::::::::::::::::::: الله أدرى ::::::::::::::::::::
إذا لاقيتَ في دُنياكَ عُسرا
ستلقى بعد حالِ العُسرِ يُسرا
ولو أضناكَ في الدُّنيا بلاءٌ
تَصَبَّر فالصبور ينالُ أجرا
ولا تَحزنْ لفاجعةٍ تراها
فلن تلقى مِن الأحزانِ نَصرا
وظنْ باللهِ ربّ العرشِ خَيراً
فإنَّ اللهَ بالأحوالِ أدرى
فقد يأتي وراءَ الغمِّ سَعدٌ
ترى الخيرات بعد الشرِّ تترى
فلو..ما مَسَّ يُوسفَ مِن بلاءٍ
ولم يُلقَ بقعرِ الجُبِّ غَدرا
ولم يَنظُرْ مِن النِّسوان كيداً
ولم يُسجنْ وظل يَعيش حُرَّا
لَمَا كانَ الأمين على العطايا
ولا صارَ السَّجين عزيز مصرا
:::::::::::::::::: God knows best :::::::::::::::::::: If you encounter hardship in this world, you will encounter hardship after it. ease, even if affliction in this world burdens you, be patient, for the patient will obtain a reward, and do not grieve over a calamity that you see, for you will not find any of your sorrows with victory. And think of good in God, Lord of the Throne, for God knows best of circumstances. Behind grief may come happiness. You will see good things come after evil. If... no affliction had touched Joseph and he had not faced a bottom. The forehead He was treacherous, and he did not see the women's plot, nor was he imprisoned, and he continued to live freely, since he was not trustworthy with the gifts, and the prisoner did not become dear and adamant.
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