بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونيةSamir nageeb 85blogspot. com

ديوان شعر اليكتروني الجزء الرابع بعنوان.. الحياه.. للشاعر. احمد جاد الله

An electronic poetry collection, Part Four. Titled: Life. For the poet. Ahmed Gadallah 

ديوان الحياة الجزء الرابع

للأستاذ  أحمد محمود جادالله


غريبا. وسط الزحام ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

أنا لست ككل الناس 

كثير الكلام

وإن قلبي يمنح الناس


رغم أني أعيش غريبا

وحيدا وسط الزحام

فلا أحد يعرفني كبعض

الناس يقتلنا الظلام

فالناس هنا لاتدري

معنى السلام

وتغيرت الناس وسط


يعيشون فى صراع

ويسقط بينهم الحب


يتهافتون على إقتناء

كل الآشياء

ولا تبالي الكرامه والوفاء

فهم يتسابقون بإستماته

دون حياء

تحطمت نبضات قلبي

حين رايتهم يتسابقون

فإن النفس التى تتسابق

على إقتناء الاشياء

يأتي لها يوما وتذهب

دون بقاء

لما تتهافتون على إقتناء

كل الآشياء

وتحصلون عليها بكل خبث


فلن تأخذ معك أى شىء

حين تأتي لحظه الفتاء

فأترك جزء من هذة

الآشياء دون إقتناء

 أتركها الى

أحدا من الضعفاء

الذى لايستطيع أن يتعامل

بكل مكر ودهاء

ويصون كرامته


يكون دائما إلى الوراء

فأنا غريبا وسط الزحام

ولا أكون أبدا كثير الكلام

ولكن قلبي  يتمنى  في

الناس أن ينتشر الحب 


ولن أكون أبدا غريبا

وسط الزحام

وينتشر بين الناس الحب


وأن يكونوا كالسماء

عندما نجد النجوم تشعر 


فى قلب السماء

فأنا إنسان

 أريد أن

لاأكون غريبا وسط

الزحام وينتشر بين

الناس الحب والعطاء 


Ahmed Gadallah


كأنما العمر ماكان ✍️ أحمد جاد الله 

قدمت عمري في

الحياة كفاحا 

خلف سرابا يقول

إنه أحلاما 

أحلاما ظننتها بالصدق


وضاع العمر وأصبحت 


رأيت كثيرا من الناس 

تقف أمام حلمي

بكل مكر ودهاء

وحقد لايبالي أخلاقا 

صممت إني لست 

اجاريهم واظل 

على الحق دائما 


غرست الحب في


فلم يفيدني الحب

إلا زادني نيرانا 

منهم وبهتانا 

عمر مضى بيني 


صراعا بين الحق

وحقد من قلوبهم


كصراع موج بين

المد والجزر فلا

يجد على الأرض 


لم أستطع منهم

أن أرفع العدل بين

الناس برهانا

سقى قلبي منهم

من ألم في الحياة

جهرا وكتمانا 

وكأنما العمر ماكان

في لحظه

وبكى القلب على عمرا

مضى مع بشر يلوث 

قلوبهم حقد وفساد


وعدم الأخلاق لهم


فلم أطلب الصفح 

من لص يطاردني

ولم أقبل أعيش 

العمر مهانا 

فضاع العمر في

صراع بينهم شوقا


Ahmed gadallah


قاتل الأمان ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

قلت لك لما تبدل

النور بالظلام

وتسكت عندما أبدا 


تصرخ دمعتي على


والعين لاتغفل ولا


أحقا أعلنت على

قلبي العصيان

ونهيت بصمتك مجمل


فأنت بذلك حقا لاتلام 

قد أشعلت بيننا النيران

وزاد بين قلوبنا الغمام

وهان عليك ود حبنا 

وتغير حالك من وئام 

إلى انفصام

أصبح الصمت بيننا

بعد عذب الحديث

وهدوء الكلام 

تنظر إليك عيني 

بصمت ويحدثك

قلبي بدون كلام

قتلت بيننا الأمان 

وكان قلبي إليك 

المغرم المستهام

فإذا تحدثت لي

تحدثت بحديث 


وتعكر الصفاء بيننا

وزاد الخصام

وتغيب وترحل عن

عيني بلا وصلا

وتأتي ويزيد بيننا


ولبس قلبي ثوب 


ولم أطلق صراح وسادتي 

فقد تبدل بقلبي 

النور بالظلام

فقدت الأمن بيننا

وقتلت أنت الأمان 

فإني أحدثك بصمت

ونبضات قلبي 

ترسل لك السلام

Ahmed gadallah


هواه بالقلب   ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

ليت الذي أحب القلب هواه

أدنى إلي من القلب والنبض

وليتني يوما إقتربت من


فزاد البعد أنين الفؤاد


أسأله الوصال لقلب


قد ضاق صدري من 

البعاد والآلم

أشرد بعيني أتمني


وأنام الليل بالحلم


ماضاق هواه بين أضلعي

إلا ماكان القلب في البعد


ياناسي الوصل قد مضى


وأنت بالود والوصال


حين الفراق قد ذهبت

إليك روحي

ومن لاروح له يملكها


حين ذهبت خلف من

بالقلب هواه

ليت الذي ذهب يكون

اليوم مرجعه

حتى يلين القلب وتفوح


ويعانق هواي من هواه


Ahmed Gadallah


قالت لي ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

ماذا تفعل عيناك

في سواحلي

نظراتها سهام

تشغل خاطري

قلت لها

نبضات قلبك

تنبض خلف أضلعي

يزيد إليك الشوق

وتطول نظراتي إليك

لترى ماينبض داخلي

قالت لي

ما الذى ينبض


قلت شىء من

جمالك الخفي

نبضك أو روحك

تحوم بين أضلعي

فإن يبحر نظري


فما عاد له مرسي

يتوه في عمق جمالك

ولا أدري إن صباحي

قد أمسى


لا أتعجب من حديثك

فإن نظراتك تغازلني

ولكن ماذا يفعل قلبك

بين أضلعي

ويداعب طول الوقت


Ahmed Gadallah


رحال ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

ليست الأحوال سواء 

فكل حال يختلف عن


نمضي في الدنيا

لتغيير حالنا

ومهما نمضي تبقى

على حالها الأحوال 

لما تبقى على حالها

لأننا لانبقى

على حالنا طلبنا 

دأئما محال

كلما مايتحقق ما


يصبح قليل المنال 

وتمر الحياة وتنتهي

في ترحال

ونعيش دأئما مشغولو


ولم نعثر على حل 

بأي  حال

تغوص أفكارنا في

طمع الحياة في


ويمر العمر وينتهي

في ترحال

كأن الحياة تبدأ 

وتظل دوما في قتال

ولم يكن هناك للهدوء

والتنفس في الحياة


ويزيد الصراع بين

الناس ويكثر الجدال

ويزهق الفكر العقول

كخصم متمرد مختال 

ويثبت الحال كما هو

ولم تتغير الأحوال 

الطمع دأئما لم يريح


ويكون دأئما رصيد

البال خال

وجميع الأحوال شبيه


كأنها مقيدة بالآغلال 

إلا الحال المتميز 

بالآخلاق والقناعة


إذا جاءك  

إختفت منك الهموم 

وتبدل المحال بالجمال

فالحقد والطمع كالسم 

فلا تدعه من قلبك


فكن في الحياة رحال

للخير تسعي

وقاوم الحقد والخداع 


ولاتكن له سهل المنال 

لتكون دأئما مرتاح 


Ahmed gadallah


الوئام  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

قلت ما أحلى من 

التصافي والوئام 

كلا يأتي ويذهب

ويقول سلام

فلم تأخذ شيئا معك

يوم التمام

غير ماعملت به في


حتى لايكون نصيبك 


وإكثر من ودك 


وكن حسن الحديث

في الكلام

ولاتكن غليظ القلب

وتحلى بالحياء دائما

حتى لايقع عليك الملام

ولا تغضب أحد ولايطول

بينكم الخصام

كن صافى القلب وبدل

الخصام بالوئام

ولا تمنع بسوء أخلاقك

على أحد طيب المنام

وتلبس قلبه وفكره

ثوب السقام

فالوجد باقي وبالوصال

تزول كل السقام

حتى يكون في ذكرك

يحلوا طيب الكلام

ما أحلى الحياة بالصفا

والحب بين الناس

ولم تكن بها زؤام

وبا ألاخلاق يسري الود

بينهم على الدوام

فلا أحد  يبقى

كلا ياتي ويذهب في

هذة الدنيا

ويقول سلام

Ahmed gadallah


رد قلبي ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

رد قلبي ما أستطعت 


عطشي لعيناك يجلدني

كل مساء

شوقي إليك يزيد جوارحي

وضاعت حياتي في

بعادك هباء

بحثت عنك في جميع

دروب العشق

وإنما تعب فؤادى من


لاينفع الجسد أن يكون


والروح والقلب تخطوا

خلفك بشوق وأشتياق 

الروح بالآمال تحيا 


والعين ببعادك يكفيها


لكل روح توأم روحها

أعد لي روحي 

قد تاهت روحي في


رد قلبي قد أشتقت 


فإن فؤادي يكن 

إليه بالوفاء 

تعب فؤادي من 


وقد زاد في حناياة 


رد قلبي ما أستطعت


عطشي لعيناك يجلدني 

كل مساء 

Ahmed gadallah


توسد أجفاني  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

لما الحزن يأتي لي


ويغفو النوم عن 


سرق مني أحلامي 

وتوسد جفوني 

أسهر وحيدا أحادث 


بصمت رهيب كأني 

أراه أمامي 

فلا يسمع ندائي 

ولا يعرف شىء

عن شجوني 

أقول للحزن لما

توسدت جفوني

ألم تأخذ يوما

راحه عني 

وتترك عيني تنعم

با أحضان جفوني 

غفا النوم عنا 

وذهب ولم ترتاح 

ليلا جفوني

توسدها السهد ليلا

وبات يجالسها 

ليلا وبعدها ليالي

والصمت يلازمني

ومعي في كل مكان

لا أحادث غير روحي

بصمت رهيب

يضوي صداه بين


ولهيب الشوق يزيد

بنبضات قلبي

إلى متى يتوسد 

الحزن أجفاني

ألم تبعد يوما عني

وتأتي السعادة 


كما أتت بمن حولي

فقلبي في شقاء

ممزق النبضات 

لما الغدر جعلت الصمت


ويتوسد السهد أجفاني 

Ahmed Gadallah


أنتظره ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

أنتظره وأعرف إنه

لن يعود 

وأصبح الإنتظار عادة

والعمر بقى مفقود 

وفقدت المواعيد 


وأصبح الوقت في


وسقطت الأشياء تباعا

وسالت الدموع على


كان حلما وانتظرت 

وأعلم أنه لن يعود

لازلت أردد إسمه 

عشقا بلا حدود

هل الإنتظار كان مضيعه


وهدر أحلى أيام عمرنا

وأصبح قلبي في غرامه


مزق الروح والأمنيات 

وزاد الأنين با أضلعي 

فكان ذاك الغرام 


كنت ولا زلت أنتظره 

وبيدي وقلبي له

آجمل الورود

وهل يأتي لي ويتحقق

ما قاله من وعود 

فأصبح لقلبي اليوم


Ahmed Gadallah


بحقك إستهان   ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

لاتظن يوما إنك منسي

فإنك فعلا فى طي النسيان

وإنما شعور المرىء

يكون غالبا دليله

فلاداعي أن ترهق نفسك


فإن تغير أحدا عليك

راحه لبالك أن يكون ظنك

فى طي الكتمان

ولاداعي أن تعاتب أحد

فإن كان صادق الوعد

فلا تحتاج يوما للعتاب

فهو على حاله واضح


ف الظن يأبن الناس مظلمه

لنفسك وللغير

إذ لم يكن لك أدله أو


فإذا أحد تغير عليك يوما

فأتركه ويكون أفضل

لك النسيان

فإن العتاب لاينفع


وإنما يزيدة مهانه

إذا كان المعاتب

قد تغير عليك

وبك إستهان

فلاتظن وعش في الحياة

مرتاح البال

ولاتعطي لمن لم يكن

له قيمة أي إهتمام

لانه يوما بحقك إستهان

Ahmed gadallah


ليه بتسأل  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

ليه بتسأل عن الألم 

عمل إيه فيا

خليه فى حاله نايم

انا تعبت من الأسيه

ساب لي بصمه على


بخطوط قهر الزمان


والعين متكحله بالظلم

وقهر الناس فيا

ملامحى كلها أتغيرت 

والحزن طول الوقت

مسيطر عليا

مهما قهرني الرجال

لتمسكي بالحق وعدم


لن انحني أبدا حتى

لو الكل تكتل عليا

هاافضل عزيز النفس

ولغير الله لا أركع 

مهما زاد الضرب فيا

ضربه الفأس في الأرض 

تطرح الخير للناس

ولكل العاميه

اتمسك بالحق وأعامل

الناس بكل وود وحب

ولو منهم أحد غدر بيا

وأجبر الخاطر للغلبان 

حتى لو مفيش منفعه 


الكلمه الطيبه بريحه


تطيب الجروح وتشفي

القلوب حماله الأسيه

وما تسالنيش عن الألم 

عمل إيه فيا

القلب خلاص اتظلم

وزمن الحق اختفى

بقت المنفعه للصحبه 

وانتهت الأحلام الورديه

Ahmed gadallah


رمز الإرتقاء ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

أنت لست كالبقيه

تركض خلف لفت الإنتباه

أنت ياقلبي رمزا من رموز


تلوح فى الآفاق بكل عز


فلا تكن يوما مثل قلوب


تتعلق بمن يأتى إليك

ويلوح بكلمات نابعه

من قلوب بهتاء

يريد أن ينسى حبا وكان

به من التعساء

وحين تنتهى غصته يرحل

ويهرب كالجبناء

كفاك رحلات الصخب عند 

خانات الانكسار

فانت رمزا من رموز الإرتقاء

فى زمن ملىء بالإنحدار

وفقر المشاعر الصادقه

فأصبح الالتقاء يحدث

دون مشاعر ودون عناء

وأصبحت الكلمات تكتب

لأى أحد إن كان غريبا

أو قريبا فهما فى النص 


فلا تكن مثلهم 

ولا تنحدر نحو خانات


وتلوح في الآفاق بكل

صخب وشقاء

ولا يأتي لك يوما يجافي

عينك النوم

وتشكو فلا أحد يسمع

لك نداء 

وتقوم الليل بالتذكار 

وتفطرت الكواكب لك

حزنا من طول دعاء

كن دائما جلدا  لاتقترب

منك نار الوجد يوما

ولاتعرف لك من نقطه

 ضعف في فؤادك خباء

ولا تسقط بسهم رمش 

أو الأيام قد تصيبك

بعشق كله شقاء

ويكون لك الضيم دوما

في هواء

وتستعذب أيامك في


فكن دائما رمزا من رموز


حتى لاتكون يوما في


Ahmed gadallah


الآنوثه رداء ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

الآنوثه رداء لايأتي

على مقاس كل النساء

كوني ليس ككل النساء

تمتعي بالعزة والكبرياء

جميله  رقيقه ينيرها النقاء

تعشقي الحق والحقيقه

حدود السماء

وتكرهي التملق والكذب


وإذا فتحتي قلبك مره

لن يفتح أبدا إلى الفناء

فلا تؤمني بالحب مرتين

فحب يتيم عندك أفضل

من ألف بلاء

أنوثتك تعلمك الدرس

دون حروف الآلف والياء

عند إبتسامتك إشراقه

الصباح وهدوء المساء

فلا يدري أحدا مابقلبك

من حب وسعادة

أو إذا كان قلبك يحمل

 مأتم عزاء

أجعلي الأنوثه عندك 


ليس على مقاس 

جميع النساء

فلا تكوني أبدا

مؤزومه من التعساء

أجعلى الحب بقلبك

ينير حياتك بالصفاء


وتحدثي بهدوء 

وبكل وقار وحياء

فلا تكوني ككل النساء

ألبسي رداء الأنوثه بكل

عزه وكبريا

Ahmed gadallah


لمس الروح ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

أناجي طيفك وأسمع همسك 

وإن حاولت لمسك لا أنالك 

قولي ياصفي روحي 

أأنت أتيت لي أم هذا 


يلاحقني خيالك فى كل


وإن قربت منه لاعانقه 

فلا أنالك

عيوني مالهجر تائه حزينه 

وتشتاق ليل نهار أن ترى 


وإياك أن تصدق شفايفي 

لو تبسمت

بها أدارى جرح ونار بعادك

أن القلوب فى البعد أبدا 

تبقى هادئه 

فإنها تبات فى نار متألمه 

من الهجر وجرح هجرانك

فى بعادك أشتاق دائما 


تهفو الروح إليك ولا أنالك 

Ahmed gadallah


لاتأكل الباطل ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

قلت لك لا تأكل الباطل

ولا تضيع حق

يوما ما سياتي وتجوع


فلا خير غير الذى يأكل


ولا يظلم أحدا بباطل

لاتمشي في الآرض مرحا

ولا  تسخر إلى من له حق

سترى يوما عيون الناس

إليك شامته

وأمامك ماجمعت بباطل

ولاتستطيع التمتع به بحق

ستدور الأيام وحينها لاينفع

إلا من أكل بحق

أنصر الحق على الباطل

وخذ بيد كل مظلوم

وكن له ناصر

على من جرى على

الضعيف بسلطانه

ليجف منه كل دمع


ولاتضيع الحق بالباطل

من غير ذنب وتكون أنت


وتذكر فضل ربك عليك

فكنت يوما ما عاطل

وأصبحت الآن قادر

فلا تأكل الحق بالباطل

في نهايه حياتك تدفن

في القبر

ولا ينفعك غير الحق

على الباطل

Ahmed gadallah


أهواء النساء ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

لست أدرى ماهي 

أهواء النساء

اذا حاولت فهم النساء 

يأخذ ذلك منك

مجهود وعناء

تجد منها من يتمتع


وقلب طيب كل صفاء

في ظاهرها كبرياء

وقلبها يناديك برقه


ومنهم من تجدها لينه

وبسيطه وابتسامتها

كلها سعادة وصفاء

ولكن غضبها كا أمواج 

البحر الهائج 

تفر من أمامها قبل أن 

تغرق ولايسمع لك أحد 


ومنهم من تجدها كلها هدوء


ملاك يمشى على الأرض 

تشفي قلب المجروح

وتزيل عنه كل جفاء

وتوجد صفه واحدة 

بكل النساء

قلوب طاهرة نقيه

لاتحمل أى حقد 

وتكون رحيمه على


ويتمتعون دائما بالوفاء

ولكن إحذر من عناد 


فهذا يكلفك كثيرا من


ولاتعلن ابدآ التمرد 


ستلقى رياح شديدة

فلا تسطيع أن تقاوم


وستكون في حينها


وستدمر كل علامات 

الطريق إلى قلبك 

ولاتستطيع العوده ابدآ 

إلى الوراء

أنصحك بأن تكون علاقتك

بها كلها حب وولاء 

حتى تكون أيامك هادئه 

وتنعم بحسن اللقاء

فمهما أكتب لست أدرى 

ماهي أهواء النساء

Ahmed gadallah


اذقتني حلو الهوى ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

أذقتني حلو الهوى وتركتني

و أبليتني بالعشق فقتلتني

إن قلبي فى غرامك ينتمي

وخاضعا يرجو منك الرضا

ولا ينثني

تقسوا علي ولست أعلم 


وقلبي عند إطلالتك دائما


نسيت حبي اليك ومودتي

ولم تصن عهد الهوى بيننا

 ثم قهرتني

وحفرت في الفؤاد حرفك


وجعلت نبضك في حنايا

قلبي موطني

وهبتك حبا أدمى مقلتي

وقسيت عليا بغدرك

وفي هواك قبرتني

أخذت فى هواك نبض 

قلبي عمرا

وبسهم غدرك في الفؤاد


لم يذق أبدا احدا قهرا


مثلما مافعلت بقلبي

و أبليتني

بعد ما أذقتني حلوالهوي


Ahmed gadallah


رحل الحبيب ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

رحل الحبيب وعزني بوصاله

وكأن روحي رحلت برحاله

أذكره في ليلي ونهاره 

تأتي لي روحه تحدثني

بصوته وأقواله 

تذكرني بعمري اللي

مضى بحياتي معه


منذ رحيله أعيش وحيدا 

وقلبي يئن في ليله


حديثه لي يتبعني يلاحقني

حتى وأنا اخطو خطواتي

يتبعني خياله 

وتذهب مني روحي إليه 


وتترك قلبي وحيدا لحاله

تبحث عنه في مكان كان

يجمعنا لقائنا 

أملا أن تراه أو ترى جماله 

وتعود لي دون أن تلقاه

رحيله أدمع قلبي بنبضاته 

وسالت دموع العين 

لهجره لقلبي  وسوء


وسيرت أنا وحيدا

أعاني وحدتي وترحاله

ماعزني شيء بالدنيا

إلا يريد قلبي وصاله

رحل الحبيب وعزني


وكأن روحي رحلت 


Ahmed Gadallah


إبتلينا ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

إبتلينا بقلب طيب

خللى العويل جه


ليه يادنيا بتجري


وفي حياتنا بتظلمينا

دا العويل بقى فيكي


واللي سرق الحق فينا

كل شيء فيكى مقلوب

في حاله

طول الوقت جايه علينا

راحت فيكي زهرة


وراحت كمان لمعة


شيلنا الحق فوق كتافنا

وضاع فيكي كل اللي


العويل بينظر لينا

بكل حقد وفرحه 


زادنا خوف على اللي


ما أحنا ماسكين الحق


مش عارفين ناخده 


ما خلاص ضاع الحق


ضحكه غابت - طله شابت

سبحه فكت من إيدينا

ليه يادنيا ريح قساوتك

دايما جايه علينا

لو طلبنا الحق لينا

العويل كمان بينصح

وضحكه عينيه بتفضح

اللي ساكن جوة قلبه

مش عويل وكمان بتنصح

دا اللي سرق الحق 


خلق شافت  خلق عابت

بس بالمكتوب رضينا

ريح حقدك مهما جابت

برده ربك مش ناسينا


Ahmed gadallah


إختباء  ✍️ أحمد جاد الله

لم أكن أعلم إنني 

لم أرى يوما الأحباء 

وأكون بعيدا عنهم

ويحدث بيننا إختفاء 

وتمر الأيام وقلبي

يشتاق منهم إلى 

لحظه إحتواء

يطول الليل في


وتغيرت في بعادهم

نسمات الهواء

وتغيرت الحياة ولم 

أسعد بلحظات 

على نفسي فيها 


تئن المسافات بيننا

ويشعر هوانا بحنين


ومازال القلب يحمل

حبا لايغلبه الفناء

ونبضات قلبي تبعثرت 


ب أنين يضوي في


فلم أرى أسى غير 

الذي سقاني بالإختباء 

عندما أرى جمع العاشقين

بالود والصفاء

ستأتي لحظه اللقاء

ويسعد قلبي به 

بفيض حب وسخاء

Ahmed gadallah


مجروح الفؤاد ✍️ أحمد جاد الله 

رايت عينيه فطلبت


أقترب منه ويبعده 


يزيد نبض قلبي بأضلعي 

فبات نبض قلبي بهواه

طوعا يقاد 

يخطىء الفكر بي 

ويظن بقلبي قليل


يكاد الشوق يسيل 


وأرحل دون أن أدري 


جمعت من المحاسن بكل


وأهديته من المحبه مايراد 

أعاتب عيني حين رأت


جعلت فؤادي محروم


وإذا ما ناديته بصوتي

لايأتي ويصر بالعناد 

وفي مناداتي إليه يبح 

صوتي فيحن إليه الجماد 

هل أجرمت عيني حين

رأته فيعاقبني ويزري 


لكل إثنين في الحب 


ولكن الحب بيننا إبتعاد 

أتيت إليك بكال حب 


وأنت الذي أصاب قلبك


ورفضت بين قلبي وقلبك

طول الوداد

وتركتني في رحاب حبك 

مجروح الفؤاد 

Ahmed gadallah

Continue to Diwan Al-Hayat, Part Four, by Professor Ahmed Mahmoud Jadallah, 65- Strange. In the middle of the crowd, Ahmed Gadallah, I am not like people who talk a lot, and my heart gives people peace, even though I live as a stranger alone in the crowd. No one knows me like some people. The darkness kills us. People here do not know the meaning of peace and have changed. People in the crowd live in conflict, and love and harmony fall between them. They scramble to acquire everything. Things and do not care about dignity and loyalty. They race desperately without shame. My heartbeat broke when I saw them racing. For the soul that races to acquire things will come one day and go without remaining. When you rush to acquire all the things and obtain them with all malice and cunning, you will not take anything with you when the moment of fatwa comes, so leave. I leave some of these things without acquiring them to one of the weak people who cannot deal with all cunning and cunning and preserve his dignity, and therefore he will always be backwards. I am a stranger in the crowd and I will never be a talkative person, but my heart hopes for the people for love and giving to spread, and I will never be a stranger in the crowd and for it to spread. There is love and inclusion between people, and to be like the sky. When we find the stars, you feel safe in the heart of the sky. I am a human being who wants not to be a stranger in the crowd. Love, giving, and harmony spread among people. Ahmed Gadallah 66 - As if life had never been Ahmed Gadallah. I presented my life in life as a struggle behind a mirage that says it is dreams, dreams. I thought it would be fulfilled with honesty, and life wasted and became illusions. I saw many people standing in front of my dream with all deception, cunning, and hatred, not caring about morals. I was determined not to keep up with them and always stick to the truth as a guideline. I instilled love in my dealings, but love did not benefit me except that it increased my fire from them and my slander. A lifetime passed between me and them, a struggle between the truth and the hatred of others. Their hearts are full of colors, like the struggle of waves between the ebb and flow, and it cannot find an anchor on the ground. I was not able to establish justice among people as proof. My heart was watered by them from the pain in life, openly and secretly, as if life had not happened in a moment, and the heart wept over a past life with people whose hearts are polluted by hatred and corruption, colors and lack of morals for them. Title: I did not ask for forgiveness from a thief who was chasing me, and I did not accept to live my life in humiliation, so my life was wasted in a struggle between them, longing and deprivation. Ahmed Gadallah 67 - The Safety Killer Ahmed Gadallah I told you when you exchanged light for darkness and remained silent when I began to speak, my tears cried out for my tears and the eye neither ignores nor sleeps. Did you declare truth to my heart? Disobedience, and with your silence you have ended all speech, for you are truly blameless. You have lit fires between us, and the clouds have increased between our hearts, and the affection of our love has diminished for you, and your situation has changed from harmony to separation. Silence has become between us, after sweet talk and calm speech. My eyes look at you silently, and my heart speaks to you without words. You killed the security between us, and my heart was in love with you. If you speak to me, you speak mean talk, the serenity between us is disturbed, the quarreling increases, you disappear, and you leave my sight without a connection. You come and the argument increases between us, and my heart wears the garment of sickness, and I do not release my pillow. The light in my heart has been exchanged for darkness. I have lost the security between us, and you have killed the security. I speak to you silently, and my heartbeat sends you peace. gadallah 68- His love is in the heart Ahmed Gadallah I wish the one who loved the heart had his love closer to me than the heart and the pulse. I wish one day I was close to his breezes, so the distance increased the groaning of the heart and emotion. I ask him to reach a heart I love, my chest has become narrow from distance and pain. I wander with my eyes, wishing to see him, and I sleep at night dreaming of him, his love narrowing between my ribs. Except when the heart breaks in distance, O people of connection, a time has passed and you lacked affection and connection when parting, my soul has gone to you, and he who has no soul owns it with treachery when you went after the one with the heart’s desires. I wish that which is gone would be today his return so that the heart softens and its breezes waft and embrace my desires from his desires. I miss him. Ahmed Gadallah 69- Ahmed Jadallah said to me, “What are your eyes doing on my coast?” Her looks are arrows occupying my mind. I told her, “Your heartbeat is pulsing behind my ribs. My longing for you increases, and my gaze at you lengthens to see what is pulsing inside me.” She said to me, “What is pulsing inside you?” I said, “Something of your hidden beauty.” Your pulse or your soul is hovering between my ribs. My gaze wanders your coasts, and Morsi no longer gets lost in the depth of your beauty, and I do not know that my morning has come. She said, “I am not surprised by your speech, for your looks are flirting with me, but what is your heart doing between my ribs and caressing my feelings all the time? Ahmed Gadallah 70 - Rahal Ahmed Gadallah. Conditions are not the same. Every condition is different from No matter how much we go through this world to change our situation, no matter how much we go, conditions remain the same until they remain the same because we do not remain the same. Our request is always impossible. Whenever what we need is achieved, it becomes less attainable. Life passes and ends in travel. We always live preoccupied with our minds and we do not find a solution in any way. Our thoughts sink into the greed of life. In tyranny, life passes and ends in wandering, as if life begins and always remains in combat, and there is no room for calm and breathing in life. Conflict between people increases, arguments increase, and thought consumes minds like a rebellious, arrogant opponent. The situation remains as it is and conditions do not change. Greed has always not given peace of mind and is always the balance of the mind. All conditions are similar to each other, as if they are bound by shackles, except for the state distinguished by morals, contentment, and benevolence. When it comes to you, worries will disappear from you and the impossible will be replaced by beauty. Hate and greed are like poison, so do not let it get from your heart. Be a traveler of goodness in life, striving and resisting hatred and deception with bravery, and do not be easily accessible to it so that you will always have peace of mind. Ahmed gadallah 71- Al-Weam Ahmed Jadallah I said, “What is sweeter than purity and harmony? They both come and go and say peace, and you did not take anything with you on the day of completion other than what you did in your life, so that clouds do not fall upon you. Increase your friendliness and sincerity, and be well-spoken in words, and do not be harsh in heart, and always be modest so that it does not fall upon you.” Blame and do not make anyone angry, and do not let quarrels last forever. Be pure in heart and replace quarrels with harmony, and do not withhold your bad morals from anyone. Have a good dream and clothe his heart and mind with the garment of sickness, for the existence remains and with connection all sickness disappears until in your remembrance they are sweetened with good speech. How sweet is life with serenity and love among people and without it there is no malice. And with morals, friendship always flows between them, so no one remains each, coming and going in this world and saying peace Ahmed Gadallah 72 - He restored my heart, Ahmed Gadallah. He restored my heart as much as you could and embraced me. My thirst for your eyes flogs me every evening. My longing for you increases my wounds. My life wasted in vain in your distance. I searched for you in every way. The paths of love, but my heart is tired of misery. The body is not useful to be alone, and the soul and the heart step behind you with longing and longing. The soul with hopes lives its life, and the eye in your distance is enough for it to cry. For every soul its twin soul, prepare for me my soul, my soul is lost in the sky, restore my heart, I long for its pulse, for my heart is faithful to it, my heart is tired. Out of habit, and the tenderness of affliction increased, my heart returned as much as I could, and embraced me. My thirst for your eyes flogs me every evening. Ahmed Gadallah 73 - It clogs my eyelids, Ahmed Gadallah. When sadness comes to me at night and sleep takes away from my eyes, it steals my dreams from me and clogs my eyelids. I stay up alone, conversing with my soul in terrible silence, as if I see it in front of me. He hears my call and knows nothing about my sorrows. I say to sadness when my eyelids were covered. Did you not take a day to rest from me and let my eyes enjoy the embrace of my eyelids? Sleep has fallen from us and gone and has not rested at night. My eyelids have been cushioned by sleep at night. He has been sitting with them at night and after nights, and silence stays with me and with me everywhere. I do not talk to anyone but my soul in silence. A terrible echo that glows between my ribs and the flame of longing increases with the beats of my heart. How long will sadness prevail over my eyelids? Haven’t you been a day away from me? Happiness comes to my heart just as it came to those around me. My heart is in misery, torn by pulses. When treachery made silence stay with me and sleepiness reigned over my eyelids, Ahmed Gadallah 74- I am waiting for him, Ahmed Gadallah. I am waiting for him, and I know that he is He will not return, and waiting has become a habit, and life remains lost, and appointments have lost their eagerness, and time has become stagnant, and things have fallen one by one, and tears have flowed down the cheeks. It was a dream, and I waited, and I know that he will not return. I still repeat his name, with limitless love. Was waiting a waste of time, wasting the best days of our lives, and my heart has become in love with him, lost and torn apart? The soul and wishes increased and the groaning increased in my ribs, so it was that promised love. I was and still am waiting for him, with my hands and my heart. He has the most beautiful roses. Will he come to me and fulfill the promises he said? So today my heart has become missing. Ahmed Gadallah 75 - By your right, I underestimate Ahmed Gadallah. Do not ever think that you are forgotten, for you are truly in oblivion. A person's feeling is often his evidence, so there is no need to exhaust yourself with suspicions. If someone changes your mind, it will be a peace of mind for your thoughts to be kept secret, and there is no need for you to blame anyone. If the promise is true, then you do not need to blame one day, for it is as it is, and it is clearly stated. Suspicion against people is unfair to yourself and to others if it is not yours. Evidence or proof. If one day someone has changed over you, leave him and it will be better for you to forget, for reproach does not benefit the one who does it, but rather increases his humiliation. If the one who is blaming has changed over you and has disdained you, then do not think and live in life with peace of mind and do not give any attention to someone who has no value, because one day your right will be underestimated. Ahmed gadallah 76- Why do you ask Ahmed Gad Allah? Why do you ask about pain? What did he do to me? Leave me in a state of sleep. I am tired of the pain. It left me with a mark on my forehead with the lines of the oppression of time on me, and the eye is covered with injustice and the oppression of people. In me, all of my features have changed, and sadness controls me all the time, no matter how much men oppress me for adhering to the truth and not being flexible. I will never bow down, even if everyone gathers against me. I am better, dear soul. For anyone other than God, I do not kneel, no matter how hard I am beaten. An ax hit on the ground brings goodness to people and to all common people. I adhere to the truth and treat people with all friendliness and love. Even if one of them betrays me, I force my thoughts to the oppressed, even if there is no material benefit. A kind word. The scent of musk sweetens wounds and heals hearts. The burden of sorrow. And don’t ask me about the pain. What did I do to me? The heart is done with darkness, and the time of truth has disappeared. The benefit has become for companionship, and the rosy dreams have ended. Ahmed Gadallah 77- Symbol of Elevation Ahmed Gadallah. You are not like the rest, running after attention. You, my heart, are a symbol of advancement looming. In the horizons with all glory and pride, do not ever be like the hearts of the unfortunate, clinging to those who come to you and wave words that come from faded hearts that want to forget a love that was miserable, and when its grief is over, it leaves and runs away like cowards. Stop making noisy journeys at the points of brokenness, for you are a symbol of advancement in a time full of decline. And the lack of sincere feelings, so meeting began to happen without feelings and without effort, and words began to be written to anyone, whether a stranger or a relative, so they understood in the text equally. Do not be like them, and do not stoop toward signs of brokenness, and loom on the horizons with all noise and misery, and a day does not come to you when sleep does not escape your eyes and you complain, for no one listens to you. A call, and the night rises in remembrance, and the stars break their hearts for you in sorrow due to long supplications. Always be firm. May the fire of passion never approach you, nor will you know from a weak spot in your heart a hideout. And do not fall with the arrow of an eyelash, or the days may afflict you with a love full of misery, and your grievance will always be in the air, and your days will be tormented in trouble, so be always. A symbol of advancement, so that you will never be in mourning. Ahmed Gadallah 78- Femininity is Ahmed Gadallah’s robe. Femininity is a robe that does not fit all women. Be not like all women. Enjoy dignity and pride. Beautiful and delicate, illuminated by purity. Love the truth and the truth is the limit of the sky, and hate flattery, lies, and hypocrisy. And if you open your heart once, you will not It never opens to annihilation. Do not believe in love twice. Loving an orphan with you is better than a thousand afflictions. Your femininity teaches you the lesson without the letters Alif and Ya. When you smile, it is the brightness of the morning and the calm of the evening. No one knows what love and happiness is in your heart. Or if your heart carries a mourning funeral. Make your femininity a garment that is not of everyone’s size. Women, so do not ever be troubled by the unfortunate. Let the love in your heart illuminate your life with serenity and purity. Speak calmly and with all dignity and modesty. Do not be like all women. Wear the robe of femininity with all pride and pride. Ahmed Gadallah 79- Touching the Soul Ahmed Gadallah. I will come to your soul and hear your whisper, and if I try to touch you, I will not reach you. Say, O my pure soul. Did you come to me or is this your imagination? Your imagination follows me in every place, and if I come close to it, I will embrace it, but I cannot reach you. My eyes are no longer lost, sad, and yearn day and night to see your smile. And beware of believing my lips, if I smiled with them, I would heal wounds and fires away from you. Hearts in distance never remain calm, for they spend the night in a painful fire. From abandonment and the hurt of your abandonment, in your distance, I always long for your touch. My soul yearns for you, but I do not have you. Ahmed Gadallah 80- Do not eat falsehood. Ahmed Gadallah. I told you, do not eat falsehood and do not waste truth. One day will come and you will be hungry for truth. There is no good except the one who eats truthfully and does not oppress anyone with falsehood. Do not walk on the earth in joy. And do not mock those who have a right. One day you will see the eyes of people looking down upon you, and in front of you is what you have gathered with falsehood, and you cannot enjoy it with right. Days will pass, and then no one will benefit except he who eats rightly. Support right over wrongdoing, and take the hand of every oppressed person, and be his supporter over whoever attacks the weak with his authority, so that every tear that falls may dry up, and do not be wasted. The right to falsehood without sin and you will be the killer. Remember the grace of your Lord upon you. You were once idle and now you are able. Do not eat the truth with falsehood. At the end of your life you will be buried in the grave and nothing will benefit you except the truth over falsehood. Ahmed Gadallah 81- Women’s Desires Ahmed Gadallah I do not know what women’s desires are then. I tried to understand women. It takes effort and trouble from you. You find among them those who enjoy pride and a kind heart. All the purity in her outward appearance is pride, and her heart calls out to you gently and secretly. Among them are those whom you find soft and simple, and her smile is all happiness and serenity, but her anger is like the waves of a raging sea. She flees before her before she drowns, and no one hears your call. Among them Whoever finds it all calm and tranquility is an angel who walks on the earth. She heals the wounded heart and removes all estrangement from him. There is one quality in all women. They have pure, pure hearts that do not bear any hatred. They are merciful to the weak and always enjoy loyalty. But beware of the stubbornness of women, as this will cost you a lot of trouble. Never declare rebellion and harshness. You will be exposed to strong winds. It is severe, so you will not be able to resist its horrors, and at that time you will be like the weak, and you will destroy all the signs of the path to your heart, and you will never be able to go back. I advise you that your relationship with her be all love and loyalty, so that your days will be calm and you will enjoy pleasant encounters. No matter what I write, I do not know what women’s desires are. Ahmed Gadallah 82- You made me taste the sweetness of passion. Ahmed Jad God, you made me taste the sweetness of passion and left me, and you afflicted me with love, so you killed me. In your love, my heart belongs and is submissive, hoping for satisfaction from you and does not bend. Be cruel to me, and I do not know my mistake. And my heart always bows when you look upon me. I forgot my love for you and my affection, and you did not keep the covenant of passion between us. Then you oppressed me and engraved your letter deep in my heart and made your pulse. In the folds of my heart, my home, I gave you a love that bloodied my eye, and you were cruel to me with your treachery, and in your love you buried me. You took in your love the beating of my heart for a lifetime, and with the arrow of your treachery in the heart you stabbed me. No one has ever tasted oppression in his heart like what you did to my heart and you put me to death after you made me taste the sweetness of passion and killed me. Ahmed Gadallah 83- The beloved Ahmed Gadallah has passed away. The beloved departed and consoled me with his connection, as if my soul had departed with his journey. I remember him day and night. His spirit comes to me, speaking to me with his voice and his words. He reminds me of my life that passed with him. My life with him and his actions since his departure. I live alone and my heart groans night and day. He talks to me. He follows me. He pursues me even as I take my steps. His imagination follows me. My soul goes from me to him. It follows him and leaves. My heart is alone, searching for him in a place that brought us together when we met, hoping that she would see him or see his beauty and return to me without meeting him. His departure made my heart tear up with its beats and the tears of my eyes flowed at his abandonment of my heart and his bad actions and I walked away. I am alone, suffering from my loneliness and his departure. Nothing in the world comforts me except that my heart wants reconciliation. The beloved has departed and consoled me with his connection. It was as if My soul has gone away Ahmed Gadallah 84- Ahmed Gadallah has afflicted us. You have afflicted us with a good heart. Let the wailing come upon us. Why is the world running between us and in our lives oppressing us? This wailing is riding on you. And the one who stole the right from us. Everything about you is upside down in its state. All the time it is coming upon us. You have gone, the flower of our youth, and you have gone too. A flash from our eyes We have removed the truth from our shoulders, and all that is ours is lost in you. The wailing looks at us with all hatred and joy in us. Our fear has increased for those of us. We do not hold the truth in our hands. We do not know how to take it from them. It is not over. The right is lost in us. A laugh that has disappeared - a shot that has marred his rosary and has been torn from our hands. Why, O world, the smell of your cruelty? It always comes to us if we ask for the truth. Weeping also gives advice, and the laughter of his eyes exposes what lives inside his heart. It is not howling. It also gives advice. This is the one who stole the right from us. A creation that saw a creation that reproached us. But with what was written, we were satisfied with the wind of your hatred, no matter how cold it brought. Your Lord has not forgotten us. You have afflicted us. Ahmed Gadallah 85- Ahmed Gadallah’s Hiding I did not know that I would never see my loved ones and be far from them, and there would be a disappearance between us, and the days would pass, and my heart would long for a moment of containment from them. The night would lengthen in my staying up late, and the breezes of the air would change in their distance, and life would change, and I would not be happy with moments for myself in which the distances between us groaned, and our love felt the longing of strangers, and the heart still carried. A love that cannot be overcome by annihilation, and my heartbeats were scattered in sorrow with a groan that lit up in the atmosphere, and I saw no sorrow other than the one that drove me to hide. When I see the gathering of lovers with affection and serenity, the moment of meeting will come, and my heart will be happy with him with an overflow of love and generosity. Ahmed Gadallah 86 - Hurt-hearted Ahmed Gadallah. I saw his eyes, so I asked for Wydad to come closer to him and he would push him away. Stubbornness increases the beat of my heart with my ribs, so my heart beats with its desires willingly. It is led. The thought of me makes mistakes and it thinks that my heart is lacking in guidance. Longing almost sheds my tears and I leave without knowing it. I almost collected the good deeds with all longing and gave him of love what he wanted. I blame my eyes when they see his eyes. You make my heart deprived of sleep. And if I call him with my voice, he does not come. He insists on stubbornness, and when I call him, my voice becomes hoarse, so inanimate objects yearn for him. Did my eyes sin when they saw him, so he punishes me and insults me with affection for every two in love there is a meeting, but the love between us is a distance. I came to you with all love and longing, and you are the one who struck your heart with stubbornness, and you rejected the long affection between my heart and yours, and you left me in the embrace of your love with a wounded heart. gadallah 

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