني أمسي 
Ahmed Gadallah


عيناي ضاحكه ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

عيناي ضاحكه وقلبي 
ترك الفؤاد بدون

زادة عطشا  دون

هجر الوداد 
ولم يكن على العهد

سقاني كأس الغدر 
ونفذ سهمه
بالفؤاد ولم أجد 
له ترياق 

غدوت في الحياة
بفكر شارد وقلبي
على العهد باق

ذكراة تزال تلاحقني
ونبض قلبي بين 
الضلوع منه باك

مقيدا أنا بهواة 
لااستطع الفكاك

والروح تحوم حول
هواة سائله 
هل يأتي يوما ألقاك

الشوق بعيني شاهد 
وقلبي إليه  لست

نبضاتة قلبي مقيدة
لم تستطع منه الفكاك 

ليت قلبي وفؤادي
يعي بأنه تم الفراق

وتمضي الحياة كيفما
تشاء بدونه
ويكونا عزيزا الإدراك 

وتنسى الروح إليه 
طيب العناق

فإنه لم يكن على
العهد باق
Ahmed gadallah


ياقلب ما أغباك  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

ياقلب قل للقريب
لما أبكاك 
أكان  يوما عن
الناس أغناك 

فلا تطلب من الغريب
أن يسعد محياك

فيا قلب اسأل القريب
أولا بما أتاك 

كان قربه إليك يريد
شيء كان معاك

فلا تنتظر من غريب
او قريب شيء
الله عنهم قد أغناك

فكن قريبا بعيدا 
عن البشر
ولا تسرف في الود
ولا تقطع وصال
من جفاك 

كن دائما في هدوء
ولا تعطي أحد 
أكثر من قيمته حتى
لا يأتي يوما
تتعجب  وتقول لما

الجاهل يفهم الإحترام 
بأنه أعلى منك
اخبرة بمكانه دائما 

حتى لايطاول عليك 
ويأتي يوما يصدق
إنه أعلى من محياك

Ahmed gadallah


أشواق  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

شوقي يزيد إليك 
ودمعي رقراق 

ياعشق قلبي كم
لكم يشتاق

ماكنت أعلم قبل
كم من هموم تحمل
قلوب العشاق

تعب الفؤاد ولم 
يشفيه غير رؤياك

كم من سقيته دواء
لم ينفعه غير قربك

ياليت ندائي إليك 
يجمع شملنا 

وتأتي ويجمعنا لقاء
لقاءك يحي مودتي 

وتسري بشريان قلبي
نبضات العشق بعد

فإن بعدك مرارته 
لا تطاق
فطيب الحياة بك
محبه ولقاء

فشوقي إليك يزيد
ودمعي رقراق

يسيل بين الأحداق 
بلهيب جمر لايطاق 

ونيران الوجد تزداد
بين أضلعي 

ولن يطفئها الماء
غير لقاءك أنت 
له الترياق

Ahmed gadallah

عالي المقام ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

عرفتك قبل أن 
يعرفني الغرام 

وفي فؤادى أنت 
عالي المقام

أشعر بك قبل
أن تراك عيني

وكنت أنا المغرم

يطول الليل على
وفكري شارد وعيني

طيفك بروحي يغمرني
يتمنى منك الوئام 

على مر السنين أشعر 
بروحك تلاحقتي
وتريد مني
حديث الغرام

ويغفو النهار ويأتي
الليل يذكرني
بهواك وتأن الروح 
ويحاربني المنام

اتمنى القرب منك
بالود يقربني
وانت بوصل الغرام
 لا تلام

أذهب إليك وأعود 
بدون قلبي

وأنت بفؤادى ساكن
ونبضات قلبي لاتغفل

فأنت بقلبي وروحي
وفي عيني دائما 
عالي المقام 

Ahmed Gadallah


ماذا أقول  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

ماذا أقول ونبض روحي
والشوق يناديك وأنت 
بعيدا مغيب

النبض يزيد بين الضلوع
بأنفاس عشق ملهب 
شوقا إليه ولوعة لا تكذب

ياليت من هويته يشعر
مابى قلبي المعذب 

ألوم نفسي حين أحببته 
ف الحب يعبث بقلبي

قلبي حائر بين شوقه
فهو على جمر الهوى

فإذا بحت بما في قلبي
يشمت فيه العوازل 

وإن لم أبوح مابى قلبي
فإن كتمان المشاعر أصعب

فماذا أقول ونبض روحي
والقلب حائر بين شوق
على جمر الهوى يتقلب

Ahmed Gadallah


الحماقات إبداع ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

رايت عيوب للناس
وأصون الود لمن
خان العهد وباعه

لعل يكون فيه الخير
فاجد الناس تزيد بي

ولا زلت أداري عيوب
من يكايدني
أملا في أن يشفى
من مرض أوجاعه

ألا يدري إن مرضه
ليس من الضر الذى
به يطعنني

لكن الحماقه التي يحملها
تحرمه من جمال الود

أفتح للناس دائما قلبي
وأرى منهم بتصرفات 
الحماقه أتباع 

أرى في عينيه مايكمن 
وأدري دائما بما سيفعله 
بغيابي منصاع

أنظر إليهم بنظرات
الشفقه مدثرا بسمتي

وأقول إن الأدب في
سوق الحماقه لايباع 

اجدني أتحمل الناس
إنما اشفق على الذين
لهم في الحماقه إبداع 

Ahmed gadallah


لاتتعجبوا ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

لاتتعجبوا إن قلت لكم
تغير الزمان وأصبحت
الآيام بهتاء

وتبدلت الناس من بشر
تميزوا بالآخلاق
إلى بشر تتميز بالرمضاء

وتغيرت الآرض والسماء
كانت بالآخلاق تشع نورا 
كامل الصفاء

إالى أن أصبحت باهته بتلوث
وإنتشر بين الناس  البغضاء

لاتتعجبوا إن قلت إنتشر
بيننا البلاء

النفوس تغيرت وإنطفىء  
فيها البهاء

وكلا يسري إلى غايته
لايبالي أمور الضعفاء

اختفت الآخلاق
وذهبت إلى الوراء

تبكي الآرض والسماء
على بشر أصبح نفوسهم

زاد الطمع بينهم وأصبح
البقاء إلى الاقوياء

فلاتتعجبوا إذا أصبحتم 
يوما تجدون
الأرض ملينه بالوباء

 تبدل الوفاء في
هذا الزمان
بالكذب وخيانه الأعزاء 

وسادة المصالح وحملت
قلوبنا البغضاء وأصبحنا 
جميعنا غرباء

لم يكن موجود تجمع
الآقرباء بكل حب وهناء

وضاع بينهم القدوة 
في المجتمع 
وضاعت مكارم الآخلاق
فلا تتعجبوا 

Ahmed gadallah


قالو وداعا ✍️ أحمد جاد الله
قلنا وداع

زادوا إبتعادا 
زدنا إبتعاد

قلنا فقدنا اليوم
وزاد بيننا كتر العناد

وداعا لأحلى أيام 
عمرنا اللي فات
واللي أت

وداعا لأيام اقتربنا 
فيها بكل حب 
وحنين الوداد

لما الوداع بعد
حنين وشوق

تغيرت النفوس 
وتغيرت الأحوال 
وزاد مابينا كتر

قريبا بعيدا بذاك
مهما بعدت أو قربت

نعيش بعيدا بذاك
وإذا تقابلنا صدفه
في مكان هناك 

ننظر لبعض نظرات
كأننا كنا زمان في

ونسى كل منا 
حنينا وشوقا عشنا
به سنين بالوئام 

تغيرت قلوبنا ونظرات
والقلب يئن من ذاك

وأصبح هوانا غريبا
لايلتقي وزاد السهاد 

وتأخر نبضا وزاد إضطرابا
وأضحى لهيبا وأمسى

عجبت لهوانا كان سرابا
وسؤال تجلى بهمس
وزاد فكري لااجد جواب

غدونا إبعادا وزاد أغتراب

وكل منا يعيش وحيدا
يتمنى لحظه اللقاء 
يكون فيها صفاء 

وقالو وداعا
وقلنا وداع
Ahmed Gadallah


طعنه بالظهر  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

فكرت إني إسيب ظهري
دون حمايه لأحبابي

ماوجدت منهم إلا طعنوني
مثل أعدائي

وما أشد الطعن من الحبيب
لإنما كان مقدارة بالفؤاد

ماذا أفعل في كل الطعنات
التي تأتيني

سواء من الآعداء أو الأحبابي
تضامن الحبيب مع العدو

ونسى يوما من الود سقيته 

هل ياترى أعاتبه لغدره
أم أتركه للدهر 
يوعظه بما أشقاني

فلا يوجد في الكون أحد
فا الكل يهمه مصلحته

يتحالف مع الشيطان 
ليأخذ منه فتات الود

يظن أن الشيطان ذو
ولكن يسحبه لفترة
ليستغله دوما لإذائي

وعند إنتهاء منه لغرضه
يتركه ليكون يوما وحداني

ولاتنفع ملامه النفس حينها
لانه هو من خان ودي وأذاني
Ahmed gadallah

تغيرت الملامح ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

لسه شايف فى المرايا 
خيال فيه بقايا جسمي

لا الملامح هيا هيا 
ولا الخيال فيه رسمي 

كل مرة آبص فيها 
وأسأل روحي وأقول 
دا جسمي 

ماعدت شايف غير بقايا 
 وشايل بس أسمى 

نظرة العيون اتغيرت 
شاليه حزن من طعنات
الزمان كل مره تضرب
فى جسمي 

والهموم على الجبين 
على شكل كسر بخطين

كل كسرة فيها عمر راح 
وضاع مع السنين 

عمر فيه حب وحنين 

وفراق وبعاد وجرح
السنين وضياع منا
أغلى المقربين

أنتى وحدك بتفكريني 
بكل اللى فات واللى راح 

وشكل ملامحي مع السنين 
عمرى راح وضاعت 
وسابني ليكي تقسي عليا 

كل شويه تفكريني 
باللى فات واللى راح

وكل فرح وكل جرح
في عمري شفته 
يظهر عليا

 لما أنظر بعيني فيكي 
وكل مرة تتغير ملامحي 
وتروح  وتمشى مع السنين

ولا يبقي إلا إسمي
لسه شايف فى المرايا 
خيال وشايل بس أسمي 
Ahmed gadallah

النفاق  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله
لاداعي للنفاق
ولاتبتسم إبتسامه باهته
ليكون حضورك يطاق
نحن نعلم مافي قلبك
وإن روحك دائما في
روحك لو لها صوت
لقالت عليل النفس
أنت آفاق
فلم تتغير في معاملتك
الحقد يملأ قلبك
وليس لعلاجه أي ترياق
نفاقك ملحوظ لاتنكر
فإن حديثك مع الفعل
تنشغل بما يخص
وتسارع عند حضورك
وعناقك يخالف ما بى
يريد أن تأخذ مابأيديهم
كفاك نفاق فلاجدوى
من هذا العناق
نظف قلبك قبل العناق
فإن عناقك دائما لايطاق
فإن حضورك يخفق القلب
بدقات كلها إختناق
ويتقلص فيها الضوء
وتكون الضحكات زائفه
لاتظهر حقيقه مافي
كن رجلا فى الناس
باطنك يرى
بوجه واحد ولاتخفي
وجه أخر في الآعماق
كن جميل النفس وأحملها
على مايزينها
ترى الناس تنتظر حضورك
فلا داعي للنفاق حتى يكون
حضورك جميلا يطاق
إذا مازاد النفاق يوما بين
تزداد الكراهيه والشقاق
كن جميل النفس وبالصدق
حتى لاتضيع أى حق  لأحد
فلاداعي للنفاق حتى
تعلا بين الناس  منزلتا
وتكون دائما على الحق
Ahmed gadallah

الشوق بيعني شاهد ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

إني أحدثك والشوق
بعيني شاهد

إن قلبي من فرط
الحنين عليل

والنبض مع نار الاشواق
بصدري قادر

أن يجعل الفؤاد في عشقك

يمر النهار والفكر بحبك

وسهر الليالي في الآحداق

أنظر إليك فى السماء
أراك قمرا
والنجم في السماء 
على سهري شاهد

والسهر في عشق
الحبيب دليل

أراك فى الآحلام
ملاك بجناحه فارد

يأتي ويحضن قلبي 
بحنين وعشق
عشق الحبيب في
الأحلام جميل

ماكنت أعلم إن
تصبح يوما عاشقي

النبض فى عشق 
الحبيب جميل

الشوق بين الضلوع
على عشقك شاهد

وخفقات قلبي في
صدري دليل

خفقات بتنهديات
نار حارقه
لايطفئها غير حضنك

Ahmed gadallah


أفواه المواقف  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

تعدد الحديث وكتر
ولكن لايصدق إلا

قد تجد حديثا جميلا
ولكن عند الضرورة
تجد الموقف زائف

منهم من كان قريبا
أو كان بعيدا
عند الحاجه إليه
تجدة عنك غافل

ومنهم من لايكثر 
فالكلام عنده قليل
وفي شدائد المواقف
تجده بجانبك واقف

فالصدق لايبني على
أفواة الأحاديث
ولكن يبنى على أفواة

وطيب الحديث ألا
يغتاب أحدا بغيابه
ويكون معه في
الحق دائما داخل

وقد ترى راع المواقف
يكون صادق في الأقوال
والآفعال ويكون بجانب
الحق واقف

وإن كنت تتمتع بحسن
فلا تحكم بين الناس
وتكون مع أحد منهم
Ahmed Gadallah

أرتديك عشقا ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

وارتديك عشقا قبل أن ألقاك
فيصهل الشوق منك وإليك
ليخبر مابي أضعلك

فقل لقلبك أنني أحبه
ف لعل صوت نبضات قلبي
يبلغ مسمعك

رفقا بحالى فإن قلبي ممزقا
وشفاؤة في أن تأتي إليه

مهما تحدثت لى وأبلغت مسامعي
فالشوق إليك يسير ويتبعك

وإن إبتعدت عن الفؤاد
فإن نبض قلبي رغم بعادك
يسكن بأضلعك

ف لهيب الشوق منك لي حياة
إن غبت عني إرسل إليك أشواقي

فيشعل فتيل الحنين
بين أضلعى
حتى ألتقيك فأنت تسكن الفؤاد
وهو دائما معك

وإن رحلت عني تذكر دائما
إني افنيت عمرى كي أبقى معك

Ahmed gadallah

رمز الوفاء  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله
ظننت إنه رمز للوفاء
ولكن كان يتعامل معي
بخبث وذكاء
تضامن مع عدو لي
في الخفاء
وعند احتياجه لي
كان يأتي بكل دهاء
ليأخذ مايريد واحميه
من الأعداء
وكم حذرني منه
إنه ماكر ولم يكن
له وفاء
فلم أسمع لصوتهم
أي صداء
فكنت أعطف عليه
وأبعد عنه أي بلاء
فلم يصون حسن
معاملتي له
وتضامن الآن مع
فهل هذا كان يوما
رمز للوفاء
أم كان قلبه دائما
يحمل كل حقد
وأنتظر لحظه
يمسك خنجر ويطعنني
في الخفاء
فكل إناء ينطح بما
في داخله
في وقت الشدة
سواء نقاء أو حقد
فأنا لم أغضب منه
ولكن أتعجب
من بشر لم يسري
في دمائهم أى نقاء
Ahmed gadallah

رفاق   ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

لم يعد شىء باق
ذهب الرفاق دون

وماتبقى منهم أي 
ليضمد جرح الفراق

ووقعنا بين بشر لم
يكن لنا منهم وفاق

فالظاهر منهم شبيه
صدق باهت
ومايخفي في صدورهم 
شيء أفاق

لم نكن نعلم ذلك إلا
بعد رحيل الرفاق

حتى الآماكن بدونهم
لم يعد بها نبض رقراق

كنا نشعر به عند تجمعنا
بكل حب ووفاق

فإن بعادهم يحمل مراره
بقلوبنا لاتطاق

لما نراه من بعدهم من
بشر تجري في دمائهم
ويسود بينهم النفاق

لم يعلموا أن طيب الحياة
محبه ووفاق
وحب وموده وحسن لقاء

Ahmed gadallah

Follow the collection of life, part two, by Professor Ahmed Mahmoud Jadallah 21- Life, Ahmed Jadallah, is a path that you begin to pass, full of turns, depending on what you want to achieve and overcome difficulties. Life is a word that forces you to live. You are forced by it. Do not be one of the weak and do not look back if you want to progress and become. Among the happy people, do not stand in the middle of the road like the weak, and do not love the world, for its sweetness is mixed with the bitterness of misery, and its smell is mixed with patience and hardship. All the days pass by for you alike, so take their sweetness from them, forget their misery, and treat people with honesty and purity, and you will be among the happy ones. Ahmed Gadallah 22- Disappointment Ahmed Gadallah is masters in life in many ways. We hear a saying that is not fair. Whoever speaks the truth hears a response that is astonishing. The truth has been afflicted by the expiry of time and has been replaced by the wickedness of tricks. If you free yourself from the wickedness of tricks, unpleasant disgrace will befall you, and you will obtain from their opinion bad hopes, and you will not win from them except by inaction of work. Youth will pass away and gray hair will come and your death will pass under the deadline. This life is full of many tricks, and life is wasted behind the mirage of truth and the ray of hope, and we attribute their non-appearance to the many ills, so we do not blame in eternity for what happened to it. It is a nature in humans that is dominated by bad determination. Everything that has passed and what will come has a reason that knocks on the door of those with tricks, and we have not seen a day of disappointment on their faces. We did not say anything about regret, nor do we anticipate the hope it brings. We get angry at the badness of human beings. Will you take anything with you when the deadline runs out? Our hearts are filled with disappointment. Eternity has changed and ills have disappeared. Ahmed Gadallah 23- Ahmed Gadallah’s reproach. May God protect me from you. Reproach and do not add blame. I gave you politeness, love and respect. The love between us has faded away and my heart has become oppressed. This is the heart that asked for your closeness even though it was worried. Your response was astonishing and the arrow was poisoned. The torment of my loneliness increased in your distance for years and days. I hope one day I will reach you and rest in your embrace and you will be far from me. Today's worries are increasing in reproach, and my heart is with you wronged. Tell me, who left? I am here waiting, and you left in the blink of an eye without any reason, and I don't know where you went. Your reproach is enough for me, and do not increase the blame. My heart longs to meet, even if I were wronged. I saw wonder from you, and the arrow was poisoned. Ahmed gadallah 24- Be a human being, Ahmed Jadallah. Do not backbite people with bad words with your tongue. Rather, human character is measured by good behavior in speech. Be calm and think before uttering words. Treat people kindly. Never lose affection with your loved ones and maintain the ties of kinship. If you ever want your status to be great, its greatness cannot be measured by money. Rather, it is measured by your care for your fellow human being, so bring out the beauty of creation within you so that you can be that human being, and close off every ugliness that comes to your mind, traits of ugliness that expose you to disrespect, and be as high as you are. If someone comes to you who needs you, provide him with love and security. Do not bear hatred for those around you, so deal with them with all love and harmony. Hatred is of no use. The person who hates his companion will always be alone and absent-minded. He will live without security and people will keep him away from them. He will be missing his roses in the middle of the crowd. Do not be tempted by someone who tells you to live for yourself and you will be safe. A person cannot live alone even if he has what he needs. With the weights, a person will be elevated and his status will be increased by cooperating with people and earning love and gratitude. And he lives for eternity happily and carefree, and his values ​​rise in time. The value of a person in life is work, good manners, and avoiding boredom. Learn from the experiences of others, but gain from them good morals and the virtues of the honorable, and control your will not to commit foolishness, and be careful in your dealings with his fellow man. Whoever commits foolishness without awareness, we do not say He should never be a human being. The value of a human being is based on his morals, and if it is necessary to be fanatical, let him be fanatical about good morals. People praise a person who has good morals. If people are afflicted with their morals, then we return to morals a funeral and a condolence. Whoever knows the meaning of morals and duty, this is what is called a human being. It is as if I see someone reading my words now. He is that person Ahmed Gadallah 25- My evening was lost Ahmed Gadallah Yesterday they tried to kill me Yesterday my life was lost I never expected my heart to be sad and my companion of sadness became my path My heart beats increased in their distance, it does not like submission My heart has always lived happily with my love, but today I live life alone I was never alone, so it was. Anis Laila said goodbye to the days of happiness, and the days of my sadness came. The pains came, and my sadness increased with them, and the specters of longing lay in the shadow of my ribs, and the eyes cried with my tears. I do not like to go back, despite my sadness. How could I go back? I was oppressed, so I cannot defend myself, and I cannot submit to my command. I took it lightly and stabbed my heart, for I do not stab his heart, so it was yesterday. My refuge and my love, I live today alone and I lost my evening Ahmed Gadallah 26- My eyes are laughing Ahmed Gadallah My eyes are laughing and my heart is crying. The heart left without a leg. It became thirstier without containing it. The abandonment of Wydad was not in the covenant. He remained to give me to drink the cup of treachery and his arrow ran through the heart and I did not find an antidote to it. I became in life. Without him, I'm in a wandering thought, and my heart is in the covenant, a memory remains that continues to haunt me, and my heart beats between the ribs of him, crying and chained, I am in love with him, I cannot break away, and the soul hovers around lovers, asking: Will there ever come a day when I meet you? The longing with my eyes is a witness, and my heart is for him, I am not suspicious. The separation has been completed and life goes on as it pleases without him. They will be dear to each other and the soul will forget to give him a good embrace, for he was not in the covenant. Ahmed Gadallah 27- Oh heart, how foolish you are, Ahmed Gadallah. Oh heart, tell the relative when he made you cry. Was there ever a time when he enriched you with people? Do not ask a stranger to make your life happy. I have a heart. Ask your relative first about what he has come to you, as if his closeness to you wanted something, he was with you, so do not expect from a stranger or a relative something about them, God has enriched you, so be close, away from people, and do not go overboard with affection, and do not cut ties with those who are cold to you, always be calm, and do not give anyone more than their value so that they do not come back. One day you will wonder and say, “Why does the ignorant person understand respect that he is higher than you? Always inform him of his position so that he does not insult you, and one day will come when he will believe that he is higher than your life.” Ahmed Gadallah 28- Ahmed Gadallah’s longings My longing increases for you and my tears are flowing, O my heart, how much it longs for you. I did not know before you were away, how many worries you bear. Lovers' hearts are tired of the heart and nothing can heal it except your vision. How many people have you given to drink of a medicine that has not benefited except your closeness as an antidote. I wish my call to you would unite us and you would come and bring us together to meet you. My affection revives and flows through the artery of my heart. The pulses of love after separation, for your distance is unbearable. The sweetness of life in you is love and meeting. My longing for you increases and my tears are soft. It flows between the eyes with unbearable flames of embers, and the fire of passion grows between my ribs, and water will not extinguish it except meeting you. You are the antidote to him Ahmed Gadallah 29- High in status, Ahmed Gadallah. I knew you before love knew me, and in my heart you are high in status. I feel you before my eyes see you, and I was in love, deceived, the night is long. On my heart and mind, my mind wanders, and my eyes do not sleep. Your ghost in my soul overwhelms me, and my heart wishes for harmony from you. Over the years, I feel your soul following me and wanting me to talk about love. The day falls asleep and the night comes. It reminds me of your love. The soul lingers, and the dream fights me. I wish to be close to you with affection. It draws me closer, and you convey love. I am not to blame. I go to you and return without my heart, and you are in my heart. I am still and my heartbeats do not ignore or sleep, you are in my heart and my soul and in my eyes always high in status Ahmed Gadallah 30 - What should I say Ahmed Gadallah What should I say and the pulse of my soul is tormenting and longing is calling for you while you are far away the pulse increases between the ribs with the breaths of a burning love longing for him and a sinking that does not lie I wish his identity could feel what my heart lacks The tormentor I blame myself when I loved him, for love messes with my heart and leaves my heart confused between its longing and its lust, for it is on the embers of passion, it fluctuates, so if I reveal what is in my heart, I feel confined, it gloats over the insulators and smiles, even if I do not reveal what my heart does not love for it, for concealing feelings is more difficult, so what should I say, and the pulse of my soul is tortured, and the heart is confused between longing and its lust. On the coals of passion, Ahmed Gadallah 31- Foolishness is the creativity of Ahmed Gadallah. I have seen people’s faults. I cover them up, and I maintain affection for those who betrayed the covenant and sold it. Perhaps there will be good in it one day. I find people increasing their ambitions for me. And I still manage the faults of those who plot against me in the hope that he will be cured of his illness. Doesn’t he know that his illness is It hurts me, not because of the harm he stabbed me with, but the foolishness he bears deprives him of the beauty of kindness and enjoyment. I always open my heart to people and see among them followers of foolish behavior. I see in his eyes what lies inside him, and I always know what he will do in my absence. I look at them with looks of pity, concealing my smile, and saying that literature is not sold in the market of foolishness. Find me. I tolerate people, but I pity those who have creativity in their foolishness. Ahmed Gadallah 32- Do not be surprised, Ahmed Gadallah. Do not be surprised if I tell you that time has changed, and the days have become dull, and people have changed from being human beings distinguished by morals to being distinguished by grayness, and the earth has changed and the sky used to shine with morals, a light of perfect purity until it became dull. With noise pollution and hatred spreading among people, do not be surprised if I say affliction has spread among us. Souls have changed and splendor has been extinguished in them, and each flows to its goal, not caring about the affairs of the weak. Morals have disappeared and scattered and gone backwards. The earth and heaven cry over people whose souls have become weak. Greed has increased among them and survival has become for the strong. Do not be surprised if one day you find The earth is full of epidemic. Loyalty in this time has been replaced by lies and betrayal of loved ones and masters of interests. Our hearts carried hatred and we have all become strangers. There was no gathering of relatives with all love and bliss. Role models in society were lost among them, and good morals were lost in vain. So do not be surprised. Ahmed Gadallah 33- They said goodbye, Ahmed Gadallah. We said farewell, Zadawa. We became more distant. We said we lost Wydad today, and there was more stubbornness between us. Goodbye to the sweetest days of our lives that passed and those that came. Goodbye to the days in which we approached with all love and nostalgia. Wydad. When farewell, after nostalgia and longing, approached, souls changed and conditions changed, and there increased distance between us. We moved closer and far away with that stubbornness, no matter how far or how close the distances are. We live far away with that stubbornness, and if we meet by chance in a place there, we look at each other with alienated looks, as if we were far away for a long time, and each of us forgot our nostalgia and longing with which we lived for years in harmony. Our hearts and the looks of our eyes changed, and the heart groaned from that stubbornness, and our longing became strange, far away, and could not meet. Sleeplessness increased, a delayed pulse, increased turmoil, and became a flame. And in the evening of alienation, I marveled at our love. It was a mirage and a question that was revealed in the whisper of sleep, and my thoughts increased and I could not find an answer. We became distant and alienated, and each of us lives alone, wishing that the moment of meeting would have the serenity of Wydad. They said goodbye, and we said goodbye. Ahmed Gadallah 34 - Stabbed in the Back Ahmed Gadallah I thought I would leave my back without protecting my loved ones. I did not find it. But they stabbed me like my enemies, and how severe is the stabbing from the beloved, because his heart was high in heart. What should I do with all the stabs that come to me, whether from enemies or my loved ones? The beloved’s solidarity with the enemy to stab me and forget a day of affection that I gave him water and he made me drink. Do I wonder if I should blame him for his treachery or should I leave him for eternity admonishing him about what made me miserable, but there is no one. In the universe, there is no one sincere, so everyone cares about his own interests and forgets me. He allys himself with Satan against me to take crumbs of affection from him to hold me close. He thinks that Satan is generous, but he withdraws him for a while due to his proximity to always exploit him to harm me, and when he finishes with him for his purpose, he leaves him to be alone for a day, and there is no point in blaming him then, because he is the one who betrayed my friendship and hurt me. Ahmed gadallah 35- Ahmed Jadallah’s features have changed. I still see in the mirrors a shadow that contains the remains of my body. Neither the features are real, nor the imagination in them is formal. Every time I look at them, I ask my soul and say, “This is my body.” I no longer see anything but the remains of my imagination and what I am carrying, but the highest look in the eyes has changed. A chalet of sadness from the stabs of time every time. It strikes my body and worries on my forehead in the form of a fracture with two lines. Each fracture contains a life that has gone and wasted with the years. A life that contains love and nostalgia and separation and distance and the hurt of the years and the loss of us. The most precious of those close to us. You alone remind me of all that has passed and that which is gone and the shape of my features with the years. My life has gone and its features have been lost and I left me for you to be cruel to me. Every time you remind me of what has passed and what is gone and every joy and every wound in my life that I have seen appear on me when I look at you with my eyes and every time my features change and go and go with the years and nothing remains but my name I still see a shadow and a shadow in the mirrors but my name is Ahmed Gadallah 36- Hypocrisy Ahmed Gadallah There is no need for hypocrisy And do not smile a faint smile, so that your presence will be tolerable. We know what is in your heart, and that your soul is always suffocating. Your soul, if it had a voice, would say, “You are weak in spirit. You are poor. You have not changed in your treatment. Hate fills your heart and there is no cure for it. Your hypocrisy is noticeable. Do not deny it. Your conversation with action is difficult. Get busy with what concerns others and rush when you are present.” With hugs and your hugs go against what is in your heart, it wants you to take what is in their hands with longing. Stop being hypocritical. There is no point in this hug. Cleanse your heart before hugging, for your hugs are always unbearable. Your presence makes the heart beat with beats that are all suffocation. The light diminishes in its brightness and the laughter is fake. The truth of what is in the depths does not appear. Be a man among people. Your insides are seen with your face. One and do not hide another face in the depths. Be a beautiful soul and hold it to its adornments. You will see people waiting for your presence with longing. There is no need for hypocrisy until your presence is beautiful and tolerable. If hypocrisy increases one day between people, hatred and discord increase. Be a beautiful soul and with honesty you rise so that you do not waste any remaining rights of anyone. There is no need for hypocrisy until you rise among them. People are down, and you will always be right. Ahmed Gadallah 37- Longing sells me, witness Ahmed Gadallah, I am talking to you, and longing in my eyes is a witness. My heart is weak with excessive longing, and the beating with the fire of longing in my chest is capable of making the heart in your love a fuse that passes the day, and the thought of your love is wandering, and staying up late nights in the gardens is evidence. I look at you in the sky, I see you as a moon, and the star in the sky is on my watch, and staying up late in love with the beloved is evidence. I see you in dreams, an angel with a single wing that comes and embraces my heart with longing and love. The love of the beloved in dreams is beautiful. I did not know that one day you will become my lover. The pulse in the love of the beloved is beautiful. The longing between the ribs for your love, watch. And the beats of my heart in my chest are evidence of palpitations with sighs of a burning fire that no one can extinguish except your embrace as an alternative. Ahmed Gadallah 38- Mouths of Situations Ahmed Gadallah There is a lot of talk and a lot of talk, but only the Situations are believed. You may find beautiful speech, but when necessary, you find the situation is false. Among them are those who were near or were far away when they needed it. You will find that he is heedless of you, and among them are those who do not talk much, for he has few words, and in difficult situations you will find him standing by your side. Honesty is not built on the mouths of conversations, but rather it is built on the mouths of situations, and good speech should not backbite anyone in his absence, and the truth is always with him inside, and you may see the shepherd of situations be honest in words and actions and be on the side of the truth. Stand up, and if you have good manners, do not judge between people and be courteous to any of them. Ahmed Gadallah 39- I will wear you with love Ahmed Gadallah, and I will wear you with love before I meet you and hear you, so longing will neigh from you and for you to tell me why I am making you weak, so tell your heart that I love it and adore it, so perhaps the sound of my heartbeat will reach your ears gently. In my situation, my heart is torn, and I long for you to come to Him and for Him to hear you. No matter how much you speak to me or reach my ears, longing for you is easy and follows you. And if you are far from my heart for a moment, the beating of my heart, despite your distance, resides in your ribs. The flame of longing for you is my life. If you are away from me, I send you my longings so that I do not hear you, and it ignites the fuse of nostalgia between my ribs until I meet you, you live in my heart, and it is always with you, even if you leave me, always remember that I spent my life to stay with you Ahmed Gadallah 40- Symbol of Loyalty Ahmed Gadallah I thought it was a symbol of loyalty, but he was dealing with me with malice and intelligence, showing solidarity with an enemy of mine in secret, and when he needed me, he would come with all cunning. To take what he wanted and protect him from the enemies. How many others had warned me about him. He was cunning and had no loyalty. I did not hear any echo in their voice. I was kind to him and kept away from him any affliction. He did not maintain my good treatment of him and now stood in solidarity with the enemies. Was this ever a symbol of loyalty, or did his heart always carry all hatred and malice? And I wait for a moment when he grabs a dagger and stabs me secretly. Every vessel strikes with what is inside it in a time of distress, whether purity or malice and hatred. I did not get angry with him, but I am amazed at people whose blood does not have any purity. Ahmed Gadallah 41 - Companions of Ahmed Gadallah. Nothing remains. The comrades have gone without. Hypocrisy, and what remained of them was any antidote to heal the wound of separation, and we fell between people with whom we did not get along. What appeared among them was a kind of dull honesty, and what was hidden in their chests was something sobering. We did not know that until after the departure of the comrades. Even places without them no longer had a soft pulse that we felt when we gathered with them with all love. And reconciliation, for their distance carries its bitterness in our hearts that cannot be tolerated because of what we see after them of people in whose blood grudges run and hypocrisy prevails. They did not know that a good life is love, reconciliation, love, affection, and good meeting. Ahmed gadallah 

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