...To you.. Written by the satirical writer.. Muhammad Abali. اليك بقلم الكاتب الساخر. محمد عبلي.

إليك ،،،،،!

إليك أبث 




إليك أسبح 

ضد التيار


 لا اآباه،،

اليك أهدي

 الورده البيضاء



اليك اهدي

 نبض قلبي



إليك يهيم 

الفؤاد مشتاقا ياساكنه


اليك أسافر

 ف عيونك



فأنت الأماني

 وأنت القلب



وأنت نسيم 




وأنت صفحة





وأنت بدر


 ف سما الليل


وأنت سلسبيل

 نبع خمر





 ما بقي

 من العمر،،





لا أنساه،،

،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،محمد عبلي

To you,,,,,! To you I send my passion and longings a song. To you I swim against the current, my love, I do not care. To you I offer the white rose and the pepper I am like. To you I offer the pulse of my heart, for you are its life. To you the heart wanders longing, you who inhabit it. To you I travel in your eyes, the dream of life. You are the hopes. And you are the heart that I love, and you are the morning breeze spreading its dew, and you are the page of the Nile and its butterfly caressing its waves, and you are a full moon that sparkles in the night sky, its sweet spot, and you are a spring of wine for the thirsty person in its emptiness, to you I dedicate, my beloved, what remains of my life, love, longing and adoration. Immortal and never forget,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Muhammad Abali 

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