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.. Under the ivy tree.. Written by. Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamalabi.. تحت شجرة اللبلاب بقلم. هويدا محمد الحسن عثمان الكاملابى..

تحت شجرة اللبلاب


ساد بيننا هجر وفراق

بعد ان كان حبنا هادئ وراق

وأصبحت الليالى مرة المذاق

وتعبنا وسئمنا والصدر منا ضاق

ابتعد يوما بعد يوم وكان الغياب

وكان يشد حبل الهجر وتملص بانسياب

وتملص من وعوده كمن يخلع الثياب

والهم والغم ملء رأسه شيب

بعد أن كان حبا فرحا واطياب

برزت منه مخالب وأنياب

وتولنى منه خوف وهياب

وقال انه عن حبى قد تاب

وقال قولا بالمنطق وأناب

وانه عاد الى رشده وأثاب

وان ظنه بى وبحبى قد خاب

وظن ان رايه سديد ولقلبى طعن واصاب

وظن اننى احتمل غيابه اذا غاب

وان حياتى بدونه فرح مستطاب

وجلسنا بعد هجر نتناقش تحت اللبلاب

وفجاة ظهر قبس من نور محبة اواب

ولقلوبنا ذاب جليدها وأصاب

ورجع بنا العهد بعد ان تاب


هويدا محمدالحسن عثمان الكاملابى

Under the ivy tree ************* abandonment and separation prevailed between us after our love was calm and refined, and the nights became bitter, we were tired and fed up, and our chest became tight. He moved away day after day, and absence was and was tightening the rope of abandonment, and he evaded smoothly and evaded his promises. Like one who takes off his clothes, worry and grief fill his head with gray hair. After it had been love, joy, and spices, claws and fangs emerged from it, and fear and apprehension took hold of me. He said that he had repented of my love and said a word with reason and repented, and that he had returned to his senses and repaid, and that his belief in me and my love had been disappointed and he thought that his opinion was right, and my heart was stabbed and injured. He thought that I would tolerate his absence if he was gone, and that my life without him was a complete joy. After abandoning us, we sat discussing under the ivy, and suddenly a ray of light from Awab’s love appeared, and the ice of our hearts melted and became afflicted, and the covenant was restored to us after he repented, with my pen... Howaida Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Al-Kamil Abi. 

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